190 Heart Protection Dan

"No more stopping you, but my life will be accounted for in your hands!"

Murong Bo immediately reprimanded.

"Life is dead, wealth is in heaven."

Li Fan grinned, "I remember we still had a year's appointment that day! Now it seems that this so-called agreement is not needed anymore! He lost! And it was a fiasco!"

Then, Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng who was squatting there. "This hero Jiang, who may be a little neurotic, aren't you telling me what is the real martial art?"


Jiang Feng stood up, because Li Fan's bear daddy pile driver did not hit, so he was not injured, and he was still full of energy. Today's level! Without Miss, you are nothing! "

"it is good!"

When Li Fan heard this, his body shook. "You're right!"

Li Fan said, putting a hand on Murong Ying's shoulder, "I'll give it back to you in the past 11 years!"

The dragon toad **** water, and the dragon toad spit water upside down! This is another use of the pure yang body discovered by Li Fan. As long as the body's qi is reversed, he can convey his qi to others!

These qi were originally obtained from Murong Sakura, but now they are sent back, and they will not be wasted. They are absorbed by Murong Sakura smoothly.

Waiting for Murong Ying to resist the effort, the whole eleven years of anger have all returned to her body!

Li Fan has now lost a lot of energy, and his strength has temporarily regressed, and has fallen to the level of pure fire. His face was pale and his internal cough was painful, but he still screamed.

"The rest is the qi I cultivated myself, Jiang Feng, you and I will come again!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Feng Yin laughed, and then his body suddenly flickered again.

After entering the unity of hearts and spirits, Jiang Feng's speed seemed like a ghost, almost in an instant, he had already reached behind Li Fan, and then **** continued to pierce into Li Fan's dead point!

There is also a dead spot behind a person's neck, which is very dangerous. There are a lot of people who practice iron cloth shirts and golden bell covers. This week, their defense is extremely high, but the only cover door is here.

Once broken, their gold body was also broken.

Although Li Fan is weak and his internal strength is reduced, after all, he is the one who has opened up the veins! Although he couldn't see Qing Jiang's movements, he felt the chill at the neck behind him!

Li Fan did not hesitate, raised his palm, and patted it directly on his belly!

"Big Bear King Seal!"


The palm wind on the seal of the Bear King immediately penetrated Li Fan's abdomen, carrying blood, and hit Jiang Feng's chest again!


A palm print on Jiang Feng's chest immediately broke his ribs! If it wasn't for Jiang Feng's real body protection in a timely manner, plus Li Fan's skill was weak, and he was weakened by his own abdomen, I am afraid that the palm wind can directly break Jiang Feng's heart!

Even so, Jiang Feng's body flew up high, fell on the sofa next to it, and sat there decadently, unable to move.

The heart was so strongly attacked that it would not recover in a short while.

And Li Fan also spit out a bite of blood, squatted down on the ground, and blocked the blood around his lower abdomen with true qi, so as not to lose too much blood and die!

This move hurts both! The so-called injury to a thousand, self-damaging eight hundred! Although Jiang Feng was severely injured, Li Fan's own injuries were also quite deep.

"So what else can you say?"

Li Fan wiped off the overflowing blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Jiang Feng with a yellow face with a smile. "If you don't agree, we will fight again!"


Jiang Feng now has no strength to speak, and Murong Bo is pale.

He really didn't expect that Li Fan, who was full of strength, even hurt his lover!

This Li Fan is really cruel! How to play such a lose-lose move! Even Jiang Feng, I'm afraid I can't foresee such a fierce move, and was beaten like this, and within half a month, he couldn't recover.

"Murong Bo, I don't owe you Murong family now."

Li Fan said aloud, "Even if I can't beat you, Li Fan will let go of my life and fight with you! Murong Bo, although I was born in the grass, I have no money and no background, but I tell you, don't underestimate a teenager ! Especially a man! "


Mu Rongbo couldn't say a word at this moment. He was dazzled by Li Fan's eyes, and he could only swallow.

"Dad, Xiaoai, my fiance may be a little uncomfortable tonight. You go back first. I need to heal him."

Murong Ying suddenly ordered a guest.

"Sakura ... what do you like about him, man? Is there no fault in him?"

"His faults are as many as the stars."

Murong Ying said lightly.

"What about his merit?"

Murong Ai could not help asking more.

"His advantages are as few as the sun."

"Then you still like him?"

Murong Bo immediately asked.

"Because the sun comes out, the stars are gone."

In a word of Murong Ying, Murong Bo was speechless.

"Let's go home! Come, take Jiang Feng back!"

The old fox shook his sleeve and turned away. Two bodyguards came in and carefully carried Jiang Feng away.

After they had all gone, Li Fan glanced at Murong Ying.

"You said that, seriously?"

"What did I just say?"

Murong Yingruo looked at Li Fan idly.

"Just that, the stars and the moon!"

"What stars and moons, you see a lot of interstellar novels."

Murong Ying turned and said, "You are too much today. I am so angry that I ignore you today."

Before she left, she instructed Tie Zhu again, "Give him Xindan and let him take it."

"Yes, miss."

Tie Zhu took out a golden elixir and handed it to Li Fan.

"This woman, I really don't understand, she should take medicine too!"

Li Fan feels that Murong's family is neurotic!

"Aunt ... This heart-protecting dan was obtained by chance when the young lady traveled in the early years."

Tie Zhu lowered his voice and said to Li Fan, "This heart protector can save lives, almost saying that it can bring back life to death! There are two of them on the young lady's body, never willing to eat ..."

"Wipe, so expensive, I won't eat it."

Li Fan pushed away the elixir, but Tie Zhu shoved it into his hand.

"My uncle lost too much energy tonight and was seriously injured. If I do n’t adjust my breath as soon as possible, the aftermath is small and my heart is big. My uncle, take your medicine quickly and I will clean up at home."

Tie Zhu said, turned and went to work. Although the study was a mess, at least it was quiet now. Li Fan glanced at the golden elixir in his hand and hesitated for a long time.

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