My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 167: Lost as a younger brother

No. 167

With so many cars at once, with the strength of falling down, he came straight to Li Fan, and Li Fan was a bit claw.

But he can't just admit defeat like this, what about Tai Chi inside, and his seven chivalrous fists are not lost to anyone!

Li Dan took a deep breath at once, his hands gathered together, and Qi began to condense on him.

But one breath was not enough, Li Fan took another deep breath. At this moment, Yan Kai felt suffocated! Just like this, as if all the oxygen in this parking lot was sucked by Li Fan!

swallow! day! toad!

Yan Kai is a master, and Li Fan has to come up with all his strength to deal with it!

He stretched out his hands and kept throwing palms at the car flying in front of him!

True Big Bear King Seal!

Every time Li Fan came out of the palm, a huge black bear appeared in the air, and his palm fell on top of the cars, and the car was sunk one by one!

In the state of swallowing toads, Li Fan applied Zhenqi to the extreme, showing the style of a master at home!

Yan Kai frowned. He patted the palm of his hand, and the remaining three cars smashed towards Li Fan together.

However, Li Fan held his hands together, sulking Dan Tian, ​​and Liu Yannan behind him had a feeling of breathlessness.

At the same time, Li Fan appeared in front of him a huge toad condensed from the qi. This toad followed the movement of Li Fan's hands and spat out a white bead!

Jin Jinchan throws up beads!

The huge ball of air flew out and hit the three cars.


The three cars were taken out by the quake and scattered to the side.

Yan Kai looked at the three cars with some surprise.

"What kind of work are you doing? Why is there a little sense of incompetence?"

He was weird in his heart, "It shouldn't be, today's Wulin, who knows Xiao Wuxiang's magical power, shouldn't only Jin Yiwei be right?"

"as big as World, nothing is nonexistent!"

Li Fan stretched out his hands and put out a Qixiaquan starting-up style, "Remember, my boxing technique is called Qixiaquan!"

"You don't look very good, but your tone is quite big."

Yan Kai swaggered, "I call myself Chia, and I'm not afraid of jokes, too narcissistic, right?"

"Well, are you qualified to say that?"

"That being the case, Dao should come up with some real effort."

Yan Kai said, one hand touched his waistband, then he pulled out the waistband and brought it in his hand.

"Well, what are you doing?"

Li Fan was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

And Yan Kai grabbed his waistband with his left hand, clutched the belt with his right hand, and shook his hand. The belt suddenly hardened, like an iron ruler in his hand!

"Ignorance! It's called infuriating!"

Yan Kai gave Li Fan a glance. "In modern society, walking around with a sword is too inconvenient! I have this belt in my hand, and the Taiji sword always comes out of the sheath!"

"Then what are you doing with your left hand? Why are you holding your waist?"

"You're a bit silly. Do I fall without holding my pants?"

"Grass, what do you think you are brewing?"

Li Fan relieved, "Scared me!"

"Shuzi Xiu has to say more! Take me a sword!"

Yan Kai said, a belt stabbed towards Li Fan! His Taiji sword technique is also very delicate. The belt seems to have a strong suction force, pulling Li Fan's body, allowing Li Fan to subconsciously approach the belt!

Nima, what is it, mysterious props, **** men's belts, has the ability to attract all men!

Of course, this is only Li Fan's spit, all these effects are caused by Yan Kai's powerful inner Taiji skills!

This guy should be a master of Wudang, why did he go to Jin Yiwei?

"If you can take my sword, Dao will mix with you in the future!"

Yan Kai is full of confidence, this sword is his skill!

"it is good!"

When Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Although this sword gave him a very terrible feeling, it was also interesting to be able to conquer a younger brother like Yan Kai!

He reached out his hands and gathered in front of him. That belt of trousers stabbed over, with great suction. The small handbag in Liu Yannan's hand was sucked directly, and when it was near the waistband, it was directly broken into pieces!

"I go!"

Li Fan's eyes glared, this trick was absolutely cruel!

Tai Chi, seemingly round and soft, actually hides its killing power. Li Fan believes that if he approaches the Taiji sword formed by this belt, he will definitely be pulled to pieces!

Li Fan also made a ruthless, masters over tricks, a trick to determine the outcome!

He stretched out his hands, his palms burst into a strong infuriation, and pulled the belt of this pants!


This Taiji sword trembled in Li Fan's hands as if to break free of an invisible cage.

Yan Kai frowned and poured more energy into the waistband! And there was cold sweat behind Li Fan, this trick is indeed strong, you can see how terrible Yan Kai's strength! But he forced him to be strong, Lao Tzu!

Li Fan mobilized all the qi in his body, and Dantian almost made a common cry.

"Really! Gold! Toad! Spit! Beads!"

Li Fan growled, ignited his anger to the limit, and then pushed out with both hands!

The huge air wave exploded immediately. Although a group of white beads could not be formed, they shocked and took out the trousers and belts, and stabbed on the ceiling above the head.

Yan Kai stepped back three more times, her feet on the back pillar, leaving a footprint of half a foot deep on it!

And Li Fan just stepped back and spit out a stale gas,

Forced operation of swallowing the toad will also cause a lot of burden on his own Dantian. Li Fan and Yan Kai fought a battle, and they just beat a move, this guy is really too strong.

"Master Dao ... actually lost?"

Yan Kai couldn't believe his eyes. He grew up in a honeypot almost from a young age! He's a talented wizard who hasn't met his opponent yet! Now he lost to someone younger than himself, and he couldn't bear it.

"What else does it mean to be alive, let me die."

Talking, Yan Kai slammed his head towards the nearby post.

"Are you crazy?"

Li Fan held Yan Kai, "Isn't that just a losing match, what's the big deal? As for the dead and the alive? Little devils only play cut belly, are you like them?"

"Tao Ye's skills are not as good as those of others. He has no value in living!"

Yan Kai said resentfully.

"I won't have to win it once!"

Li Fan pouted his lips, "As a man, you don't even have this awareness?"

"Okay, Dao goes back to practice, and comes back to compare with you!"

Yan Kai thought about it, and it really is the same. He didn't care about his task, he turned and left.

"Day tofu ..."

Li Fan suddenly remembered one thing, didn't he say he had lost as his little brother?

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