188 Must Win

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he grabbed the piece of wood that hit the curtain. The remaining two pieces of wood were caught by Murong Ying and Murong Ai at the same time.

However, Murong Bo thought it out and knew that Li Fan would help. Although he caught the piece of wood, a burst of anger erupted from the piece of wood and hit the curtains behind him.

With a swipe, the curtain was cut in two by anger. Liu Yanan's figure was also revealed, wearing a black and white maid costume, with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment.

Murong Ying and Murong Ai looked at each other and did not know what had happened.

"How are you guys?"

Murong Bo himself was taken aback. If Liu Yanan was a maid, he would believe it! But now there are more daughters of their own, this is not right!

"I'm here to talk to Li Fan. We were originally unmarried couples. There is nothing to cover up."

Murong Ying said simply, and Murong Ai hurriedly raised her hand. "I was here to ask my brother-in-law about some martial arts problems! When my sister came just now, they were reading at the back! I saw that they were talking seriously , I'm not ashamed to come out! "

"I ... I said I've been cleaning the glass, do you believe it?"

Liu Yanan laughed twice.

All three women have ghosts in their hearts, and no one can say who.

Mu Rongbo doesn't need to take this into account. He waved at Liu Yannan, "You, a lieutenant, come to the owner's room casually, what a system! I have long thought that you are not right, are you a woman raised by this guy! "

"You speak softly!"

Liu Yanan is finally unwilling. Does this old thing really make himself an emperor?

"I don't owe you anything! I came to work on the first day and I didn't even get my salary! Why did you pay me 50 and 6 when you were a native emperor? Tell you, no matter who you are, you have to be in city A. Give me a good nest! "

"It's a big tone. In this era, even a subordinate dare to speak so wildly. It seems that I really need to discipline it."

Murong Bo raised his right hand, as if to teach Liu Yanan. But Liu Yannan is just an ordinary person, where can he live with Murong Bo's strength.

Just when Murong Bo wanted to take a shot, Li Fan took a step forward and stopped between them.

"I'm really sorry, in fact, this is my friend. I also asked Uncle Murong to give me three-pointed noodles and show mercy."

"Give you thin noodles?"

When Murong Bo heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Li Fan, Li Fan, you really look at yourself, how old are you? I have been in Rongbo for so many years, how many people have looked at my face, why do I have to look at you like a thin face ! "

"Anyway, I am your future son-in-law."

"Son son? Stop dreaming, I haven't admitted it! Now that my eldest daughter likes you, I just let her stay with you for a while. Do you think that's why you stepped into the giants? Li Fan, I Let me tell you, don't think about it in your life. You are a diao, always forever! This life is, and so will the next life! "

"Don't go too far ..."

Li Fan felt that he had endured to the limit.

"Li Fan, my father just said you two words, just listen."

Murong Ying repeatedly winked at Li Fan and motioned him to continue to be patient.

"I bear? I bear jb! I can't bear it!"

Li Fan had already jumped his feet. He took off the glasses and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Murongbo, my ancestor to you! My little one has had enough of you, today you are without me!"

Li Fan said, his body suddenly jumped forward, directly pulling out a residual image, approaching Murongbo quickly!

Murongbo, but the old **** was standing there, just as Li Fan's palm was about to be caught on Murongbo's face, a figure suddenly flashed from the side, with a strong wind, in front of Li Fan in an instant!

This was a thin figure. He reached out his right hand and grabbed Li Fan's wrist.

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan coldly, but his eyes looked like a dead man!

Li Fan and Jiang Feng stared at each other. The two looked at each other. Li Fan's eyes did not have hate, but there was a kind of sympathy.

"You two! Don't be impulsive!"

Murong Ying was startled, but it was too late to stop.

"How dare you sympathize with me!"

Jiang Feng's eyes flashed with anger, and he had a little more force on his fingers, as if trying to pinch Li Fan's wrist! But Li Fan is not vegetarian, he swings his body like a pendulum clock, and the fist of the other hand hits Jiang Feng with the power of rotation!

With a snap, the air seemed to be crushed by Li Fan's fist!

The fist on the fist rolled the dust in the air and exploded in the air!


One side of Jiang Feng's forehead avoided Li Fan's move.

He himself was a bit surprised, but after a while, Li Fan's strength has improved to such an extent?

If this fist falls on himself, I am afraid that Jiang Feng's strength will not hurt him too much!

Don't you look at it for three days, is this really true?

That is not possible, this progress is too fast! How long have you cultivated before you have reached the level of entering the room. But this kid only takes a few months and has already entered the room?

Without waiting for Jiang Feng to understand, Li Fan remembered that the snake came out of the hole, and the anti-passengers were the main ones. Not only did Jiang Feng's blockade be resolved, but Jiang Feng's throat was further attacked!

Although Jiang Feng was surprised, there was nothing left in her hands. He reached out his right hand, blocking his throat, while trying to grab Li Fan's palm.

But Li Fan's spirit snake came out of the hole more and more ever-changing. He suddenly twisted his hand, once again avoiding Jiang Feng's palm, and then his **** were like fangs, and he pulled towards Jiang Feng's eyes!

Just a right hand, but really like a poisonous snake, caused great trouble to Jiang Feng!

But Murong Bo's closed apprentice, this name is not Gaid!

Jiang Feng immediately stretched out his other hand, **** poked at Li Fan's wrist!

Twelve dozen points!

If these **** are poked, I am afraid that Li Fan's arm will be scrapped!

However, Li Fan suddenly yelled, and the tiger shouted in the forest. The sound shook Jiang Feng by taking three steps backwards.

"Very strong ..."

Even Jiang Feng couldn't help but marvel.

Did the young lady give her skills to Li Fan again? Impossible, depending on the appearance of the young lady, Wu Gong obviously has recovered a lot.

I have to win this battle today! As an apprentice of Murong Bo, he is actually similar to his shadow!


The system crashed in the morning, just finished, the plane at 10:30 was really delaying.


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