My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 198: You may have the habit of Longyang

198 Your Excellency may have the habit of Longyang

"Brother Li is a little too careful."

Yan Kai looked at Li Fan's cautious appearance and couldn't help laughing, "I Yan someone quit Jin Jinwei, why are you worried?"

"That place is said to go in, said to retreat?"

Li Fan was a little disbelieved, "How do you tease a three-year-old?"

"Of course it's not so easy to retreat, but where Yan wants to retreat, no one can stop me!"

"Don't tell me, I really heard your name."

Li Fanduo glanced at Yan Kai and said, "It turns out that you are really an apprentice of Wudang, it is really unbelievable."

"I can't believe it. I was the pride of heaven! On Wudang Mountain, no one is my rival, and it is boring to stay."

Yan Kai sighed, "People of the same age are even more boring. They know martial arts every day and have no fun at all. The women in Wudang Mountain are sticking to me like flies, annoying and annoying. died."

"Well, don't you talk in this way?"

"What does it mean?"

Yan Kai looked at Li Fan puzzledly, it seemed that he did not know enough about modern house culture.

"It means ... the winner of life!"

Li Fan clenched his fists. Did this guy come to show off!

"Oh, that's really suitable for me. Now charging, um, I'm just charging."

Yan Kai nodded and took the word without hesitation, "So Wudang Mountain doesn't make any sense to me. Dao I am in the Quartet, or the world under the mountain is more exciting."

"Then you continue to be wonderful, I'm going home."

Li Fan didn't bother to care about Yan Kai, and turned around and left.

"Well, Brother Li, why are you so anxious. Although you and I have very different identities, they can be considered to be one-sided. Maybe let go of my heart, and I don't want to abandon you in all respects. I think everyone can talk in peace How's the chat? "

"Get off your uncle!"

Li Fan yelled at his mother, "You still call it fair? Hurry up and see a doctor. I look at you and it hurts!"

"Don't hurt? Brother Li said gao pills?"

Yan Kai thought for a moment. "This should be a symptom of kidney yin deficiency. I happen to understand some Huang Lao's techniques. Why not help Brother Li?"

"Roll the calf! How are you!"

Li Fan was shaking with anger, and the dust around him was blown out by his energy, forming a circular ripple, spreading out in all directions.

"It just happened that the strength has improved recently, and I haven't found anyone to do it!"

"Cough, isn't it a little bit upset to kill every day?"

I do n’t know why, although Yan Kai was proud of his martial arts, he felt guilty when he saw Li Fan. Hey, if you are still the strength of that year, how can you fear this young man!

"Then why do you come to me? You never want to play mahjong with me?"

"You don't have to play mahjong ... but like I said, I really have to quit Jin Yiwei's job."

Yan Kai said bluntly, "But after all, this organization has a long foundation, it is difficult to get in, and it is not easy to come out. They gave me the last task, and as soon as I completed it, I could approve my resignation. But this task, I am alone Although it can be done, in order to strengthen the friendship between the two of us, I decided to ask you to fight for me. "

"piss off!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, his co-author was looking for help to punch, but the tone was so great! The ghost will help him!

"Brother Li, why are you so uninteresting!"

Yan Kai hurriedly said, "It's the first time I'm looking for someone to help Yan Kai. You should be happy!"

"I ask you, are you a beauty?"

"Of course not, Dao is a man with a handle!"

Yan Kai said very seriously.

"Yes, let me help you, how much can you give me?"

"This is our friendship. How can we measure it with money?"

"Okay, I don't know anything about color and money, I help you. Am I sick or are you sick?"

"It's sad to say that."

Yan Kai sighed. "What we say is also brotherhood. I am how old you are. You can be said to be your elder brother. Between brothers, do you want to use wealth?"

"You are so familiar!"

Li Fan snorted, "Who is a brother to you? We have seen each other once and we have only had one fight!"

"This is a saying that goes well without knowing each other."

Yan Kai immediately said, "You and I are just pretending to be fighting, and we cherish each other and value each other."

"Get out of the way, whoever cherishes you, don't nod!"

"Don't deny it. Men should be frank."

"Well, am I honest enough? You hurried away! I'm annoying when I see you!"

"On Wudang Mountain, some male disciples can't stop my charm and have some strange feelings for me."

Yan Kai pointed to his eyes and said softly, "Brother Li, although you have been resisting on the surface, my eyes can see through your heart!"

"Look at you big head! Let's fight it!"

Li Fan stretched out his palms and set himself up in front of himself.

"Sure enough, fight is cursed and loved. You want to have the most authentic communication, right?"

Yan Kai said, reaching out and starting to draw his belt. "Wait for me, I will accompany you!"

"You wait!"

Li Fan hurriedly reached out to stop Yan Kai's next move.

"Nima, can't you do such a cumbersome move, don't you feel right?"

"I just showed my great sword."

"Wipe, Dabaojian your sister!"

Li Fan is about to collapse. Is this Yan Kai inadvertent or intentional?

"Why am I serving you? Is it OK! Bring your waistband back to Lao Tzu!"

"Really? But my enthusiasm has burned."

"Burning you a ghost! Ma Liu! Otherwise I burst your chrysanthemum into eight petals!"

Yan Kai frowned, frowned, and asked for a long time.

"Do you ... really have that hobby?"


Li Fan emphasized loudly.

"Then why Brother Li was so puzzled about that beauty just now."

"Wipe, don't you bother us, as if you are holy!"

"Women are too noisy, I said Yan Kai, and I will never marry a woman in the future."

Yan Kai said his own voice, "I would rather find a like-minded man to go hand in hand, rather than find a woman to survive this life!"

"Hurry up and I'll call the police if I don't leave."

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hands, he was already exhausted.

"Brother Li, I don't want to abandon you whether you have Longyang or not. But this time, I hope you can help me. I don't need you to run, I purposely drove a luxury car to pick you up."

"Oh, that's impossible."

Li Fan raised three fingers, "Just these three words! Impossible!"

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