199 Flying Flying Cat

"Brother Li, although the flying cat is not good at boxing, it is very good in light work."

Yan Kai said to Li Fan while holding the head of the car.

"You have to be careful."

"Day tofu ..."

Li Fan ushered in a new wave of ebb in his heart. This life is really over. Just now I vowed not to help Yan Kai, but Yan Kai said today that you helped me. I told you some inside information about Jin Yiwei and it moved Li Fan.

It seemed to have been prepared for a long time, Yan Kai deliberately took a suit of Jin Yiwei and changed it to Li Fan.

His vision was pretty good, and the size he chose was a good fit. There was nothing wrong with Li Fan after wearing it. Those who don't know, I think Li Fan is a Jinyiwei.

But even if the clothes are changed, what Li Fan never expected was that the so-called luxury car that this girl drove turned out to be an electric car!

"This is the luxury car in your mouth?"

"Of course, luxury electric cars are green, environmentally friendly and full of horsepower!"

Yan Kai proudly rode his electric car, holding his proud head.

Li Fan was unable to vomit, and only followed Yan Kai to continue riding the car.

"You might as well run on light work if you ride an electric car."

"What a waste of shoes!"

Yan Kai immediately said, "And the wind will mess up my hairstyle. The most important thing is that when I find the flying cat, I must keep it to chase her! That woman, light work is really Impressive!"

"Okay ... today's main task is to chase flying cats, right?"

Li Fan asked.

"Yes, grab her, grab her, and our mission is over."

Yan Kai described, "Don't underestimate this flying cat, her light work is the best in the world! Can you and me catch up with her, and say two more."

"Well, you Yan Kai still have time to admit it?"

"Ahem, this is not an admission, but an expertise in the art industry!"

Yan Kai explained, "Although I am not as good as her, I am also excellent in other aspects!"

"I didn't see it anyway ..."

"That's because your eyes are bad!"

Yan Kai was also a little depressed, and she was spit out twice and twice, which was really unpleasant.

"I said, Brother Li, why both of us should talk to each other, we should help each other right, everyone is a brother!"

"I'm a ghost brother with you! Don't keep up your relatives with shameless shame!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes. If it wasn't for the secret of Jin Yiwei, Li Fan wouldn't care about this disciple from Wudang Mountain! Tofu is a arrogant arrogant! This person did not know what stimulation he had received as a child, and the degree of narcissism was unparalleled. I thought Liu Yanan was narcissistic enough. But after meeting Yan Kai, I didn't know what it means to be a little witch!

This is not much. What makes Li Fan feel unacceptable is that his sexual orientation is not so obvious!

Although Yan Kai kept asking if he had Longyang's habit, he seemed to be disgusted. But I don't know why, Li Fan and him are too close, they will goosebumps! This man, just keep a certain distance from him!

Especially after approaching him, Li Fan even smelled the smell of perfume from him! Day, Li Fan has always felt some kind of bored by men who like to spray perfume! so gay!

Moreover, Yan Kai looks too handsome. If you wear long hair, it is estimated that everyone will think he is a woman.

"Brother Li, can you tell me why you were hunted down by an organization like Jin Yiwei?"

Yan Kai, like women, has a terrible gossip heart. While riding a small electric donkey, he did not forget to ask Li Fan about some gossip.

"Wipe, you're so curious!"

"I don't understand, I feel itchy."

Yan Kai didn't take the car seriously, which made Li Fan feel uncomfortable.

"Jin Yiwei is a group of neuropathy, how can I try to figure out their minds! How can you, a big man, ask such questions?"

"Jinyiwei is really good, but there aren't all of them. For example, Taoist me, it's a normal person."

"You are a normal jb!"

"Brother Li, how can you speak so uncivilized? Everyone is a qualified person and shouldn't speak like this."

"Yes, it's my bad, I repeat. You have a normal genitalia!"


Yan Kai suddenly felt speechless, and Li Fan's mouth seemed to be very powerful.

"Well, Brother Li, although you don't want to tell me why, you are already on the blacklist in Jinyiwei."

"What is black list?"

Hearing that Yan Kai finally started talking about the topic, Li Fan became interested.

"The black list is a reward list for Jin Yiwei."

Yan Kai said, "Since my mission failed, the person in charge in this area has put your name on the black list."

Yan Kai felt a bit solemn for the first time, "This black list is not simple. Some of the tricky characters can be hung on it. Whoever completes the tasks on the black list can get a lot of money and points. Among the Jinyiwei Points are more important than anything. Because the points are high, you can be promoted and promoted. Brother Li, not me, your current points are enough to make a hundred households rise to a thousand households! How many people are envious of you, I do n’t need to Say it. "


Li Fan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and said it was a bit too much. Haven't you repelled Jinyiwei three times? As for hanging to such a high position?

Last time, Li Wenzhuo and Li Baihuo were enough to let them drink a pot. Now if there are a few more, or two thousand households or something ... How do you play?

"Aren't you still thinking about me?"

Li Fan looked at Yan Kai with some suspicion, and Yan Kai held the handlebar in one hand and quickly raised the other.

"Master Dao, I always say one, and two say two! If you don't engage you, don't engage you!"

"Your uncle, you don't have much civilization to speak!"

This Yan Kai, how can I always turn around there! Fucking, it's really fucking! I have reached the blood mold, how can I always know such wonderful people!

"We're almost there."

Yan Kai has already come to a villa area. Li Fan knows that this place is called Rainbow Home and it is a place where local tyrants can afford to live! Who is this Yan Kai chasing after all, and he came to such a place?

"Flying Cat is a monster from the rivers and lakes."

Yan Kai also seemed to have guessed Li Fan's doubts. He carefully parked his little e-donkey aside and locked both tires. Then he stood up safely and explained to Li Fan.

"We've got news that she's here tonight!"

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