My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1609: Let's change it?

1609Let's change it?

"Dear Lee, I really have information to tell you."

Theresa picked up the glass and handed one of them to Li Fan, "You don't even want to drink my wine, right?"


Li Fan took the glass and took a sip slowly. This seems to be Teresa's own red wine, which looks pretty good. However, Li Fan didn't know much about wine tasting, and he didn't know what was good or not.

"I don't know much about the intelligence of your Chinese people at this contest."

Theresa raised her beautiful legs and pulled out her phone from a strap above. Li Fan saw that there was a condom in the pocket next to the strap!

"Look, there are several good players in the world this time. In addition to the **** Parkson you met during the day, there is also a French warrior named Tiger who is a white tiger."

Theresa brought up a picture of a huge man with a white tiger hood.

"I heard that this man was born with a tiger-like power and was an outstanding professional wrestler in France. Later, he seemed to go to the United States to fight wwe."

"What is wwe?"

Li Fan listened for a moment.

"World Wrestling Entertainment is abbreviated as wwe, should you have heard of it?"

"Well, I've heard this. I loved watching it when I was young. It was fun."

Li Fan often watched wwe when he was in junior high school. Later, he was discovered by adults. He was banned because he was worried that Li Fan would have a tendency to violence in the future! After growing up, Li Fan heard that wwe was all acting, he didn't know if it was true or not, anyway, it was quite enjoyable.

"Those games are just pediatrics."

Theresa waved her hand, "What really excites the western people is this wwe, also known as the Dark World Wrestling Entertainment! In this place, there are almost no rules, victory is the ultimate goal! White Tiger Warrior Tiger, is The top player on wwe! He has never failed on wwe! The people who fight with him will be crippled and die, there is nothing to end. "

"Oh, this guy is so amazing!"

Li Fan raised his eyebrows and was really excited to be able to play against such players in the world.

"There is another, this mysterious hero from the US Emperor, on the 9th."

Theresa showed the No. 9 profile. It was a handsome man in a uniform and a mask. Although he looks the same as Li Fan, No. 9's gene has been strengthened, his physical body is even more arrogant, and his height is close to 1.9 meters. Each muscle is half like a stone, and looks full of strength.

"He has half the position of God in the hearts of the American emperor. It is said that he is a real version of Superman and is believed by the American emperor!"

"It looks so good."

"But it is said that No. 9 has always been accompanied by a female reporter named Windsor, which seems to be the No. 9 agent."

"Maybe this Windsor is important for the number nine."

Li Fan faintly felt that it was Windsor who changed the number nine ... because this Windsor's appearance is indeed a good beauty. Blond and Teresa. And what's commendable is that Windsor is cute with a little porcelain doll. Besides, it is exactly the type Li Fan likes. If No. 9 was a person cloned from his own genes, he would have an admiration for this beautiful girl called Windsor. With such feelings, even on the 9th, it is estimated that Windsor will not be shot. If Windsor could be more eloquent ... Maybe it could really affect the number nine.

"Good fortune."

"Dear Li, why are you feeling this way?"

Theresa was originally puzzled, and suddenly smiled, "That's right, it must be God ’s arrangement that let me know you. Dear Li, I really like you, and your strength makes me uncomfortable, Oh……"

With that, she opened her arms and leaned into Li Fan's arms.

Li Fan wanted to push Teresa away, but it seemed that Teresa was getting a little bit desire-fire rose, but she was not willing to push the beauty in her arms away. Theresa smiled slightly proudly at the corner of her mouth. She put a little aphrodisiac in the wine and sprayed aphrodisiac perfume deliberately.

The reason for this is that, first, she does like this mysterious and powerful Chinese man. They French women are pursuing romance and love. Since there are such men, they are naturally willing to seek a night of love. Second, she also wanted to approach Li Fan and find out what such a powerful secret was on Li Fan. The mysterious Chinese martial arts are not something you just learn. I heard that they have always had a vision of China. That is why the great Chinese martial arts was almost lost in the end, leading to a situation of modern indifference.

If she can learn this magical inner force, then she can also be qualified to fight for fame on wwe! Theresa also likes to pursue martial arts and the feeling of victory!


In this state of * aggression, Li Fan lifted up his internal forces and circulated in the meridians for several weeks, forcing the emotional poison brewing in his body out!

Li Fan also instantly regained his soberness, and finally pushed Teresa, who was already a little confused. Since being a dragon knight, Li Fan has a long memory. This kind of * is really unplayable, it's too easy to happen! Not to mention, since Teresa can find her room, Liang Ru, Murong Ying, they have a chance to find it, right? Let them both see that they are messing with a big horse ... what do you want them to think!

Li Fan didn't want to be hunted down by two women, so he stiffly put away his own thoughts that he shouldn't have.

"Why, dear Lee?"

When Teresa reached out, she had grasped Li Fan's key points.

"You see, you all welcome me so much, don't you? Oh my God, your size doesn't look like an Oriental!"

"Of course we in the East also have talents ... well ... master!"

Li Fan opened Teresa's small hand, lowered *, stood up, and looked at Teresa again.

"Theresa, I respect you, but please also respect me. Our Chinese people's concept of love is more traditional and conservative, I hope you can understand."

"Dear Lee, what are you worried about?"

Theresa was a little reconciled, and someone could ignore her charm.

"I won't let you take care of anything. We French people clearly separate love and marriage."

"We Chinese are different!"

"But you are derailed, marital change, the probability of a third party is very high!"

"This ... Always, there are always some exceptions! Keke, okay, Theresa, let's do this. I'll teach you internal strength. How about you dismiss me?"

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