My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 165: Inner tai chi

Tai Chi within 165

These vans are all with their headlights in a circle around Li Fan and Liu Yannan.


The vans' doors were pulled open, and a group of people in black coats and masks jumped out of them.

Each of these people had a triangular army stab in their hands, and the blade seemed a little dazzling in the light.

Each of them is well-trained, and it's almost a blink of an eye, and they can't get the water out of Li Fan.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Liu Yanan is a young lady of the underworld in city a. How could she be scared by this scene. The moment she saw these people, she knew who sent them. Yang Ruining, this guy dare to play overcast! But even if he asked him, he would never admit it!

"It has nothing to do with you, let it go!"

A man with a red mask yelled, and then hesitated without hesitation, without any nonsense.

These thugs immediately stabbed the army stabs and walked towards Li Fan together.

"It's funny."

When Li Fan saw these thugs like a wolf, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Kung Fu now, can these ordinary people actually understand?

"Viper woman, cover your ears."

Li Fan said lazily.


Liu Yanan did not hesitate, and covered his ears with both hands.


Li Fan immediately sang loudly, Tigers Xiaolin!

His anger spread out with the sound, shaking in this parking lot!

"Bang, bang!"

The glass of all cars on this floor was shattered, and the car's alarm sounded constantly! And those thugs with army stabs can't bear it at all. How can the physical body resist the infuriating magic sounds that fill the brain!


"My ears!"

"I, I can't hear anything!"

These people covered their ears, squatted on the ground, and screamed.

The lights over his head were also shattered a lot. The lights in the parking lot flickered, making them look like ghosts.

Although Liu Yannan was covering her ears, she was also very uncomfortable, her head was buzzing, and Li Fan's body in front of her was constantly flashing her avatar, and again.

The effect of Li Fan's trick is also very obvious. With so many beaters, none of them can climb up. The lightest one is a concussion. The more serious one has started to bleed nosebleeds from the nose.

"Yang Yang may look down on me a little."

Li Fan put his hands in his pants, and a pair of liberation shoes rubbed the ground. "There is no master, it's really boring."

Just when Li Fan's words just came down, from the distance of the parking lot, he suddenly approached a person.

It was a man wearing a white suit. As the saying goes, the man is white, either perverted or gay! The man looked handsome and pretty like a woman. He also pierced a pony tail, erected it behind his back, and pierced his ears, for fear that others would not know how **** he was.

The man wore a black pointed leather shoe on his foot, and the heel seemed to be hit with a horseshoe, making a clicking sound at each step. The person who knows is a girl gun, and the person who does not know, thought that a horse was coming!

The man seemed very casual, walking and shaking, like a pendulum clock, looking at a sense of indecent.

This guy, even if he is gay, is not a good guy!

Li Fanzheng whispered, the man in a white suit with a jade face came slowly and stood in front of Li Fan, looking at him like this with a smile.


Li Fan knows that the visitor is not good. This is definitely a practice. Although he looked crooked while walking, each step was very solid. At first glance, he was a martial artist for many years, and he was very stable in the next game.

"You are Li Fan."

The opposite man in white took a look at Li Fan and looked up and down for a long time. "What a bird-like look is so disappointing."

"Well, are you qualified to say me? You pervert!"

Li Fan couldn't help jumping, "You see that you look like a girl, and you don't take good pictures of yourself!"


The man in white said with a smile on his face, "Only a man like me can be qualified to wear such a suit, understand?"

"This person may be mentally ill and over narcissistic."

Li Fan said to Liu Yannan, who was already holding up the pillar, "Viper woman, please stay away so as not to be infected by his narcissism ... oh wait, it seems like you are not too sick yourself, forget You do n’t have to hide, I ’ll avoid it. ”


Liu Yannan didn't want to say anything, but she really couldn't hear what Li Fan said, and there was still some buzzing in her ears. The magic sound that Li Fan made just now is really terrifying.

"Li Fan, let's talk, what are your last words."

The opposite man held his arms and looked at Li Fan proudly. "It's your honor to die in my hands."

"Which onion do you rub?"

"Since you asked my name in good faith, I'll tell you more generously."

"I didn't ask!"

"You listen, Dao, I can't change my name, I can't change my last name.

Then, he put a hand around his waist, exposing a piece of jade. Li Fanxin said that everyone hangs a black waist tag. This is so good, it made a beautiful jade! This Nima narcissism has reached a certain level, and her heart is definitely beginning to distort!

"Why Jin Jinwei has this kind of mental disability!"

Li Fan couldn't help crying, "Can you take the medicine and come again?"

"Why, are you scared to hear my name?"

Yan Kai smiled, "You kneel down now to admit your mistakes, I can spare your life, only to waste your hands and feet. Thank you very much, no way, who makes me soft-hearted."

"Brother, I feel like you're a bit silly."

Li Fan said very earnestly, "Are you Jinjinwei no normal person?"

"It seems you don't believe in my strength."

Yan Kai hooked his hand to Li Fan, "Come and come, I will let you do three things."

"Okay, this is what you said!"

Li Fan would not be polite with him. He flew forward directly, and the most daring black tiger took heart to test this Yan Kai's strength!

Yan Kai smiled and stood there, but just stretched out his right hand, suddenly caught on Li Fan's wrist, and then used his strength to move behind him!

Li Fan didn't grab Yan Kai, but drew a claw on the side pillar and pulled a hole out of the cement pillar!

He was a little surprised. What was this move?

"I forgot to tell you."

Yan Kai's white jade-like face had an arrogant smile, "Before Dao did not become Jin Yiwei, he was a big disciple of Wudang Mountain."

Lying down, Li Fan's heart felt awkward, could this be the inner Tai Chi?


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