My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 185: Come with Miss Ben

185 Come with Miss Ben

This Liu Yanan smiled so much that Li Fan's heart was particularly low.

"Don't take care of others' bodies, they are not so casual people!"

Li Fan immediately hugged his shoulder and looked at Liu Yannan vigilantly.


Liu Yanan cursed, "Who would be interested in you guy! I'm just thinking about what you should do for me!"

"Take care of yourself, I won't do anything like betrayal of the body."

"Get off! Who wants your stinky body!"

Liu Yanan looked at Li Fan very disgustingly, but she thought for a while and sat on the small sofa opposite Li Fan.

"That being the case, then I also want to enjoy the feeling of the master."

She stretched out a hand and ticked Li Fan. "Come here, press Ms. Ben's shoulder and hammer her leg!"

"Don't go too far ..."

Li Fan seemed a little upset, and Liu Yannan said immediately, "Hey, hey, you said yes and promised me one thing. I'm not overdoing it, just letting you be my servant for a while is not enough? Don't forget, I've played for you for a long time. When did Miss Ben serve someone and was scolded!

"Okay, okay, what's so great. Can you still let me help you mine coal?"

"That's not necessary. Hurry and pinch Miss Ben!"

"Got it……"

"Little plums, do your best. I will reward you, Lafayette."

Liu Yannan smiled, but Li Fan knew that this woman was definitely not a normal smile, and her bad smile was almost the same!

"Little plum, Lafayette's legs are a bit sour, come here to squeeze it. Don't you practice martial arts, should you have good hands?"

"Wipe, can you call me by name, don't call it a little plum, like an eunuch!"

"Little plums are so kind."

Liu Yannan said, "I like to call it Xiao Lizi. You are my servant now. You must listen to my arrangements, you know? Little plum?"

"Day tofu ..."

Li Fan's hate was itching, and Liu Yannan was breathing! It shouldn't have been agreed with her, it really hurts.

But the agreed thing was the agreed one, and Li Fan had to squat down and pinch her calf for Liu Yannan.

"Why is there no strength at all, are you still a man?"

"Ah! Do you want to pinch my leg? Why is it trivial, even a subordinate is not treated well, it is a waste!"

Today, she really is learning and selling these things, and she has used them all!

Li Fan also had no choice but to follow Liu Yannan's will and give her a massage in accordance with her requirements.

Li Fan's martial arts skills are not learned in white. When he is really energizing, he can stimulate acupuncture points on Liu Yannan and give her a deeper massage. This Liu Yannan enjoys this kind of treatment, even if she doesn't feel comfortable, but the person who massages her is Li Fan, which is more comfortable than anything.

Looking at Liu Yannan's satisfied expression, Li Fan couldn't help but cursed a pervert in his heart.

This woman really likes to base her happiness on her pain. He now understands it. If there is no task to cooperate, I really want to stay away from this woman!

"Little plums, I haven't found it before, and your ability to give people bones is so strong."

Liu Yanan couldn't help but moan lightly in her mouth. In order to alleviate this invisible tadpole, Liu Yanan began to find some topics to talk to.

"I think about your dart game, you can take it easy. You might as well get a blind massage first."

"I'm not busy!"

"That's right, my fault."

Liu Yannan nodded, "It should be a massage of color and magic."

"Viper woman, do you want to fight?"

"Look at you, why are you so violent?"

Liu Yannan counted off, "I am your friend, but also for your sake, for the sake of you! Not only do you thank me for Dade, but you also scold me! Hey, sure, this society, it is difficult for a good person!"

"It's enough……"

Li Fan has to take it, this woman is really a set.

No wonder this woman has been mixed in society for so long, I am afraid that this woman will become perfect! Too close to her, she must be vigilant and prevent her from thinking badly about herself!

Otherwise, if she was sold by this woman, she might have to count her money!

Her belly black level should not be inferior to Murong Ai, both women are acting school!

"Li Fan, don't you really consider following me?"

Liu Yanan still did not give up this thought, "Miss Ben is not stupid, you can tell that you are not happy in this house. Since you are not happy, why do you want to live on? Come to me, Miss Ben promises you the best Treatment! Villa, luxury car, status! You can freely decide, no one will give you five and drink six! "

"You are tempting."

Li Fan groaned and then said, "But I don't want extravagance from anyone. I will open up my own future path. You can think for me, and I thank you very much. For this question, ask It's over here. "

"Why are you so dead-headed?"

Liu Yannan rolled his eyes angrily, "I want to help you all be rejected, how can you be like this!"

"Haha, I'm really sorry, as for me, I'm just a bit dead-headed."

Li Fan said with a smile, "Everything including Murong's family has nothing to do with me. My destiny is my own decision!"

"Trouble you!"

Liu Yanan was a little upset. A dignified young lady, everything was always in her hands! She just couldn't figure out this thing, it was just a high school student. Why couldn't she always come by her own mind?

Liu Yannan is really irritable, and it is terribly irritable!

When she was young, when did she encounter such a thing! For her young lady, she is really tortured!

Grab your heart! It's really disturbing!

"Pinch me!"

Liu Yannan shouted angrily, Li Fan was almost drunk.

"Does your feet smell bad?"

"Smelly your sister! You smell bad feet, your whole family smells feet!"

She pointed at her feet and said, "Miss Ben's feet are fragrant! Fragrant! Do you know?"

"The first time I heard someone's feet are fragrant ..."

Li Fan was very painful. "Did you have perfume on your feet?"

"Natural body fragrance, do you understand?"

"I've heard body fragrance, but the first time I heard it came from my feet."

Li Fan wiped his cold sweats, "Viper Woman, I only learned today that you are not human."

"Get off! You are not human!"

I originally wanted to call Li Fan, but I didn't expect to be enraged by Li Fan!

Just when Liu Yannan was going to find a way to rule Li Fan, footsteps came from outside!



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