1612 Round of 16

Murong Ying, Jiang Feng, Liao Jue, these are absolute top figures.

Familiar with foreign countries is that Baisen, and No. 9 and white tiger from wwe!

A little further down are the heads of the six major schools. Except that the head of Emei was eliminated by himself, the other one, the head of Qingcheng, the ambitious Wang Zhen arrived.崆峒 The head of the cannon-like brain cannon, Long Baili also participated. In addition, Kunlun's wonderful dust is naturally not to be left behind. Wudang's head was born with a dull nature and did not follow, but his teacher Wu Yangzi participated. This Wuyangzi has more ambitions than his elder brother, a bit like the Wang Zhenyi of Qingcheng.

However, Wuyangzi seemed to be in the back of Emei, and was eliminated in the top thirty-two.

"Well? Who is this buddy?"

Li Fan saw a strange name, Niu Xueyan, head of Yingwumen?

Where does such a good come from? Dark horse?

Li Fan was a bit puzzled. From the list on the big screen, it seems that this guy eliminated Wuyangzi in the top 32!

In addition to them, the falling snow dance that relies on the sword, as well as the horse's Long Fangyu. Long Fangyu and Long Baili are brothers. I am afraid that the brothers will join forces again at this contest.

In addition, Li Fan followed two people. One is Wang Yue'e, a representative who came out of the Seven Xiamen. And the other, turned out to be the sage of the devil?

Dude, this woman who has some fate with herself dare to come out? And she also made her own name, but I taught the saint ... Did she also come to the third page of Zhenxianjue?

Speaking of the maiden, Li Fan remembered his own brother Liu Zhu, a good brother. I don't know if it was because the maiden was going to participate in the contest. Liu Zhu even took a leave of absence a few days ago and left for the mainland. Hey, this brother is good everywhere, it is the only one who can't let go of his heart, and teaches alone!

The maiden eliminated Wang Yue'e. Although this little girl has improved a lot, her combat experience is not enough. This is also an exercise for her. After all, it is not good for her to be in the top 16 of the seven chivalrous villas ... The name of this martial art seems to be no longer suitable for Huaxia, hey ...

And Liang Ru, this little girl even broke through thousands of troops and entered the top 16.

If you look at it like this, yourself, Murong Ying, Jiang Feng, Liao Jue, Bai Sen, No. 9, Wang Zhenyi, Long Baili, Miaochen, Yuxu, Niu Xueyan, Luo Xuewu, Dragon Fangyu, White Tiger, Virgin, Liang Ru , Exactly sixteen people! It is an international competition, but only three foreigners can reach the top 16 in the end, and one of them is still its own clone, a real Chinese descent!

For the West, I'm afraid it's quite embarrassing.

"This list of top 16 is quite deserved."

This list is not too different from Li Fan's expectation, except that Niu Xueyan is a bit surprising.

"My dear, you are awesome. You even made it to the top 16. It is a man I admire."

Theresa was about to stick again, but Li Fan hurriedly pushed her away.

"You ah ... are you really good at practicing, just come and stick to me?"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, this woman was almost a dog skin plaster.

"It's not because you're so attractive."

Theresa was not shy. "You are my sweetheart."

"Stop, we are not all the way, we must not go together."

"You don't have to come together, as long as you can enjoy the remaining two days with you."

Theresa said generously, "After all, romance is short-lived. I don't expect too much."

This is particularly romantic, but isn't the little white point of the translation *?

"Well, if you want, I can stay with you these two days and teach you some martial arts things. But emotional things, let's stop talking."

Li Fanyi pointed to the following platform, "In my mind, there is only this competition, he is very important to me and even to the future of mankind."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Theresa was surprised. "A martial arts lord, I don't even understand this concept. What is a lord?"

"The lord is just a title. Although this is important, reward is more important."

"A million? Not a lot, big masters like you, still lack money?"

Li Fan didn't know how to explain. At this time, his mobile phone WeChat rang, and opened it, it was Liu Fanfan's message.

"Sister, where are you, come out and drink with me! Damn, I lost!"

"Who did you meet?"

Li Fan had forgotten to pay attention to this cheap brother.

"Grandma's legs, I met the 9th emperor! This boy is a wicked man, who kicked me in one kick! He has a lot of strength, and it doesn't rely on internal strength, what the **** ..."

Liu Fanfan complained, "Come on, drink with me, I treat."

"No ... I have to play in the next game ..."

"Fuck, your kid is so good!"

Liu Bufan couldn't help shouting, "It's good to be in the top 16! Unfortunately, all of them are real masters. If you don't enter the top eight, there will be no bonus, hey!"

Liu Fanfan also sent a message to Li Fan, "I'll see your game in a while. Our contestants will get a front row ticket for the audience regardless of whether they are eliminated or not!"

This is not bad. I don't know if it is the arrangement of Tianwu Pavilion or the arrangement of Wushu General Administration. I still have some ideas.

"The competition time is about to start. Please prepare for each player's seat!"

Both the big screen and the mobile app began to notify Li Fan. Theresa had to temporarily leave Li Fan at this time and went to the auditorium.

At this time, in the open competition field, the surrounding audience was full! A total of 100,000 people in the stands are all densely packed! Many people even stood on the aisle and wanted to finish this game!

A world competition, absolutely watch!

The stands are surrounded by huge LCD screens on all sides. Countless small screens are connected together to form this four-sided giant screen! The information of sixteen players is displayed on the screen and provided to the audience in the stands!

At the same time, World Banking also made a bet for this competition. They found the best actuary and judged their winning percentage based on the combat effectiveness of the 16 players!

In this contest, the highest winning percentage turned out to be No. 9. After all, compared to the Chinese martial arts fighters, the name of No. 9 is better known.

Parsons and the White Tigers also have high win rates. This is the calculation of the actuaries.

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