My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1610: Are you wrestling?

1610 Are all wrestling here?

Li Fan saw that Teresa had made up her mind today, so she decided to follow a curve to save the country and let Teresa change her mind.

"Dear Lee, you have made it difficult for me to choose."

Theresa licked her lips. "Can't I have it all?"

"Of course not!"

Li Fan emphasized, "In our Huaxia, there is a saying that you can't have both fish and bear's paw!"

"Well, dear Lee, it seems I can only make one choice."

Theresa said, with her own charm, sooner or later, she would have the opportunity to overthrow Lee! After all, he is a famous big beauty. Even if Li Fan has perseverance, he is at least a man, right? Raising him slowly will surely make him fall under his pomegranate skirt!

"Then learn this magical internal force with you first. What should I do? Can I have internal force?"

"It stands to reason that at your age, it is already very difficult to develop internal strength."

"Ah? Is it impossible?"

"No, no, thankfully you met me."

Li Fan said, suddenly came behind Teresa, and put a palm on her back.

"doing what……"

Without waiting for Teresa to react, a powerful internal force poured from Li Fan's palm into her body. Theresa couldn't help but reach out her hands, and found a silver-white air current entangled in her hands.

"This, is this true?"

"That's right, it's a little bit stronger than it is."

Li Fan nodded, "I have left a certain level of internal force in your body, and by the way opened up your meridians. This internal force will automatically circulate in your body. Although it cannot strengthen your Dantian, it can still absorb your food The energy gained in the process. You can only regenerate the internal force you use. You can use the internal force in your body for ordinary combat. "


Theresa felt the air flowing in her hands. She was very excited, so she tried to control the two air flows and began to converge on her hands.

Soon, two white air masses condensed on the palm of her hand and kept spinning.

"That's great. Is this really energetic, and how powerful is it?"

"Power ... try it out in the practice room yourself."

Li Fan yawned, "I'm tired and need to rest."

"Okay, I'm going to the practice room! Dear, see you tomorrow! I will cheer for you!"

Teresa was still a martial artist. She had new power and immediately put on her clothes. The **** ran to the gym downstairs.

"It's finally liberated."

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief and sent this avid French girl away, and the rest was easy to say.

He glanced at the wide platform outside, and he stretched his back, then lay straight on the bed. No matter who came to him tonight, he would ignore it! There will be a contest at seven tomorrow morning. Let's get up for breakfast at six!

Before the contest, Li Fan didn't want to make himself so nervous. He lay on the bed and soon fell asleep. In his sleep, he seemed to see another Fang Xiaoxue.

When Li Fan woke up, he found his pillow was a bit wet.

"Well, another day."

Li Fan sorted out his mood, he put on the sportswear of Yingwumen and opened the door.

It's still quiet outside, after all, it's only the top 32, I'm afraid it will become lively after the quarter-finals, right?

At seven o'clock, the top 16 will be selected, and there is still time for breakfast. But before Li Fan went out, a staff member brought breakfast to Li Fan.

"Sir, this is your breakfast. Please go to the third platform after eating."

"Ah, all right."

How come breakfast was delivered to the room? It seems that the people in Tianwu Pavilion also think very clearly, for fear that these contestants will have the opportunity to contact before the game, and then start?

"Please use it slowly."

The staff left after breakfast. Li Fan simply ate a bit. Now he can absorb the vitality of the world. However, he doesn't have too strong a demand for food. He just likes to eat and has a mouthful.

"Dear, you get up so early."

When Li Fan went to the No. 3 ring platform, he bumped into Teresa again. The girl seemed to recognize him, and surrounded him all the time.

"Hey, Teresa, haven't you all been eliminated ... go back to France sooner, don't you miss your homeland?"

"Of course the motherland misses it, but I miss you more dear."

Theresa squeezed her eyes at Li Fan. Today she is a white shirt with black Korean shorts on her lower body. She followed Li Fan closely, as if she was afraid that Li Fan would be lost.

"Where is the third ring stand, dear."

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I can go with you!"

"I wipe, why are you going in?"

"I can help you."


Li Fan was serving Teresa, this girl really depends on herself! Fortunately, Liang Ru, they will not be here, otherwise they will definitely be in trouble!

Li Fan had to give up the plan to urinate and obediently came to the third ring. Theresa, as a friend, can also enter and watch.

He came early, and his opponent has not appeared yet. Only Li Fan was on the ring. Li Fan looked at the time, it was seven o'clock, and the other party was late?

"Hey, referee, the opponent didn't come. Shouldn't he be considered a loser?"

Li Fan didn't say anything, but Teresa approached the referee.

When the referee saw this beautiful blonde, he was embarrassed to say something else and was about to announce it. At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a group of journalists rushed in, surrounded by a blonde and white foreign man.

"Hey, hey, this is the top thirty-two, no onlookers are allowed!"

The referee hurriedly spoke to the reporters, but all of them ignored him and shot wildly at the blond and white men.

"Oh, why is this arrogant."

Theresa sighed.

"Who is this?"

Li Fan asked while moving his muscles. Anyway, he was not in a hurry. One hour was enough to complete the competition. At nine o'clock, it's time for the top 16.

"He is a wwe player, nicknamed Titan."

Teresa told Li Fan, "He is the world champion of WWE for the past two years. I heard that even the white tiger, he did not look at it, always wanted to make that tiger a sick tiger.

Theresa * for a while *, "This buddy is very expensive to play, why do you think this is coming?"

"After all, there is a bonus in the first place."

Li Fan smiled, "It's okay, so I'll practice with him."

"Be careful, this man is capable, though arrogant."

Theresa reminded Li Fan, and at this time, Titan had reached the ring, and stretched out three fingers to Li Fan, "Three minutes, let you lie out!"

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