My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1611: Is Titan strong?

Is the 1611 Titan strong?

The cameras around kept shooting, and the flash kept on hitting Titan. This man named Titan is indeed a handsome and handsome man. The sun is bright. He poses in front of the camera and allows the reporters to take pictures.

"Be sure to be handsome. Our Titan can take pictures of you. It ’s for your face in the media, you know?"

The agent was standing beside him, who was arrogant and martyred to these people.

The reporters didn't care, their focus was on Titan.

"Titan, are you determined to win this contest?"

"How did you consider coming to Huaxia to participate in this contest?"

"Don't these opponents make you feel too weak?"

These reporters raised their microphones, ignored the competition, and kept on interviewing Titans.

Titan hugs her arms in her hands, wearing a golden cloak, and smiles proudly.

"The reason I came to such a place condescendingly was just to fulfill my old promise! White tiger, I want to defeat him completely in this remote and backward land!"

Li Fan frowned, and what the man said was a little disliked. In the end, it was an international competition, and it was really something anyone could encounter. However, the martial arts fighters on their own side also have this virtue, Li Fan is also embarrassed to talk about others.

"Others are just stepping stones. Only white tigers are my enemies!"

Titan issued a declaration of victory.

"I will hit him, and then I will get this Chinese martial arts leader!"


The applause, the flash, and the sound of the camera's photos gathered into a strange music that made Li Fan a little irritable.

"This player, please start your game now!"

The referee picked up the horn and hurriedly urged, "If you don't start, you will lose the game!"

"What to urge, do not understand politeness."

Instead, Titan taunted, "Why don't I say that, it only takes three minutes to solve your sick man in East Asia. Those Chinese warriors we met before are too weak and boring."

Li Fan glanced at the referee, who nodded.

"I announced that the thirty-two competitions have officially started!"

As soon as the voice fell, Titan hooked Li Fan, which meant that you should get started. Li Fan was also welcome. He walked to Titan's side, and tentatively patted him on the lower abdomen!


Titan's body was motionless, Li Fan's eyebrows couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. I used a little internal force to deal with the muscular man who was two meters high before, but it was useless to deal with this wrestler called Titan? It seems that the muscles on his body have reached a very exaggerated level?

"Oh, didn't you eat enough?"

Titan sneered, "Why don't you call your East Asian sick man with little energy! Is this a fist? This is a fist!"

Then, Titan hit an uppercut directly on Li Fan's chin.


Li Fan's body was beaten up, and then fell on the ring.

"Oh my God!"

Theresa couldn't help but exclaim, would he be defeated, dear Lee? The muscles of this Titan are so amazing that ordinary blows are ineffective for him! Couldn't Huaxia's magical inner strength deal with him? Theresa is a famous beauty in Europe and the United States. This man named Titan has also pursued herself, but Theresa really hates the arrogance of him, so she did not agree!

"Oh, it's vulnerable."

Titan dismissed, "Referee, declare my victory!"

"Don't worry."

Li Fan sat up easily from the ground, rubbing his neck, and looking at the opposite Titan, "Come, go on."

"You're pretty good at fighting!"

The Titan was slightly surprised. He suddenly took off the cloak and threw it to the agent. Then he ran quickly, grabbed Li Fan with one hand, twisted his body, and walked behind Li Fan. fall!


Li Fan's head smashed onto the ring platform well, and the reporters beside him were exclaiming.

"Look, it's a German fall!"

"I ate this one directly, I'm afraid that the Huaxia person will die!"

"Yes, who can handle this trick! Tigers can't stand it!"

Reporters talked a lot, and Titan let go of Li Fan, stood up, and walked towards the agent.

"Call an ambulance. He's going to lie in the hospital for two months."

Just after the Titan's voice fell, Li Fan's voice rang again, "Will you not pay for the medical expenses?"


Titan turned back sharply, and found that Li Fan was standing behind him, nothing happened.


Before he finished speaking, Li Fan suddenly took a step forward, then greeted him with one palm, and printed it directly on Titan's abdomen.


This time, Titan's muscles didn't help him! He slid straight out, toward the edge of the ring. Titan resisted the pain and stopped his body stiffly.

But Li Fan came to him again, and Li Fan was not in a hurry. He was in the palms of his hands, as if hitting a target, one palm after another, and kept patting on Titan.

"Bang, bang!"

Li Fan hit more than a dozen palms in a row, and the Titans playing kept back.


Li Fan finally came out with both palms and patted on Titan's belly together.

Titan couldn't carry it anymore, and flew out, smashing the door of the room and falling outside the room.

"Sorry, it's a bit harder."

Li Fan told the agent, "Call him an ambulance. I expect he will lie in the hospital for two months."

The agent swallowed a spit and looked at the Titan, who had fainted, lying outside, wondering what to say.

Titan's trip to China ... was ended in this way. However, the reporters were excited and kept taking pictures of Li Fan. The image of the disciples of Yingwumen also appeared in major foreign media.

"My dear, you are the best!"

Theresa happily greeted her and held Li Fan's arm affectionately. "That arrogant man is too overwhelmed to challenge you!"

"He's pretty good."

Li Fan honestly said, "He is indeed the best among ordinary people."

It's a pity that he met himself, and this guy is bad luck!

The Thirty-two rounds are considered to be finished, and at nine o'clock, they will officially enter the top sixteen rounds!

"Please return to the lounge, take a break and wait for our notice."

The referee's attitude towards Li Fan also became respectful. This man is too powerful, and really gives Chinese people a fight!

"it is good."

Li Fan took Teresa's little tail and returned to his lounge in the flashes of a group of reporters. There is a large TV on the wall of the lounge, where the information of the selected candidates is looped.

Li Fan saw some familiar names in it, Murong Ying, Jiang Feng ... and ...

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