My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 189: Feng Shui turns

189 Feng Shui turns

Jiang Feng has his own conviction, he must defeat Li Fan!

Twelve dozen acupuncture points were played to the extreme by Jiang Feng, attacking Li Fan again and again. Jiang Feng's twelve dozen acupuncture points are a stunt he has practiced for many years. He exerted great power, with a strong wind, specifically hit Li Fan's points around his body!

But Li Fan is not vegetarian, he is no longer the Li Fan who was against Jiang Feng at that time! I saw him growl, and his clothes immediately began to stretch and shred!

Almost in a blink of an eye, Li Fan had swelled into a one-meter-nine-meter tall man, and his muscles almost exploded!


Murong Bo and Jiang Feng saw this scene, both of them were shocked. How could Li Fan be so talented, this is one of the three martial arts martial arts!

Jiang Feng looked at Li Fan with some jealousy in his eyes. After so many years of hard training, I have never realized any of the three magic tricks, and Li Fan He De He Neng has learned this trick!

Alien rebirth can be called the ultimate killing melee, which can greatly enhance the ability of melee. Most of Li Fan's martial arts are melee combats. After having a special shape, he is undoubtedly even more powerful!

Moreover, the special-shaped bone replacement strengthens the muscles of the body, and the anti-strike ability is also better. Jiang Feng beat the acupuncture points several times and poked on Li Fan's body, all of which was relieved by his muscles.

"Bear! Ride! Soldier!"

After Li Fan took out his highest combat effectiveness and strengthened his flesh, his six tigers approached the seven tigers, and the power on his body seemed to be surging seawater!

"It doesn't hurt you to believe it!"

Jiang Feng held his hands together and poked at Li Fan's main point.

And Li Fan doesn't care about Jiang Feng's attack at all. The bear cavalry is just like this, abandoning all defense, attack, attack, is attack!

As soon as he waved his fist, the fist slammed up, like a pendulum clock, and hit him hard against Jiang Feng's head!

Jiang Feng seemed to feel something wrong. He gave up his attack, retracted his hands, and blocked himself in front of his head.


Li Fan's fist was thrown on his face, temporarily blocked by Jiang Feng's hands. But the power on the fist could not be completely stopped. Jiang Feng sank with both hands, and then pressed his face with his hands, twisting his face.

Then, his body spun quickly under the influence of strength, and then made several laps in a row, and finally smashed into the bookcase next to it, smashing through the bookshelf.

Murong Bo was a little surprised. His proud companion failed.


He knew Jiang Feng's strength. How could his apprentice, who was brought out by himself, lose to Li Fan, a half-way monk?

But what surprised Murong Bo most was Li Fan. In just a short period of time, his strength has improved so much, and he has also realized the alien transformation. One-handed Wu Qin Xi has made him a peerless foreign skill!

I looked away that year!

If Li Fan is reshaped, Jiang Feng may not win him.

The old fox Murongbo estimated in his heart and couldn't help sighing. "It seems Jiang Feng can't win, and his talent is too bad."


The bookcase over there was suddenly knocked open, Jiang Feng stood up from the inside, and some wood chips were still in his body.

His white long coat had become a little tattered, and his hair buns were scattered. His chic appearance had disappeared.

"Jiang Feng, you did your best, step back!"

Murong Ying seemed to feel something was wrong, and immediately scolded her.

But Jiang Feng suddenly raised his head, his eyes glowed red.

"Li Fan, I want you to die."

Jiang Feng held out a finger and pointed at Li Fan, his voice was cold and murderous.

"Heaven and Demon?"

Murong Bo was shocked again. In this room, the three great martial arts tricks are all full!

Turn reality into reality, reshape the bones, and unite your heart and soul!

When did Jiang Feng realize this trick!

Everyone who practices martial arts will breed a demon in his heart! Some people are controlled by the demon, and go into the devil to become the demon of insufficiency. And some people defeated the demon and turned into a firm master of martial arts!

But some people, but also a very small number of people, can control their own demon and practice this one. What a flayer is, is your own instinct! Fighting by instinct can greatly enhance a person's strength!

Jiang Feng's body suddenly flashed, almost in an instant, before Li Fan. The surrounding books were driven by his figure, and the breeze rolled up, flying them up.

In the state of unity of hearts and spirits, Jiang Feng's speed made Murong Bo a little unclear! This way of fighting can only be performed by instinct and confrontation!

This Jiang Feng's acupoint hand stabbed at Li Fan's dead point like lightning!

His self-esteem received the greatest insult, so Jiang Feng, who was in a state of united spirits and demons, had no compassion and was ready to deal with Li Fan!

But fast speed may be good for others, but it is not good for Li Fan!

In Li Fan's eyes, no matter how fast Jiang Feng was, he would also be slowed down. Looking at the **** poking at his dead point, Li Fan just laughed, and he didn't care, and shot Jiang Feng's chest with one palm!

Big Bear King Seal!

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Jiang Feng himself sent Li Fan to give this one!

Jiang Feng's mind quickly flashed this terrible end, and before he hit Li Fan, his chest was about to be hit!

The advantage of the unity of mind and demon is that it will not allow anger to overwhelm one's reason, and can maintain a correct attack style! Jiang Feng did not hesitate, immediately put away his attack, and quit three steps!

However, Li Fan did not shoot Jiang Feng in this palm, but followed him to grasp Jiang Feng's shoulder.


Jiang Feng froze, without waiting for him to react, Li Fan had grabbed his body and lifted him into the air.

"Uncle Bear Pile Driver!"

Li Fan said, holding Jiang Feng with both hands, and slamming his head on the ground, really like a piling, he shot down hard at the ground!


Mu Rongbo finally couldn't sit still. When he waved his hand, a strong spirit swept over Li Fan's body, stepped back by two steps, and stepped one foot deep on the ground.


Murong Ying didn't speak, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The last time Jiang Feng shot Li Fan almost by mistake and blocked Jiang Feng himself. Unexpectedly, so soon, Li Fan almost killed Jiang Feng with his wrong hand, and his father stopped it.

Feng Shui takes turns, that's it!

He did not choose the wrong man!

"Murongbo, how can you stop me from competing?"

Li Fan finally found the opportunity to vent.

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