1662 glowing fever

Wu Huang was taken aback, he couldn't find Le Xiaohu's breath at all!

How is this possible? Why can't even the breath of a guru be locked?

"It's super power!"

Jiang Feng immediately understood, "He is a mutant!"

"It's really troublesome!"

The Emperor Wu was a little irritable. Why are there so many masters under Li Fan?

"watch out!"

There was a roar suddenly from the top of the head, Wu Huang did not hesitate, raised his head, and waved a block.


A qigong wave was shot away by the Emperor Wu Gong and hit the wall next to it, smashing the wall directly. Le Xiaohu was still on top of Wu Huang, and in the form of tiger shouts, he continued to play white qigong waves and sprinkled over Wu Huang.


Wu Huang didn't care. Although Le Xiaohu's strength was very good, it was not enough for him! These qigong waves were all shot and fluttered by the Emperor Wu palm, none of them could fall on him! There were seedlings in the castle, the floor walls were smashed, and stones fell everywhere.

"Le Xiaohu, today is your death!"

The Emperor Wu could not bear it anymore. He held out his palm and took a breath! Le Xiaohu's body was uncontrolled, and he was dragged and flew towards Wu Huang immediately!

"Tiger tail whip!"

With this flying force, Le Xiaohu twisted his waist directly, took a fierce maneuver kick, and counterattacked the Emperor Wu!

"Still useless!"

There was a strong burst of energy in Wu Huang. Before Xiao Le approached, he rushed him out. Le Xiaohu's body slammed into the back pillar. When the Emperor Wu was about to chase, he suddenly frowned, turned back to an iron palm, and seized a long sword that was pierced.

"A dragon sword again?"

Wu Huang held a long black sword and looked at a seemingly weak but fierce little girl who couldn't help sneering.

"Don't you order anything else?"

"Jangye ..."

Seeing this woman, Jiang Feng's expression was slightly stiff. Unexpectedly, she was sent out.

"Is Li Fan's two apprentices? Okay, today I am here to destroy both of you!"

"Sorry, I'm not here to fight."

Jiang Ye grabbed Le Xiaohu, who was eager to try, and then arched his arms at the Emperor Wu. "Master has orders. I and I are not your opponents. But ten years later, if you are still alive, my brother and sister will come to seek advice.

"Oh, of course I'll be alive, but you guys don't have to."

The Emperor Wu was about to start, and suddenly felt a killing blow coming towards him. The void seemed to have a sword pointed at his throat, causing him to step back subconsciously.

Killing intentions into swords?

The Emperor Wu glanced at Jiang Ye more often, Li Fan's two apprentices were so excellent!

"Come on, please, my brother for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ye took Le Xiaohu, the two pedaled lightly, leaped backwards, jumped out far, and then disappeared into the sight of Wu Huang.

"If these two sons are not eliminated, they will become a serious problem in the future!"

Long Fangyu felt a shock, terrible! The two descendants of Qixia Villa will be extraordinary characters in the future!

"What are you afraid of here?"

Wu Huang sneered, "In front of You, there will always be only two clowns."

Jiang Feng stood next to him without a word. The Emperor Wu did not put Jiang Ye in his eyes, but he was happier. If Jiang Ye was followed by Wu Huang, he would protect Jiang Ye's safety even if he was dead.

Everyone can die, but Jiang Ye must be alive!

"Come on, don't let Li Fan wait too long."

The Emperor Wu continued to lead the way, with only a few remaining combat power, and walked forward.

They exited the castle from behind and came to a yard outside. The yard is large, as wide as half a football field. And a young man wearing a green robe, wearing armor, riding a high-headed horse, was carrying his moon knife, and approached them slowly with the sound of a horseshoe.

"Guan Wenbao?"


Guan Wenbao stabbed the moon knife in his hands. "Everyone thought about it before asking the big knife in my hand."

"Laoguan, come on, this isn't your pretense alone."

A British man in a white suit sat at the top of a pillar next to him. This dull man was not someone else, but Guan Wenbao's good friend, Yan Kai.

"Dao also wants to play with them."

"Is the right and left of Qixia Villa protected?"

Jiang Feng looked at the two of them, and raised his eyebrows slightly. "The two are going out together. It seems that this level is not good."

"Who can stop me?"

The Emperor Wu did not take these two at all. To the Emperor Wu, only Li Fan was a rival.

"Wu Huang, right?"

Guan Wenbao raised the Yueyue knife and walked in front of the Emperor Wu. "Guan descendants, Guan Wenbao asked for a battle!"

"I don't want to do anything against you."

The Emperor Wu Huang was a little tired, and he even wondered if this was a trap that Li Fan had deliberately set for him! Arrange these people on purpose, kill his warfare, and win easily!

However, he thinks too much, the longer he drags on, the stronger the fighting will! When he is defeated, he will certainly take off his head and hang it on the wall of the room, let him see how he unified and conquered the world!

"You don't need to worry, you are already close to our owner."

Yan Kai stretched himself, stood up, and reminded Jiang Feng, "As long as we pass this level, we can see him."

"Oh? What about Zhou Fei, the undead evil Buddha? Isn't she participating in this game?"

Jiang Feng immediately asked.

"She doesn't participate."

Yan Kai shrugged his shoulders. "Always leave someone alone and let our brothers stop at the penultimate level. Rest assured that the two of us will serve you well."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense!"

Guan Wenbao couldn't laugh or cry, Yan Kai always said something that sounds misleading! Is this his own attribute?

"Is Dao wrong?"

Yan Kai froze and looked at Guan Wenbao with a puzzled expression. "What's wrong? Laoguan, point out?"

"Forget it ... when I said nothing."

Guan Wenbao is also speechless, and it does seem to have his own attributes.

"Who will fight?"

The generals fight against each other. As an emperor, naturally the Emperor Wuhuang will not go out again. This way, he shot various things, but Jiang Feng seemed like an idler. However, Jiang Feng is also a precious fighting force and is not suitable for this occasion.

"Longfang, Niu Xueyan, Cheng Mohan, three of you."

Jiang Feng naturally understood the mind of Wu Huang, so he said.


Niu Xueyan was stunned. Jiang Feng handed Cheng Mohan a jade flute and confirmed it once.

"Yes, Niu is in charge, it's time for you to glow."

Niu Xueyan was dumbfounded.

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