200 court hawk

What exactly is a flying cat? Li Fan was really curious.

No matter how powerful you can be, can you be able to generate wind in a flat place and make a thousand miles? Those are mythical characters, but they don't appear in reality. Li Fan also asked Murong Ying, since there are ancient martial arts in this world, will there be any cultivation? Murong Ying only gave Li Fan a white look, and thought he might have read more of the novel.

"Yan Kai, do you say there are people in this world who are self-cultivating and immortal?"

Li Fan felt that the two were standing alone by the small lake in this high-end villa, a little awkward, so he asked a topic.

"Exercising martial arts can strengthen your body and prolong your life, but it is absolutely impossible to live forever."

Yan Kai has a better understanding of this aspect, "For example, our grandfather Zhang Sanfeng, he just lived more than a hundred years old!"

"That is to say, after all, people can't push the limits of their lives?"

"Life is dead, wealth is in heaven!"

Yan Kai was very open-minded, "What if he died, twenty years later Dao is a good man."

"You don't believe in eternal life, you believe in samsara."

"People always have a little faith!"

Yan Kai laughed, "I don't respect ghosts and gods, how terrible this person is. Although I am romantic and handsome for nine days, I still need some awe!"

"get out!"

Li Fan wanted to kick Yan Kai into the sky of Jiuzhong!

"But when it comes to Changsheng, there is indeed such a legend among the rivers and lakes before."

"Oh? What legend?"

Li Fan was moved, and Yan Kai continued, "It is said that there was such a master in the rivers and lakes before, that he was called an undead evil buddha! This man is a gifted talent, martial arts leader, and has created a new book called" Da Ri Ru Lai Xin Jing " Mindset! "

"Day Sun Rulai Heart Sutra"!

Li Fan jumped a little in his heart, this is exactly the effort that Liu Yannan and himself mentioned!

"This mentality sounds like a Buddhist move, but it's quite different!"

Yan Kai's face was a little heavy, "This evil Buddha created this kung fu, which can draw the true energy from others and turn it into his own use!"

Eh? This trick sounds like his dragon toad **** water!

Li Fan's ears were raised.

"If it's just qi, it's okay, I heard that even the other side's blood will be sucked along with qi. Any martial arts fighter who has absorbed qi will quickly age. And the undefeated evil Buddha passes through this Come and continue your life! "

"Is this ... possible?"

Li Fan heard some mysterious feelings.

"I don't know the specifics."

Yan Kai waved his hand, "It's all rumors of old rivers and lakes. When I was not obedient when I was young, Master often used the name of evil Buddha to scare me. But now that Dao has grown up, he won't believe this. However, it is rumored that it was the masters of various martial arts who fought with him for three days and nights, and all the masters died in the end, which defeated him. "

"If you can be such a bad person to such an extent, you can be considered a lifeless person."

Li Fan sighed, "I don't know if I can leave my rumors in the rivers and lakes in the future."

"Brother Li's hard work should be possible."

Yan Kai laughed, "Well, Dao me, handsome and shocked rivers and lakes, will definitely leave a thick stroke!"

"I think so."

"Oh? Brother Li and my hero see the same?"

"Well, the rumors of the future rivers and lakes, the former disciple of Wudangshan Yan Kai, was killed by the top ten river and lake masters in turn bursting chrysanthemums. The death was terrible and appalling."


Yan Kai's body was shaking slightly, and she didn't know whether she was happy or angry.

"Let's do business ..."

Yan Kai took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"The security in this neighborhood is very fierce. In order not to frighten the snake, let's go over the wall."

Yan Kai stretched out **** like a figure, and pointed toward the high wall.

"What are you afraid of? Use your beauty to seduce the security and guarantee success."

"I'm a man."

"Ah, you are a man?"

Li Fan exclaimed, "I just knew, sorry! Old girl!"

"Brother Li ... we can't be friends like you."

"You don't have to be friends, just be passers-by."

Li Fan declared, "I help you once, you help me once, everyone is even!"


For the first time, Yan Kai felt so depressed. Brother Li, how could he speak with gunpowder!

"Brother Li, let's go over the wall first."


Li Fan didn't hesitate. When he stood up, his body rolled over in the air, his footsteps passed, and he crossed the three-meter-high wall.

"Brother Li is so handsome!"

Yan Kai kicked the wall twice, and then fell into the courtyard of the community, watching Li Fan couldn't help but praise it.

"But it's a bit inferior to my Tiyun."

"You are the best, you are in heaven!"

Li Fan is too lazy to care about this guy. He is not the first time to see his narcissism.

"But is Flying Cat really coming today?"

Li Fan squatted in the corner of this garden, in the end is where the rich live, the facilities are really good, there are flowers and plants everywhere, there are mountains and water. There is a huge artificial lake in the whole community, and some beautiful small villas are distributed around the artificial lake. Ordinary people don't know how many lives they have to struggle to live in such a place.

"Zhumen wine smells bad, and there are frozen bones in the road."

Yan Kai couldn't help sighing, "Regarding this, no matter what the year or month, it will not change."

"It cannot be said that the rich have the rich's enjoyment, and the poor naturally have the happiness of the poor."

Li Fan did not agree with Yan Kai's statement, "And as long as you are self-reliant, the poor can change their destiny."

"But how many people in today's society have such awareness?"

Yan Kai touched his chin and sighed again. "After all, fewer and more handsome and handsome people like me, who are profoundly righteous."

Tofu, this guy never forgot to elevate himself!

"Will the flying cat ever come? Which one is she looking at?"

Li Fan didn't want to talk about Yan Kai, so he opened the door and asked.

"That's the one."

Yan Kai reached out and pointed in front of a small villa with several luxury cars parked. "I heard that Feitiao cat was eyeing the family heirloom and issued a notice. The owner of this house asked Jin Yiwei for help. Our task today, Just catch the flying cat! "

"Ordinary people can still ask for help with Jin Yiwei?"

Li Fan was a little puzzled.

"Jin Yiwei said it plainly, and it was also the court's hawk."

Yan Kai smiled, "The owner of this family seems to know some big people, so he can invite Jin Yiwei's people."

"Okay ... Anyway, I'll help you this time, you have to remember the agreement."



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