My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1663: One break two

1663 One Break Two

Even if Niu Xueyan is stupid, this will all understand, this little skill, in the eyes of these people, is not enough to see that! Let him fight, what does he fight with others?

Jiang Feng's mind is very simple. This guy has followed for a long time, and it's time to get on. Although it's a bit crap, anyway, it can be considered a combat power! There is a saying how to say, no matter how small a fly is!

Although the strength of Niu Xueyan may not be as good as that of flies.

"I'm willing to do my part."

Long Fangyu knew that it was time for them to contribute. Although he is the strength to reach the highest peak, but it is not too far behind a generation of masters. With the help of Niu Xueyan, the master, and Cheng Mohan, a master with special sonic capabilities, Long Fangyu is still somewhat confident.

He was the one who had an agreement with Jiang Feng. The reason why Jiang Feng had to bring himself into the six-person team this time was to get him some results and get a lot of credit. If Li Fan is knocked down and Lijia Island is destroyed, then this is a huge cake. How much you can eat from it depends on how much you paid!

"The cow is in charge. Let's attack Guan Wenbao together."

Long Fangyu pulled out another sword and turned to Niu Xueyan, "Let Cheng Mohan support us with sound waves in the back!"


Niu Xueyan said that the three of them attacked together, enough to deal with that treasure! Rubbing, riding is awesome. It's all old now. Riding a horse is fart, but it is a trouble and a burden!

"Do it!"

Long Fangyu gave an order, and the two flew at Guan Wenbao instantly. A long sword in Long Fangyu's hand stabbed by the horse's leg! And Niu Xueyan kicked Guan Wenbao directly, ready to dismount him!

And over there, several sword sounds flew from Cheng Mohan's flute and attacked Guan Wenbao remotely.

Guan Wenbao was not alarmed. When he raised his horse's head, his horse's front legs were raised, and he avoided the attack of Long Fangyu directly. At the same time, he drew a knife and swept directly on Niu Xueyan, immediately cutting off one of his arms! Blood flew out with his arm, accompanied by the painful cry of Niu Xueyan, ringing through the courtyard.

Cheng Mohan's sword sound came to Guan Wenbao, but was blocked by an invisible force field, and then slid to the other side. Because of the integration of internal forces, Jian Yin will also be affected by Yan Kai Taiji's magical powers, obediently led to the side. At the same time, Guan Wenbao picked up his sword and fell, Long Fangyu almost rolled on the spot, a chic donkey rolled, barely avoiding Guan Wenbao's knife. But his bun was cut, and his hair fell down like a ghost.

Lisa's forefoot fell to the ground, and her hindfoot kicked directly, kicking the Dragon Fangyu whole. At the moment when Long Fangyu was suffering from pain, Guan Wenbao turned back and cut off Long Fangyu from the waist directly!

Poor Dragon Fangyu, who was immortal forever, ended up in a different place and was buried on this Lijia Island.

Niu Xueyan lost an arm and was cynical in pain. But seeing Long Fangyu lost his life, he calmed down immediately.

"Miss Cheng, sorry!"

Guan Wenbao was dead-headed, but he didn't have any compassion for him. This buddy rode directly on the war horse and rushed towards Cheng Mohan, while dragging the Yueyue Knife in the hand to the ground, only to cut Cheng Mohan into two pieces!


Cheng Mohan is also a general under her own hands, Jiang Feng does not allow her to gain or lose anything! So, he shot directly, shook the folding fan in his hand, a huge black tiger flew out, and rushed directly to Lisa, throwing this strong warhorse to the ground! Guan Wenbao was afraid that Lisa might have missed something. He took a stab and slashed the black tiger. While Lisa had been spotted with blood, Guan Wenbao patted his buttocks and let it go.

This Lisa is Guan Wenbao's heart treasure. Even Yang Shuiyue, who has been with Guan Wenbao for a long time, feels that in Guan Wenbao's heart, Lisa's status seems to be more important than her!

Lisa psychic, knowing the master's mind, trot aside. And the black tiger has rushed over again, this time directly toward Guan Wenbao's throat!

Guan Wenbao stunned the Moon Sword, and a tai chi picture appeared in front of him. The black tiger pounced on it, his body was distorted, and he fell aside.

"The two teamed up really well."

Black Tiger returned to Jiang Feng. The owner opened the folding fan again and looked at Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai. "The two have actually gained the strength of the semi-sacred, which is gratifying."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yan Kai was also very polite, and laughed, "Master Dao is handsome and smart. He should have achieved such achievements."

Jiang Fengxin said, this guy is cheeky, don't you know modest? It is said that Yan Kai, a disciple of Wudang, is exaggerated, and it seems that he is not talking nonsense!

He and Guan Wenbao, each of them being public and steady, are a good partner, making up for each other's shortcomings.

"Since it's the last level, let me do the trick with you personally."

Jiang Feng put away the folding fan, and seemed to be serious. "The fists are speechless. If the two die, they can't blame me."

"Life and death are rich in heaven."

Guan Wenbao said bluntly, "Come on!"

Speaking, he turned on the power of Wu Shen's true body, which turned into a war horse, galloping in front of Guan Wenbao, and Guan Wenbao flew directly to his horse.

"come on."

Jiang Feng didn't even take out his sword, but just made his black tiger jump towards Guan Wenbao.

The black tiger looks like Jiang Feng's clone. It is nearly four meters in length and looks very scary!

But at this moment, a round of black and white Tai Chi map emerged on the ground, with a radius of two meters, to protect Guan Wenbao. The tiger jumped over, but suddenly his body sank and lay on the ground, as if sucked by Taijitu! Jiang Feng also admires Yan Kai's martial arts. This kind of power control technique is probably from the past to the present, and Yan Kai is alone! The power of Tai Chi can still be used in this way.

The tiger was sucked, while Guan Wenbao rode on the war horse, came to the tiger, and slashed across the tiger's head!

The tiger raised his head, biting Guan Wenbao's Yueyue knife with his teeth!

"You work well together, but semi-holy and semi-holy, they don't add up to holy effects!"

Jiang Feng reminded them, "What's more, even if it is holy, it is not my opponent."

Jiang Feng's words fell, and the tiger suddenly resisted Yan Kai's Taiji figure, and stood up, making a loud roar!


The entire castle seemed to tremble with it, the Taiji picture was broken directly, and Guan Wenbao's body was also shaken out and fell heavily in the distance.

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