My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 166: Tai chi magnetism

166 Tai Chi Magnetic Force

Murong Ying mentioned to herself that there is a kung fu in martial arts called Tai Chi, but those old ladies and old ladies practiced it, called Tai Chi, and the real masters called Tai Chi! Internal Kung Fu is based on internal power.

In front of this man named Yan Kai, he has profound Taiji Gong!

With a move of Taiji Yunshou, he relieved Li Fan's power to the side and let Li Fan take a moment.

"Too weak, Dao can deal with you with one hand."

Yan Kai put down the big words, his self-confidence makes Li Fan feel very annoying.

People should be self-confident, but self-confidence is a pervert!

Li Fan kicked his foot sharply and went straight to Yan Kai's cheek. But Yan Kai still stretched that hand, put it on Li Fan's ankle, and then dragged it.

Li Fan's ankle was caught. Basically, he was following his own strength. He took a big step directly. If Li Fan's body is not flexible, this lower leg muscle will definitely be injured.

The first time I played with Tai Chi masters, Li Fan was also a bit raw and suffered two losses in a row.

"It seems that you can't even beat my hand. It's really overkill to send me against you."

Yan Kai was very impatient. "It's too cursed."

But at this moment, Li Fan was suddenly a simple black tiger, and went straight to Yan Kai's chest.

"Don't know the lesson yet?"

Yan Kai poked her mouth, flung her ponytail down, and thought about Li Fan's wrist.

But at this moment, Li Fan's wrist suddenly shook, and Yan Kai's arm was locked with his arm.


Yan Kai was a little surprised, and Li Fan's five fingers were already biting up like the fangs of a snake.

However, Yan Kai was a master after all, and his neck was also enlivened with energy, which relieved Li Fan's attack and resolved most of the power.

Some of the remaining strength was uncomfortable. Yan Kai coughed twice, pushed Li Fan away, stepped back and rubbed his neck.

"What kind of work are you doing?"

"Fighting dogs!"

Li Fan said very seriously.

"You dare to humiliate me! It's guilty to humiliate a handsome guy, you know?"

Yan Kai seemed unhappy.

"You're right, so I have no sin at all."

Li Fan raised his **** at Yan Kai, "Because you are not a handsome guy, at best a pretty shemale!"

"I am angry!"

Yan Kai launched his temper and said, "I wanted to make you crippled. Now I want to kill you!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, and said to himself, I would also like to thank you for failing.

Yan Kai this arrogant!

"Tai Chi Yunshou!"

Yan Kai put on a posture, and this uncle was not pretending to be one-handed, with both hands out, leaping towards Li Fan!

Taijiquan has always been defending, and now Yan Kai has taken the initiative to attack, which surprised Li Fan a bit. Yan Kai was just a common hand, and shot at Li Fan.

Li Fan was short and avoided Yan Kai's slap. The slap fell on a suv next to it, and flattened the suv's door.

The power of this slap is definitely not light! Does Tai Chi still have such a powerful destructive power, which opened up Li Fan's vision. But he didn't expect that the real inner Tai Chi performance was still behind. I saw Yan Kai's slap sucking the suv, his arms trembled, he turned the suv, and smashed it towards Li Fan!

"Day tofu!"

Li Fan lay on the ground, his arms trembled, entered the toad stance, and slid out of the ground more than five meters against the ground, avoiding the suv.


This suv hit the ground heavily, the car was shattered, parts and components kept falling to the ground.

This car is mainly to see your car become like this, I am afraid to cry.


There was another bang, Yan Kai's palm changed from suction to force. The suv turned into a cannonball, and went straight to Li Fan to bounce!

Li Fan enters the posture of deer strike, turns around, kicks, and slaps on the suv that is ejected. In the state of deer strike, Li Fan's leg strength was greatly improved, and this foot immediately flew the suv back.

And Yan Kai's body jumped over, and slap it on Li Fan's forehead!

But Li Fan stretched out his hands and grabbed Yan Kai's wrist, blocking his attack stiffly.


Yan Kai frowned, and Li Fan's body twisted and his feet came out, and in this air, he struck Yan Kai's body one after another, and Yan Kai's body burst out of energy!

Nine feet in a row, in the end Li Fan kicked Yan Kai's chest, and then the two separated in the air.

Yan Kai landed on the ground, stepped back three steps in a row, and finally reached out to hold a small car to stabilize his body.

Li Fan, however, shook his right leg. Deer's leg skills were powerful and his attack power was twice that of boxing. This series of nine kicks kicked out, and each foot was like a shell, which caused Yan Kai to suffer some internal injuries.

"Two hits ..."

As Yan Kai said, he pulled out a small mirror from his arms, took a comb, and began to tidy his head.

"That being the case, there is no need for Dao to show mercy. Whoops, I **** ... my hairstyle for fifty dollars ..."

Yan Kai sorted her hairstyle distressedly, Li Fan was a little speechless. Is it time to avoid personal images?

"Do you think my bangs are neat?"

Yan Kai kept asking Li Fan, Li Fan couldn't help scolding, "Your uncle! Have you ever seen the enemy give you aesthetics! We are fighting, aren't we out shopping for clothes, ok?"

"You guys really have no fun at all."

Yan Kai rolled her eyes. "Compared with fights, hairstyles are more important! I haven't heard a word, blood can flow and break, and hairstyles can't be messy!"

"It's all messy! Wouldn't it be messy if you cut a bald man?"

"A man of no taste is not of the same grade as me."

Yan Kai gave Li Fan a contemptuous look, "It's a shame to fight against you!"

"Are you Jinyiwei all talking?"

Li Fan couldn't help voicing, "Every one is broken, annoying!"

"Then let me accompany you seriously."

Yan Kai said, holding out his hands and standing in the middle of this parking lot.

The power of inner Taiji broke out, and the cars around them all slowly flew up, and then started to spin around Yan Kai and Li Fan.

"Shit ... what the **** ..."

Li Fan felt this inexplicable power, like a magnetic field.

Inner Tai Chi has reached a certain level, and it can achieve such an effect! Domineering!

Even if Li Fan had to admire it, this Yan Kai really had some skills.

When Yan Kai waved his hand, all the cars around him smashed into Li Fan's head!

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