My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 176: Dragon among people

Chapter 176: The Dragon Among the People

Shen Mengjie's belly was stung back!

Nima, the martial arts leader is rogue, how can this be played!

The anger in her stomach can only be swallowed abruptly now!

"Lead Murong ... I remember this, Tianduomen!"

Shen Mengjie arched her hand at Murong Ying, "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow for a long time.

"There will be a period later."

There are rules, Murong Ying still politely responded.


Yang Ruining didn't respond a bit. Why is the goddess she likes even a martial art master? The terrible palm of Shen Xianzi, she broke it with only two fingers?

I'm afraid it's very difficult to chase such a woman! But the more difficult it is, the more challenging Yang Ruining is-desire!

"This beautiful lady, give me a chance to meet."

Yang Ruining did not hesitate. He knew that the best way to deal with women was to fight hard. Not to mention that I have such a high status and such a large family business, the entire city who wants to paste her own woman has lined up to the next city! Is it not easy to conquer a beauty on your own terms?

But Yang Ruining was miscalculated. Shen Mengjie not only ignored him, but also scolded him.

"Keep a distance of more than one meter with me, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will not lose your arms and legs."

The martial arts leader is so domineering. Yang Ruining is very embarrassed. It is neither advance nor retreat.

Li Fan, however, had a rare silence, standing beside Murong Ying without a word.

"Beauty, don't be so ruthless, can you give me face?"

Yang Ruining decided to add another fire, so he said, "I'm Yang Yishan's son!"

"Who is Yang Yishan?"

Although Murong Ying knew everything about Wu Lin, she didn't know much about the world.

Tie Zhu secretly murmured to Murong Ying beside him.

"Miss ... Yang Yishan is the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of h province ... and Yang Yishan's father is Yang Jingye, the founding father of China, ***** ..."

This bunch of identities can scare anyone out!

But Murong Ying is not good at all. She is a hero in rivers and lakes, and she has never been involved in politics with her family.

And on the contrary, many big men in the political circle still have to ask them often to find some methods of practicing internal skills. Xi Wu can not only strengthen the body, but also wash the bones and marrow and prolong life.

This is one, and the other is that the masters of each big family are Chinese national treasures. Chinese officials are not stupid and know the value of these people.

Like a huge Murong family, I don't know how many people in the political circles want to stab them.

The son of a secretary of a provincial party committee may have various stubbornness to others. Including the previous Wang Qiang, the background of the family is already very domineering, but Yang Ruining fluttered two mouths, and can only go back honestly.

However, he met Murong Ying.

"Get back!"

Murong Ying rebuffed relentlessly, and there was a little anger in the voice, which shook Yang Ruining.

"You're not qualified enough to let your dad talk to me!"

"I don't agree!"

However, Yang Ruining was unwilling to let it go. He asked, "What is worse on him? He is a poor student, but I am ***! My young Master Yang! Even if I want the stars and the moon, someone will pick them up and give them to me! "

"so what?"

Murong Ying didn't show the slightest move. "My future man is a hero who stands out from the ground. You only rely on the background in your home, and then someone will respect you. And if you don't have this, what's so great about you?"

"This is for me! Why isn't it?"

Yang Ruining was very stubborn. "This is the fate given by God, and I will naturally accept it! I was better than this man when I was born. How can he compare to me?"

"Maybe he is worse than you today."

Murong Ying smiled and said confidently to Yang Ruining, "But it won't be long before you can only stand up to him."

"How dare you say such words with confidence?"

"Because he is the man I chose by Murong Ying, he is destined to be the dragon among people!"

This sentence made Li Fan, who was still thinking, look up, and took a look at his fiancee in surprise.

How long have the two been together, this is the first time I have heard her say such a thing! It is impossible to say that Li Fan is not surprised!

This is really not what Murong Sakura would say, she usually wished she could be described as a dreg!

"I won't end it like this!"

Yang Ruining felt as if she had been greatly insulted today. "I will tell you what is a truly powerful man!"

"Okay, I'll wait and see."

Murong Ying didn't take Yang Ruining's eyes at all. She dropped these words and sat in the car with Li Fan.

Looking at Li Fan's enthusiastic eyes, Murong Ying was a little uncomfortable, turned her head, and looked at the scenery that was receding outside the window.

"What are you looking at blindly, and then you dug your eyes!"

"Oh, how quickly became a female Rakshasa!"

"Who is the female Rakshasa!"

Murong Ying stared at Li Fan.

"Don't you brag about me just now, why did you change your work in the blink of an eye?"

"Who praised you, did you hear me wrong?"

"Don't you say I'm the dragon among people!"

"I just look at that Yang or something."

Murong Ying said immediately, "By the way, I'm just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously."


Li Fan was so annoyed by these words, can this Murong Ying be dead?

"So, you still don't have any delusions."


Li Fan was upset that this woman could die without burying herself!

No, such hatred has to be reported!

"Mother, in fact, you don't know. I recently practiced and went into the devil. I feel like I'm running out of time ..."

"go away!"

Li Fan could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, it seems that he is no longer eating this set!

"Mother, I feel a little bit sour recently, and I also like vomiting, which is probably a joy."

"Kill you!"

"Mother, we are husband and wife, why there is not a little trust between husband and wife!"

Li Fan shouted unhappy!

But Murong Ying laughed, looking at Li Fan's eyes with a little bit of meaning.

"Li Fan, get along with you, I have concluded such a set of rules. What you say, all fart as a dog!"


Li Fan's eyes rolled down. "Mother, in fact, you look very beautiful, the most beautiful person I have ever met."

"But occasionally one or two words are spoken."

Murong Ying laughed even more happily, but immediately she couldn't laugh.

"Miss, the message comes from the house, saying that the grandfather will come and see at his aunt's house."

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