My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1654: Invasion of Lijia Island

1654 Invasion of Lijia Island

One day later, the great ship of the Emperor Wu Huang finally landed on Lijiadao.

The area of ​​Lijia Island is not particularly large, which is half the size of Beijing. And the central area on Lijia Island is a huge playground, known as the world's largest amusement facilities, and even Disney can't compare. In this playground, almost one fifth of the area of ​​Lijia Island is occupied! Have a trip inside, let alone three days and three nights, seven days and seven nights are actually no problem! This kind of super playground, although the daily maintenance cost is not low, but also attracts a continuous stream of tourists!

In amusement facilities, not only a variety of playgrounds, but also a variety of special areas. For example, in a gambling area like Las Vegas, gambling here is completely legal, but taxes are also very high. There is also a red light district next to it. Of course, this part of the area is an adult zone, and minors are absolutely not allowed to enter.

What Li Fan wants is this effect. As long as you have money, you can enjoy the heavenly feeling in this place. And there is no need to worry about your safety in this place, you can even spend money to hire security police to guard your travel around the clock. After all, people all over the world know that Lijia Island is an island with the first mercenary regiment. Here, happiness and safety coexist.

Many conditional families, as well as those who are tyrants and poor gentry, are willing to go to Lijiadao to spend their money for fun and burn money, which also makes Lijiadao's purse more and more full.

"Is this Lijiadao? Why is it so prosperous ..."

Niu Xueyan looked at Lijiadao's prosperous and lively port, and could not help frowning. Isn't it just a small broken island? I heard that a few days ago, there were still battles here, and the people on the island were fleeing, and there were almost no people left. It's only been a few years now, how can you make a broken island so good?

"Friends from afar."

While the ship was waiting to land on the island, four large sword guard armors flew from the air and stopped at the four corners of the ship. Each mech held a magnetic storm lance and aimed at the ship. .

And one of the mechas sent a reminder voice, "Please go to port three to land, thank you for your cooperation."

"What the hell!"

Seeing these mechs flying in the air, Niu Xueyan was stunned!

"This is a large sword guard, Li Jiadao's strategic weapon."

Jiang Feng introduced, "At present, it is the world's top strategic weapon, and it is not for sale."

Some masters of the US emperor were very jealous when they saw it. The birth of the great sword guard announced that the US emperor was no longer the world's most advanced armament country!

"Four big sword guards are enough to destroy our ship. Do what they do."

Jiang Feng gave a suggestion, "Li Fan's character should also hope that we fight in an unmanned place, so that innocent people will not be brought in."

"No matter what they do!"

The Emperor Wu snorted, and Jiang Feng continued to give advice.

"Her Majesty, if we go to war elsewhere, it will definitely hurt a lot of innocent people. In this way, we will become the enemy of the world. At present, we are not suitable for building too many enemies."

"Why do they say what we do?"

Niu Xueyan also opposed, "Maybe they set us a trap and wait for us to throw ourselves into the net! Hmm, Li Fan, that coward, he is absolutely afraid!"

"I know Li Fan better than you."

Jiang Feng glanced at Niu Xueyan, only to think that this buddy, like his uncle, was a guy with paste in his head!

"Are you proud? Know an enemy?"

"Why not proud?"

Jiang Feng's victory over Niu Xueyan, "You have a good military strategy, know yourself and know how to fight each other, haven't you heard of it?"


Niu Xueyan also found that he seemed to be unable to say Jiang Feng, "I think you are afraid of Li Fan!"

"I'm afraid, I'm not good at it. All I know is that I played against him for a few hundred rounds and won. Some people lost in three moves."


Niu Xueyan gas gritted his teeth, this bastard, after returning, he must let his second uncle punish him well!

"Well, don't make a noise."

The Emperor Wu reached out and stopped the quarrel between them. "No matter what means they use, we are not afraid. Since they want a battlefield, we meet them. Notify the captain and go to Port 3.

"Thank you for your cooperation, please come with us."

Four great sword guards guided them and continued sailing eastward. After walking a short distance, the crowd brightened and looked at a huge platform on the sea with some surprise. This platform has almost tens of thousands of square meters, a huge site, and it is still very empty. There is only a huge castle. On this, there is only one man standing, Li Fan.

After the four sword guards led the crowd, they stood on four pillars on each side, like statues.

"Li Fan, you have a lot of courage."

The Emperor Wu jumped directly from the ship, skipped a distance of tens of meters, and landed on the platform. A long distance away, he looked at Li Fan and said, "Suddenly facing the uncle's joint army?"

"Dare not to neglect."

Li Fan clenched his fists, "My people are naturally there."

Speaking, from a high tower on the island next to it, suddenly jumped down hundreds of Qixia sword guards! Each of these sword guards held a sharp chivalry sword in each hand, standing behind Li Fan. Subsequently, a beautiful woman in white fluttered from the sky and stood in front of the crowd, attracting the eyes of countless men, unwilling to remove her eyes.

This is one of the harems of Zhou Guifei, the undead evil Buddha, and Li Fan.

"Laoguan, see who killed many people today!"

Another handsome male priest who was more beautiful than a woman stepped on the light work and drifted down.

"Niubi, your kung fu is not suitable for killing."

Another red-faced man, wearing a green robe and carrying a moon knife, rode on a high-armed war horse, separated the crowd, and came out.

"Two defenders, don't forget the two of us."

Le Xiaohu and Jiang Ye both walked out, both of whom were proud fans of Li Fan. At this time, they would naturally step in.


The Buddhist monk Bodhi also ran out to join the fun, "This time the poor monks can finally have a good fight ... and then they will go to the female donors to teach the scriptures, so please hurry up."

Six more sword guards flew over and landed on the artificial island.

This artificial island was originally intended to be used as a luxurious water restaurant and extremely supporting community facilities. But now it just happens to be a battlefield before it affects the innocent people on the island. Here today, Li Fan swore to defend Li Jiadao.

"Just go ahead."

Bai Linluo stood at the rear and patted the summoning angel beside him, "The milk tube is enough!"

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