My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1655: Li Fan's rules of the game

1655 Li Fan's rules of the game

On Li Fan's side, talents are abundant, and the Emperor Wu is very jealous.

And he knows that this should be only part of Li Fan's strength, and he should still have some strength still hidden on the island.

"Li Jiadao welcomes you to challenge."

Li Fan pointed at the old castle just behind him. This castle is the super old castle hotel in the future. After the surrounding supporting facilities are completed, it will officially open for business. At this time, Li Fan intends to make good use of it, which can be considered a surprise to the Emperor Wu.

"Since everyone wants to deal with me, Li Fan, I give you two choices."

Li Fan raised his two fingers. "First, in accordance with my rules, participate in the challenge game I arranged for you. If I lose, I will let Li Fan leave it to my disposal. Second, fight here, live and die, my Li family Island, my Seven Knights Villa, never fear! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All the sword guards raised their long swords, yelled three times, and they were so murderous!

"Oh, I think you're crazy!"

Niu Xueyan has also been passed down, can't help but laugh at Li Fan, "Did you see how many people we have? Thousands of people! Why do we come in your way? You can easily kill you!"

"is it?"

Li Fan slammed his fingers, and hundreds of sword guards lined up a strange sword array, which turned around a thousand masters in turn!

"Here are 108 Qixia sword guards. They are playing the Super Four Elephant Sword Formation."

Li Fan smiled, "Can you break through their guards despite trying? Oh, by the way, if the Emperor Wu and Jiang Feng are going to take a shot, Zhou Guifei and I will play with you.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

The Emperor Wu was so angry that he had to follow his rules? Who is the Emperor Wu Huang!

"Go to two ten-man squads and break this dog-bird sword formation for me!"

The Emperor Wu shouted, and twenty beast-head armored soldiers rushed towards a sword array!

"Suzaku Sword Formation!"

All the sword guards suddenly threw out the sword in their hands, and flames passed through the crowd. The twenty orc warriors were beheaded and their bodies burned into coke!

The combat effectiveness demonstrated by this sword formation shocked the Emperor Wu.

More than a dozen master-level masters are also ignored, and there are two semi-sacred masters with a little water, just killed?

The Emperor Wu was a little desperate to find that, in addition to himself and Jiang Feng, others encountered this kind of sword array, decisively dead!

Yushi's **** hundred people group, there is a jb use, under the opponent's hundred people sword array, is not an opponent at all! Li Fan, this guy, it really has been prepared for a long time, even there is such a powerful defensive force! This hundred-man sword formation, how can you break it if you don't do it yourself?

"I don't believe it. We have thousands of people charging together, and you can stop it!"

Niu Xueyan growled.

"Of course, it must be unstoppable."

Li Fan did not exalt his own strength. "But, in order to fight against you, I also had a mentality of breaking the boat. Da Jianwei!"

Li Fan commanded that the four large sword guards that initially led the crowd, suddenly took out another machine gun from the back and aimed at the bottom.

"Actually, I feel that being rich is also a good thing."

Li Fan grinned, "I was idle just a few days ago, and bought four nuclear warheads from a certain country. Although not powerful, I can level this artificial island."

"You're crazy!"

When Niu Xueyan heard about nuclear weapons, she felt a little urge to urinate pants. Fuck, although he is a martial artist and a master, he is also a physical child. How can he fight with a nuclear warhead?

"Just a little trick to protect yourself."

Li Fan shrugged. "After all, I'm weak, please forgive me."

Fuck, it's shameless!

"I don't believe you have a nuclear warhead here."

Jiang Feng asked Li Fan, "Do you think you want to buy a nuclear warhead?"

"You don't believe it, just try it."

Li Fan grinned, "See if I have a nuclear warhead?"

Everyone dare not try.

Lijiadao has such a super-era technology, let alone buy a nuclear warhead, even if they developed it, some people believe it!

"So you only left one way for us."

Jiang Feng has understood that the words of a decisive battle seem to be the last resort.

"Now that we are here, we might as well play with you."

The Emperor Wu held his arms and said loudly, "Speaking to let me listen, how are you going to play?"

"You seem to be coming against me. I feel like a demon king."

Li Fan said, "That being the case, you may wish to try a Dragon Quest game. Do you see the castle behind me? I am waiting for you at the deepest part of the castle, but in the castle, My brothers are holding you back. You can choose five representatives to enter here and challenge me. As long as you can get through my castle, you will win. How? "

"You're shameless, how to use this method to weaken our fighting power!"

Niu Xueyan could not help screaming.

"When you get to my site, you naturally have to do it my way."

Li Fan didn't care about his ridicule, "Is there a sentence, I'm the master of my site."

"It's better to say that the fist is the last word."

Jiang Feng looked around at the large sword guard preparing to launch a nuclear warhead, and snorted, "Since Her Majesty Wu decided to participate in your game, I naturally have no opinion. However, I have to put forward a condition here.

"Yes, please."

"We're going from five to eight."

Jiang Feng immediately stated his conditions. "And, if any of them lose their combat power, we have the right to supplement the quota."

"six people."

Li Fan haggled as much as buying vegetables. "Additional quotas are fine, but additional quotas must be withdrawn from the castle and the strategy must be restarted."


Jiang Fengxin said that the people who were attacked in front of us were defeated by us, so why not re-attempt the strategy?

"That's it. The game can start."

Li Fan grinned. He finally reminded everyone, "Lastly welcome everyone to Lijiadao. Let's start this game."

Li Fan said, turned and walked into the castle. Bai Linluo followed them in, while the sword guards stayed behind and kept around the castle.

"It's so unpleasant, it's all here, and I still want to listen to them!"

Niu Xueyan was very dissatisfied. He was angry at Jiang Feng.

"If you like to do it, go ahead."

Jiang Feng did not stop him, "We will not oppose you, we will cheer you on."

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