No. 187

This time Murong Ai was well-behaved and did not hesitate to hide behind the bookcase.

Li Fan was relieved for the time being, and finally he would not meet Liu Yanan!

But who is this time? This is still over, can I not be safe when I read the book?

Just as Li Fan complained, the door of the study was knocked.

"Li Fan, are you inside, open the door!"

I went, when Murong Ying came in, she turned the door back!

Li Fan really admires what this little girl wants to do!

"Li Fan?"

Murong Ying urged again, Li Fan reached out and twisted the door handle. His pure innocence was released, acting on the door handle, and with Li Fan's action, he unscrewed the door handle.

Murong Ying came in, and when she saw Li Fan, she teased first.

"Did you even lock the door to hide from my father?"

"I want to say it wasn't me, do you believe it?"

Li Fan is telling the truth.

"Hum, lying again."

Murong Ying glared at Li Fan, "Even if you don't like my dad, don't lock yourself up."

"Your dad's fighting ability is too strong. I can't admit defeat."

Li Fan can be seen, "Can't afford me to hide, I'm quiet in this picture!"

"Ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see in-laws."

"Wipe, I'm not an ugly daughter-in-law!"

Li Fan was very upset. "As soon as your dad came, this place basically didn't feel dazed. I thought about it. Whenever he stayed, I would go to the billiard hall."

"What if he doesn't leave?"

"Then I will settle down in the pool hall!"

Li Fan pouted, "I don't care anyway, I'm a big man, and the world is the home. Not to mention, this is your Murong family's property, and the house is also built by your Murong family. I won't fight for it, I will go out."

"Going out of the house again, as if the two of us were divorced."

"Miss, shall we both be married?"

Li Fan reminded Murong Ying, "Don't make a mistake."

"Isn't it just a piece of paper, I can supply you at any time."

"Neither you nor I are of legal marriage age?"

"The law does not interfere with my Murong family."

"Okay, you cow! But you don't want to get married!"

Li Fan resentfully said, "I'm not Lifan!"

"Look, why are you still in trouble?"

Murong Ying's rare voice softened, "I know my dad is a bit excessive, but he is also a pet to a daughter. I hope you can understand, after all, you will be a father in the future."

"I can't accept it anyway."

Li Fan honestly said, "Your dad is too overbearing, most people can't carry it! Just tell me the truth, is he not looking at me at all? No matter if I dress like a Sven scum, Nothing? "

"He just likes those family disciples. He feels that those family disciples are those who have received orthodox education. There are countless flashes of light in them. And you, grassroots origin, are not martial arts orthodox."

"So I can never get into his eyes."

"What's that, I chose the man, not him!"

Murong Ying said very arrogantly, "Those family disciples are not attractive to me. Instead, you are just a high school student, but with your own efforts, you have become a master of entering the room. Conversely, if you are Family disciple, on the contrary, I will have little interest in you. "

"So you are interested in me?"

Li Fan asked back, Murong Ying snorted and looked at the curtains next to her. "I just have an impression of you than other men ... a little bit higher, don't look at yourself!"

"One day, I will let you all give me a high look."

Li Fanang held his head high, his eyes full of self-confidence.

"You said, you have to do it."

Murong Ying reminded Li Fan, "For those who don't speak, I can see more Murong Ying."

"You will see!"

Li Fan clenched his fists. This Murong Ying was giving him so much psychological pressure every day, wouldn't he be afraid of his collapse!

"But if you want to grow up quickly, I can pass on your Valkyrie formula!"

Murong Ying is marketing her Valkyrie again, "The predecessor of this Valkyrie was the cheat book I won at the Wulin Conference," Under the World "! But with my changes and improvements, I have this Valkyrie .Through "Wu Shen Jue", in line with your unique qualifications, I think even if you are more stupid, you can quickly enter the state of peaking. "

"How can this work!"

Li Fan waved his hand, "First of all, my" Seven Chivalrous Forces "has unlimited potential and is not necessarily worse than your" Valkyrie "! Secondly, learning martial arts must be done step by step, not overnight! I have improved very quickly, if I Hurry up, I'm afraid I can't stop the breeding of the demon. "

With the deepening of the martial arts realm, Li Fan also became more and more clear. He knows what should be anxious and what should be stable!


Murong Ying was somewhat surprised. She did not expect that Li Fan had mastered the martial art realm to such an extent.

It seems that it is not accidental to learn about it. Maybe, I really created a great martial artist ...

"Li Fan, in this case, I ..."

Murong Ying seemed to want to say something to Li Fan, but Murong Bo's loud voice sounded outside.

"Baby girl, where are you?"


Murong Ying frowned. She had ran out to hide from her father. When she heard that the other party was looking for herself, she immediately wanted to hide subconsciously.

"Behind the sofa!"

Li Fan stretched out a finger, and Murong Ying hesitated slightly, still squatting behind the sofa, and then made Li Fan wink, consciously not to speak.

When Murong Bo's footsteps reached the door of the room, he pushed down the door and found that the door was still locked.

"Why is there a locked room in this home?"

Murongbo said, the door suddenly slammed, and flew up, hitting a bookshelf next to it.

Fortunately, this bookshelf is strong enough, and with the help of Li Fan, he held the skewed bookshelf.

"Li Fan, how is your kid?"

Mu Rongbo frowned when he saw Li Fan.

"Master Yue, don't I say I'm going to the study room to read a book, you are more forgotten, so forget it."

Although Li Fan did not like it, he still arched and said to Murong Bo.

"Boy, don't play tricks with me! How many women do you hide when I don't feel it?"

Mu Rongbo said, suddenly reached out and grabbed a wooden board next to a bookcase, then crushed it into three sections, threw it out, and went straight to the place where the three women were hiding!

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