My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 192: Ten lifetime

192 years

"Are you okay?"

Murong Ying was slightly surprised when she saw Li Fan jumping around.

According to the extent of Li Fan's injuries, he would not be able to move freely if he had not cultivated for ten days and a half months. But where does he now look like he's been hurt? Murong Ying began to speculate, did Li Fan recover so quickly because of pure Yang body? If this is the case, it would be too convenient for pure Yang body?

"It's okay, but I need to get back to school."

Li Fan was moving his body and said, "But I haven't gone to school for so many days, and the school won't bother me, right? The principal and Chang Chunxi are thinking about how to kick me out of school every day! They have a chance to come before them, and they are not happy about it. "

"Rest assured, I've taken time off for you."

Murong Ying reassured Li Fan, "I said you have relapsed hemorrhoids and have had another operation."

"I rub ... and hemorrhoids recur. Has the wound exploded!"

Li Fan's cold sweat covered his head. Couldn't Murong Ying think of a good excuse?

"Do people believe this reason?"

"I'm a director. What I say, they can believe or not."

Murong Ying is very overbearing, but it is overbearing and reasonable, which makes Li Fan unable to pick out any problems.

"Okay, just ask me for leave anyway ..."

You really are finished without asking for leave. The principal and Chang Chunxi will never let him go easily.

"But the two-day course has been pulled down, and I have to make up for it ..."

As soon as Li Fan thought of having to learn, he felt a little bit sore.

"That's your problem ..."

"How about Jiang Feng, how's it going?"

Li Fan cared about his opponent, he felt that the fate between him and Jiang Feng had not been broken before. It can be seen that Jiang Feng is definitely a careful person. He defeated him in front of Murong Bo, he will never let go of himself.

"He is still lying in the hospital."

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan twice, "There are many fractures on her body, I am afraid that I haven't gotten up for ten and a half months."

"That's okay, not bad."

Li Fan rejoiced and smiled, causing Murong Ying's white eyes.

"Look at your success, isn't that a victory for Jiang Feng? Is that enough?"

"Of course I'm satisfied, after all, I could not beat him!"

Li Fan waved his palm, "How about, I said, my seven chivalrous fist can definitely sweep the world!"

"Don't be too confident."

Murong Ying hit Li Fan, "Don't forget that Jiang Feng is not a real master. However, he also realized that the spirit and the demon are united. I am afraid that the future is unlimited. This man grew up with me from childhood, he Mind your eyes, you need to be careful. "

"there is always a solution to a problem!"

As soon as Li Fan pouted, "He dares to come, I dare to shoot! As a martial arts fighter, someone competes with me, and I have no time to laugh!"

"It wasn't like this when you first learned martial arts. Now you are more and more like a martial arts idiot."

"Hey, I'm embarrassed you to boast."

"Who brags you! Narcissism!"

"Are my husband and wife, what are you shy about? You haven't said, am I your sun?"

"Yes, you are right."

Murong Ying nodded and admitted Li Fan's words.

"You are my sun, so the abbreviation is two words, my day."


Li Fan blinked his eyes, lying down, when did Murong Ying learn so sharply! This bucket of fighting skills is good!

Bunker Bunker!

"Since you're okay, I'm assured. Don't be impulsive in the future. The same trick you used to do before will not be used in the future.

"Isn't this trick powerful?"

Li Fan was confident. "I think it works."

"It's not martial arts style to hurt others."

Murong Ying reminded him, "The original purpose of martial arts was to strengthen the body. If you were to spoil your body, you would be wrong."

"Okay, then I know."

Li Fan doesn't pout, he knows Murong Ying is definitely more experienced in this respect.

"The next time I do this, I won't have to."

"It couldn't be better. Time is running out. You should go to class."

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan, who was full of life, and felt privately again, and then turned away from the messy study room.

Li Fan couldn't help feeling a little guilty when looking at the bookshelves lying on the floor and the book scattered around. How to say these books are Murong Ying's treasures, and they messed up with others, Murong Ying should be very distressed.

Li Fan, looking at these books scattered around, couldn't help remembering the scene that happened when he fought with Yan Kai. At that time, Yan Kai stretched out his hands, released the inner Tai Chi moves, and supported the cars around him!

Although I do n’t know Tai Chi, I think Tianchan should be able to achieve similar results?

Li Fan stood in the middle of this study, took a deep breath, and let oxygen burn in the body. The presence of oxygen made Li Fan feel a power. He mobilized the true energy in his body and released it through his hands.

These vibes are like a little hand grabbing the books around.

However, Li Fan only distributed ten shares of anger and seized only ten books. That's not enough, he needs more.

Li Fan let these ten strands of qi become one, two and three, and finally divided into ten. Li Fan released a hundred breaths of energy, but this required too much energy to control, Li Fan faintly felt a little pain in his head.

Zhenqi was divided out too much, a whole hundred, grabbed the books around. But scattered books are everywhere, not just as simple as a hundred. At the same time, Li Fan controlled those bookshelves and returned them to their original positions.

try again……

Li Fan let Zhenqi start to disperse again. One, two, two ... Three hundred hundred invigorating spirits were released, all the scattered books on the ground were caught, but Li Fan felt that his body was going to be torn Broken. He had a pain in his nerves, and three bookshelves fell to the ground, shaking to the side of the bookshelf, and scattered the books more.

If you continue this way, you must be very dangerous!

But Li Fan is not convinced, he must have a way to make himself stronger! Isn't it just three hundred infuriating, what is this?

I still do n’t believe it, the spring breeze blows, the war drums swell, who is afraid of this world!

Li Fan raised his hands, and a lot of red bloodshots appeared in his eyes.

Give me more points!

Ten lifetimes!

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