My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1613: War between two women

1613 Two women's war

"Are you crazy?"

A well-known game company, when the boss saw the actuarial results of the actuary, his eyes widened, and he yelled at the actuary recruited from the East.

"How did you get your qualification certificate? Do you want me to go bankrupt? Pack up and get out of business. You don't deserve to be an actuary!"

"Boss, you fired me now, but soon you will regret it."

The actuary from the East pushed his glasses, and there was a hint of wisdom in his eyes.

"You look at the people in your country too much! How can their fighting power compare to those of Parkson and White Tiger?"

"I know them because I am from Huaxia."

The actuary insisted, "You are the boss, I am the actuary. It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but you will come back to me soon."

"Less nonsense, get rid of things!"

The boss kicked the actuary out of the door, and then glanced at the results of his top 16.

"Suddenly, Huaxia people will win? Nonsense! Go and invite us another German actuary. This time we will make a lot of money!"

The bankers are operating and waiting for a list of the top 16 games. As soon as the list comes out, they will start the market immediately.

Li Fan sat in his contestant's seat, looked through the glass window in front of him, and looked at the competition field outside. In his room, there is also such a huge LCD screen that he can see the player notifications above.

A host was already sitting in the high stands, he began to host the top 16 game through the microphone. At this time, the enthusiasm of the audience was also ignited, and cheers burst into waves. Many fans of the contestants also rushed over. The number 9 and white tigers were the most. The scene was very lively.

Around the stands, Li Fan saw several old men in grey robes. These old men looked ordinary, but gave Li Fan a sense of majesty.

Could it be that these people are from Tianwuge?

Tianwu Pavilion should be regarded as the most mysterious organization in Wulin. It only appeared when the leader of Wulin was elected, and every time it brought prizes that everyone couldn't refuse. This time, it turned out to be the third page of "True Magic"!

"The list of sixteen players has already appeared on the big screen. Please see, the names of the players have been disrupted, and random selection will be made next!"

The host's voice was enthusiastic and guided the mood of the audience. Li Fan looked at the names that were disrupted above, and murmured in his heart. Is this thing really fair?

"We have started to screen the list of players in the first round. Please watch the big screen!"

On that big screen, Murong Ying's beautiful appearance in cheongsam appeared on it. Dude, is this fiancee his first appearance?

The door of the player's bench in front of Murong Ying was opened, and the previous leader of the martial arts league stepped lightly and jumped more than ten meters away. The appearance of Murong Ying also cheered many people. There were many boys at the scene, all fans of Murong Ying. After all, it is the beauty leader, and it is not an exaggeration to have your own support group.

The second player's picture continued to turn, and soon, another familiar woman's face appeared on it.

"I wipe ... it's a coincidence ..."

Li Fan saw a falling snow dance wearing a long white dress and a blue dress!

These two women actually met ... I'm afraid it will be miserable ...

The leader of Yijian is also a beautiful fairy. Her long dress fluttered, and she landed lightly on the platform, standing opposite Murong Ying.

"The first player was our last martial arts ally, a very young and beautiful woman who is said to be the contemporary homeowner of Huaxia's most powerful Murong Villa! Gosh, her fan group is so strong that almost every field is in Cheers for her! I have to say that our beauty leader, wearing a cheongsam, is a deadly temptation-confusion! "

The host was showing off his lips, "And the beauty on the opposite side is not inferior. She is the leader of the Chinese martial arts organization, leaning on the sword to laugh at the breeze. Both are the leaders, but who is stronger, let us wait and see!"

"It looks like we are destined."

Luo Xuewu slowly pulled out the sword hanging on his waist, Jian Feng pointed at the Murong Ying opposite, "Come on, I will tell you, I am not the Luo Xue Dance of that year."

"it is good."

Murong Ying nodded, she stood with her hands on her back, watching Luo Xuewu, "I look forward to your challenge!"

As a holy master, Murong Ying is definitely qualified to say this!

"Ah, our ex-Wulin League leader really was domineering, and she readily accepted the challenge from the other party!"

The host continued to ignite emotions.

"Take it!"

Luo Xuewu is also a generation of masters. She seems to be concentrating on her cultivation in the recent period of time. Judging from the momentum she raised instantly, she should have made great progress. In the eyes of everyone, Luo Xuewu instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and then a sword swept towards Murong Ying.


Murong Ying lifted her jade legs and kicked the flying snow sword with a high kick.

But at this moment, Luo Xuewu waved a palm, with a cold frost, patted directly on the belly of Murong Ying with a cold palm.

However, Murong Ying also raised her right palm, and her palm was like a fire, with a golden chicken in an independent posture, one palm greeted.


The flesh palms of the two were photographed together, and Luo Xuewu's body slipped out immediately, and the skin became a little red.

Than internal force, Murong Ying is obviously much higher than Luo Xuewu. Moreover, Murong Ying also showed mercy to her men and did not use much skill.


Snow Snow Dance seems to have long expected that it is not Murong Ying's opponent in internal strength. But she is unique, but also has an alternative attack method! Luo Xuewu took a step back, stabilized his body, then turned his palms white, directly attached to his blade, and then wiped off!

This bright sword immediately condensed a layer of white frost on the field, and a layer of white ice formed on the blade, turning it into an ice sword!

"Murong Ying, pick up the sword!"

Luo Xuewu came to Murong Ying again, and the ice sword in her hand swept again and again, trying to hurt Murong Ying with the cold bones.

But Murong Ying was unmoved. She slightly opened her hands and controlled the internal force in her body. The outer hair condensed into a pink cherry blossom, which turned in front of her to form a shield, constantly blocking the falling ice sword.

Murong Ying's talent for turning reality into reality, after she reached the Holy Level, seemed to be much stronger.

"You are very good."

Murong Ying's eyes flashed with persistence, "But I'm not Murong Ying then!"

Then, she suddenly aimed at a gap in Luo Xuewu, and her **** suddenly hit her blade.

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