My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 175: I'll step in

175 I will intervene

Li Fan's character is very stubborn. Once it is determined, it is naturally that nine cows cannot pull back.

He agreed to fight with Shen Mengqing, and Murong Yingtie couldn't stop it. At this time, the two were already in the most basic internal force collision. Although Li Fan and Shen Mengjie were both masters of entering the room, Li Fan had just entered this threshold and successfully refined the old man Yamada ’s Vajrayana. , And only the strength of the six tigers. And Shen Mengjie has been practicing for more than thirty years, and his skills are enough for three dragons!

One dragon is equal to five tigers. In other words, Shen Mengjie's strength is nearly three times that of Li Fan!

It is very unfavorable for Li Fan to fight against the internal skill with a master who is three times his own internal force. In particular, Shen Mengjie's skill has a strong ice attribute. This internal skill is like a poisonous snake, walking along the palms of the two, toward Li Fan's internal organs and six limbs, constantly freezing his meridians and blood.

If it weren't for Li Fan's masculine body and masculinity, I'm afraid he has become a snowman.

Li Fan also felt his own abruptness, and fighting against Shen Mengjie's internal force was obviously a bad idea!

He was instantly lost in thought, and while resisting Shen Mengjie's internal forces, his brain was spinning quickly.

Li Fan seems to have thought of something, this Shen Mengjie's work is too weird, and with the attributes of ice, it is really sinister. She's wicked, so why show mercy?

Li Fan immediately transformed his skill in the body, allowing him to move from bear strike to toad strike. At this moment, Li Fan ’s palm seemed to turn into a black hole. It was originally a fight with Shen Mengjie, but in the blink of an eye, he began to actively draw internal power from the palm of Shen Mengjie!

Shen Mengjie was still proud, but this silly boy even ran into the door by himself, and also struck her internal force! As the so-called heaven has a way, he doesn't go, **** has no door, he breaks in!

But before she was too proud, terrible things happened! The vitality in her body suddenly seemed to be out of control, and began to flow wildly into Li Fan's body!

"Good boy!"

Shen Mengjie is not stupid, she immediately determined what the situation is now! Her face changed drastically, and she had no time to think about anything else, and immediately cut off the air flow on her right hand!


The palms of the two men bounced open, each taking two steps backwards.

The frost on Li Fan's face was melting away little by little, while Shen Mengjie was originally proud of spring, but now she was also pale, and a lot of cold sweat continued to flow from her forehead.

Murong Ying next saw something, frowned, but did not seize.

"Master Murong, your Murong family has always been brilliant and respected by the martial arts! But you never expected that your fiance would be such a sinister person and cultivate such evil kung fu!"

"It can really splash people."

Li Fan was not angry. He looked at Shen Mengjie in front of him and grinned, "You are also qualified to say that other people's exercises are insidious. It's really shameless. My dragon toad absorbs water, and it really absorbs other people's skills. But I never only It ’s used on wicked people like you, just for defense.

"You are shameless!"

"You're still indecent!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes and said, "Are we two fighting? Will you use the vicious technique? I can't attack it with poison? I'm not as good as anyone else, should I go back to find my mother?"

"Boy, I killed you!"

Shen Mengjie was enraged by Li Fan in a few words, and despite the lost internal force, she raised a slap and swept towards Li Fan!

This palm still has the style of the ice palm, wherever the palm wind goes, the cold wind is so cold that it gets into the bone marrow.

At the moment, Shen Mengjie must also take precautions, and then trying to attack her with dragon toad sucking water, I am afraid it has no effect. Li Fan no longer touched the palm of Shen Mengjie's hand, and at the same time, because of the icy palms and the tricky angle, Li Fan could not use snake attack to defend the counterattack.

To deal with masters like Shen Mengjie, Li Fan decided to play fast!

He sank and instantly entered the state of tiger strike! At that moment, the whole body's vitality was injected into his ten fingers, strengthening the power on his fingers!

Everyone has to keep a killer cricket. Li Fan decided to keep the toad as a killer cricket. Until the moment of killing, he will not use this skill! Before Shen Mengjie's palm fell on Li Fan's body, Li Fan had lifted a claw in lightning, his fingers were like tiger claws, and he tore on Shen Mengjie's arm, bringing the blood of red blood!

Shen Mengjie's arm was sore, Li Fan's tiger claw almost tore her bones!

How did this man's external skills be practiced to such a superb level! Even if he started martial arts after hitting his mother's womb, wouldn't he be able to practice so well?

However, tiger attack has always been the most fierce attack method. After Li Fan forced a retreat from Shen Mengjie, he rushed forward again, followed by a series of claw attacks!

However, Shen Mengjie is a senior master after all. After eating a loss, she will not eat a second time. Now Shen Mengjie calmed down, reached out and patted Li Fan's attack, then took two steps backwards and readjusted his posture.

Li Fan is a little excited, the master is the master, and he has seen through his attack intention so quickly!

"Boy, your death is over."

Shen Mengjie seemed very annoyed. She held her right hand next to her leg, and the coldness gathered. A wicked atmosphere made Li Fandu shudder subconsciously.

"You can force me to do this, you're worth it!"

When talking, Shen Mengjie's hair moved automatically without wind, as if being blown up by Qi!

And Shen Mengjie's entire left hand has become bone-like, with a terrifying atmosphere.

"Your ice palm has reached eighth?"

Murong Ying couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the palm of Shen Mengjie.

"Exactly. I have never seen this eighth-strength ice palm. Lord Murong, use your fiance to sacrifice this palm today!"

Speaking, Shen Mengjie suddenly deceived him, and slammed down on Li Fan's Tianling Gai!

If this palm is real, I am afraid that Li Fan's nine lives are not enough!

This time, Shen Mengjie shot all out, and Li Fan even had an unstoppable sense of pressure! But at this very moment, Murong Ying shot. She didn't have any extra actions, just stretched out **** and poked on Shen Mengjie's palm.


Shen Mengjie's self-confident cold ice palm was eighth, so it was broken!

Her palms trembled and she took two steps backwards, her expression a little fearful and a little unwilling.

"Lead Murong! You have intervened in the competition between us!"

"I just stepped in, how?"

Murong Ying flicked her sleeves and obviously began to play rogue.

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