My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 184: Take a break

184 Hidden in silence

Listen to your sister!

Li Fan knows that Murong Ai is definitely intentional!

She wants to listen to playing the piano? Alas, she definitely wanted to see how she got ugly!

"Since my little baby asked, then Li Fan, you can play one."

Murongbo wiped his hands, and the servant next to him immediately passed over his phone. "I'd like to order a piano, Li Fan, do you like normal, or triangle?"

Nima, I like thongs!

Li Fan wanted to kill, he felt he couldn't bear it anymore. Murong Ying also felt that Li Fan's patience was decreasing, she said quickly.

"Xiao Ai, it's too hasty to buy a piano to play back a piece of music."

She turned her eyes and said, "Although I don't understand the rhythm, I understand that a person who likes the rhythm, when choosing an instrument, must choose and choose very carefully. When I look back, I will go with your brother-in-law. Qin Xing Xing, wait until he chooses the right instrument, and then I will play it for you, how? "

Li Fan wants to give Murong Ying several thumbs up. If this woman is not so strong, she is really a good daughter-in-law.

"I'm sorry sister ... it's my request too much ..."

Murong Ai lowered her head with some guilt. "I'm always so disproportionate to make my sister-in-law husband embarrassed, sorry ..."

"No, no, Ai is the cutest."

Murong Ying stroked her sister's hair with pity, and Murong Bo looked even more angry at Li Fan.

I wipe, this has a jb relationship with me. Is your eldest daughter talking all the time, okay? I didn't even say a word!

This family is really sick of neurosis!

Liu Yanan secretly wanted to laugh beside him. Li Fan was eating so much at Murong's house. Although she was not happy, she didn't know why she was a little bit gleeful.

Hum, Li Fan, who made you choose Murong's house. If you followed Miss Ben, would you still use this tone?

"What's wrong with you?"

When Liu Yannan was tangled in his heart, Murongbo suddenly yelled at her. Liu Yanan looked at Mu Rongbo for a moment, puzzled.

"Did you see that my wine is out of wine? So ignorant, how to teach?"


Liu Yanan was very speechless. This old man really enjoyed it!

"I'm sorry, lord, I've just arrived, I don't understand the rules, please forgive me."

She had no choice but to endure the tone in her heart and step forward to pour wine for Murongbo.


Seeing Liu Yingnan pouring half a glass of red wine, Murongbo immediately snapped. He sounded like a thunder, scaring Liu Yingnan almost tossed the bottle.

"How do you pour the wine? Do you want to pour so much wine? Do you know that the taste has been ruined by you? Really a waste, even a subordinate is not good, and you probably don't have much success in your life!"

Liu Yanan strongly resisted the thought of smashing the wine bottle on Murong Bo's head and bowed his head to apologize. And Tie Zhu hurried forward to pour Murongbo for her.

"What kind of job do you still have to keep doing this! Hurry up and resign! Our Murong family isn't able to afford the hire!"

Murong Bo was very upset. He scolded Liu Yannan for a while. Liu Yannan kept his head down and said nothing, Li Fan felt a little embarrassed.

How can I say that she is also a lady with a lot of money, when has she been wronged?

Usually, people from all walks of life are slapping people's horses, etc. Now, they are screamed by an unfamiliar man. This has to be changed, I'm afraid they can't bear it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yannan didn't say a word, it was good.

"Come on, don't offend the master."

With a wave of Tie Zhu, Liu Yannan retreated.

"I'm full, too. I haven't finished my book today. I'm going to read it. Uncle, please forgive me for leaving."

Talking, Li Fan wiped his mouth and got up and walked towards the study.

Seeing Li Fan's retirement, Murong Bo was happy.

"Okay, good outsider!"

"Dad, what do you say, Li Fan is not an outsider."

Murong Ying seemed a little displeased.

"Yes, dad, how can brother-in-law be an outsider?"

Murong Ai also suddenly said good things, "I think my brother-in-law is pretty good. Unfortunately, we are all grown up, I miss the words I told my sister when I was young, and two people marry the same man together. Then, my sister and I can No need to separate. "

"My little daughter is really simple, hahaha!"

Murongbo heard this silly, and immediately laughed, Murong love smiled blushing.

"I made you laugh ..."

"Little love, you are old now, you can't say such things."

Murong Ying looked at her sister, "Sister finds a suitable husband for you. He must be a dragon among people to be worthy of you."

"I'm not in a hurry to marry someone."

Murong Ai said earnestly, "I still have to work hard to learn martial arts, and help my sister carry forward martial arts at home!"

"Little love is really sensible."

The elder sister praised her sister, and Murong Bo said with a smile.

"I have n’t bathed with my daughter for a long time. It seems that when you two were in elementary school, you did n’t allow one to wash each other. It ’s rare to get together today and take a bath with my father.

"Dad, I really want to practise my cherry blossoms for you."

Murong Ying frowned, and Murongbo hurriedly lowered her head to continue eating.

By this time, Li Fan had returned to his study to hide. The study is well structured, with rows of antique bookshelves, and a small balcony with a hanging chair. Li Fan was holding an original Harry Potter, sitting on a hanging chair, enjoying the moonlight, and looking at the half-read book in his hand.

What I want is this mood, which is better than enjoying leisurely outside Murong Bo. Otherwise, people must be self-reliant, Murong Ying is strong at home, Murong Bo is unreasonable, plus a moment to wait for his own Murong love, within a few days, I am afraid I can't stand it.

Just when Li Fan was going to concentrate on reading the book and studying, the door of the study was opened slightly. I saw Liu Yanan dressed in a maid costume and sneaked in.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Liu Yannan, Li Fan was a bit surprised, and quickly lowered his voice and asked.

"Huh, you'll find somewhere."

Liu Yanan pursed her mouth, "Just for your bet, how much did Miss Ben sacrifice, you know?"

"Yes, yes, I'm embarrassed today."

Li Fan felt embarrassed, but he thought for a while, "But if you don't make trouble today, you won't be wronged."

"Do you mean to blame me?"

"Blame me, blame me, all blame me. Let's say, what do you want me to do, I promise you that."

Li Fan's heart softened, and Liu Yannan laughed.

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