My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 193: Newborn body

193 Newborn Body

Li Fan gave out 3,000 shares of energy!

The body was on the verge of collapse, but at this moment I didn't know what was happening, but it gave new life!

Bloodstains appeared in many places on his body, and they were torn by too much energy. However, these old spirits are replaced with new ones. Every time there is a rapid consumption, a new one grows up, and Li Fan's body is changed again and again.

Li Fan's strength reached a new peak. He felt that his body had been reshaped once! A lot of flesh was torn, and the old flesh fell to the ground with Qi, as if the snake had shed skin.

Snake molt ...

Li Fan seems to understand something. Among his seven chivalrous fists, there is a snake attack technique, which completely imitates the posture of a snake! Now the structure in his body seems to have reached the same level as the snake, and it has been reshaped, and bone marrow has been washed away! New flesh kept coming out of him. Ten minutes later, Li Fan had all his skin peeled off, and a new body stood there.

The wounds on his body were also healed, and each piece of flesh was very brand new, but it was not the kind of untrained flesh. The coordination on it was perfect and suitable for battle.

When Li Fan transferred 3,000 shares of Qi again, although it was still a little bit reluctant, he was not so strenuous.

It's like lifting a sack. As long as you lift it a few more times, you can adapt to it.

Li Fan stretched out his hands and grabbed 3,000 strands of vitality on every book around him. If anyone outside sees this scene, it must be very surprised. Because thousands of books are constantly rotating around Li Fan's body, like an elf.

The elves walked quickly, and the rows of bookcases fell back to their original positions. Li Fan kept flicking his fingers, allowing these books to return to their place.

This feeling is really great. Three thousand shares of vitality are flexible and free to keep the books in place.

He bounced with both hands, watching each book return to its place.

When the last book fell back to the bookshelf, Li Fan was finally relieved.

It seemed that tide was going backwards in the body, which made Li Fan feel a little empty. There was too much power just released, and I almost let myself go. But a trick snake sheds skin to save himself, but also makes his strength a step closer!

Li Fan felt for a moment, his current strength is about seven tigers. Although it is far from the peak of the nine tigers and two dragons, it is at least getting closer.

Li Fan slightly regained his true energy, and his pure positive body was very convenient to restore his true energy.

Between a few breaths, his strength has recovered a lot, and the feeling of emptiness in his body has improved a lot, just like eating a full stomach.

"The clothes are all done, and the aliens will be less used in the future."

Li Fan's deformed bone broke a suit again. He returned to his room, found the school uniform, and put it on his body.

Looking at this blue-and-white school uniform, Li Fan still felt a little missed.

Sometimes I really forget that I am still a high school student! When he was dressed, he jumped out of the window.

His body was abnormally flexible, he flipped in the air, a mule turned over, and then landed firmly on the ground.

After a snake's molting, Li Fan's light work also improved a lot. He landed on the ground with no undulations in his body, and his calf never shook.

In order to use such good light work, Li Fan must fill his body with vitality. To this day he has not done so, but has maintained such a smoothness. This is what Li Fan never thought of!

Internal force is advanced, which is what every martial artist wants. Li Fan also wanted, especially the purity of the advanced internal force, not just the size of the force, which made Li Fan rejoice.

In this way, the distance from Murong Ying is getting closer! Sooner or later, he will be around the world and become a great martial art master!

Now Li Fan's body doesn't need him to actively mobilize Zhen Qi at all. This Zhen Qi is like blood flowing in his body. With every heart beat of Li Fan, his body is automatically filled.

Li Fan jumped forward slightly, and the body jumped out more than three meters away.

The body seems to have been completely remodeled. It is very relaxed, so that Li Fan enjoys his new body.

This kind of body is really good, it is much more coordinated than the previous body. Li Fan felt that the current body can more easily perform actions that are not available on weekdays.

Li Fan was running close to the road while his body turned over in the air, then his waist continued to rotate, his legs kept kicking out, a jump of kung fu, he has kicked out five feet continuously!

Usually, Li Fan wants to kick out these five feet in a row, and it is very difficult to do so without strengthening his vitality to the extreme. At that time, I felt like I was using rope as a rope, and I felt like a puppet. But now he can easily perform these moves by himself, which is much more convenient for Li Fan. Now he can easily perform more foreign skills moves!

"So cool!"

Li Fan is very happy. Before, he always felt the limits of his body, but now, the limits have been exceeded!

The enemy's moves slowly slowed down in his usual encounters with people. But his own speed will also slow down, and there is no way to respond better. But now, Li Fan can have more ways to deal with it!

With a physical breakthrough, Li Fan also became bolder. He started to climb from the side of a building, and when he jumped, he fell on the air conditioner on the second floor, and then stepped on it again, raising it by two or three meters, grasping the balcony of a window with one hand, raising it by three again. How tall!

Li Fan climbed lightly on the wall of the building. After several rises and falls, he had already reached the top of the building. This building is also seven stories high, but only Spider-Man can stick to the wall.

After he fell to the top of the building, the opposite building was about ten meters away. But it's hard to beat Li Fan. He ran from this side of the building, and reached the other side of the roof three or two times, one foot on the edge of the building, and then jumped out.

Li Fan jumped more than five meters away, half the distance from the building opposite. But it didn't hurt him. He suddenly opened his arms, then kicked his feet backwards, and his anger burst out from the soles of his feet, and he slammed into the air.

At the same time, his body took a leap forward with this explosion, and turned over in the air, as if the two consecutive jumps in the game, rolled forward again, jumped five meters away again, and then easily fell to the opposite side. Upstairs.

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