My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 205: Night Quest Jin Yiwei

205 Night Quest Jin Yiwei

Li Fan opened his eyes violently, his body was full of vitality, his eyes were shining like the cold stars of the night!

The opposite Yan Kai was also keeping his eyes closed, he felt a little hostility from Li Fan and opened his eyes.

In this dark compartment, Li Fan could see a pair of star eyes, and Yan Kai could not help but muttered.

This man has deep internal strength and pure internal force. He was a few years younger than himself, just like a high school student. I don't know how he cultivates, it is estimated that his talent is only slightly worse than himself.

In terms of talent and internal strength, Yan Kai confessed that he would not lose to anyone. However, Li Fan's external skills were strangely fierce, making him suffer continuously.

With whom did the boy learn his external skills, did he really do it by himself?

However, Li Fan's eyes had a strong hostility, Yan Kai asked immediately.

"what happened?"

"There are others in the car."

Li Fan said without hesitation, and said this to a third person.

Yan Kai's hand immediately touched his belt, and Li Fan's palm was filled with qi.

But the man remained silent and could not even hear the sound of breathing.

Li Fan felt a bit wrong. He took out his mobile phone and illuminated the space in the carriage with the help of faint lights.

A man sitting in a nearby position, motionless, had no response to the eyes of Li Fan and Yan Kai.

Li Fan stretched out his hand and pressed it around his neck, and found that the man was cold and there was no pulse in his neck.

"he died."

Yan Kai has judged the condition of this person, said.


Li Fan frowned. How could a dead man be transported on this Jin Yiwei's car?

And this man was wearing a Jin Yiwei's clothes, obviously also Jin Jinwei's person. Could it be that he died unexpectedly while performing the task?

"Leave him alone."

Just then, a sound came from a speaker in the compartment.

The driver apparently knew they had found the dead man and told them through the horn.

"He is a traitor to Jin Yiwei, and I am responsible for returning his body to the branch."

The driver should not know the expressions of the two, and continued, "Jin Yiwei is very strict and absolutely not allowed to be a traitor. You two should also act as a warning, well, handle the organ."

There is no signal at all here, it is estimated that there is signal shielding or something in the car.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to be with a dead person, in order to sneak into Jin Yiwei, Li Fan turned off the phone. If there is a signal, he can use the mobile GPS to find the location of the branch.

After the distance, the two did not speak again. After more than twenty minutes, they finally reached the legendary branch. When the door opened, the two were still in a parking lot. However, the parking lot is relatively empty, and there are no vehicles placed, as if it was only established for confidentiality.

"Let's go up the elevator."

Yan Kai has been here, but he is familiar and leads Li Fan into an elevator.

This elevator is interesting because it is not going down, but going down. Li Fan didn't know that he had fallen to a few floors underground, so he felt that the elevator flickered to the place, it should not be deep.

"It's too deep in this place."

Li Fan looked around. The surrounding space is large. It looks like an antique building style. There are red walls and green tiles everywhere. People who do n’t know think they have come to the ancient house.

The place where I just came in was a long hall. Above the hall was a black board with a long line of names. Li Fan glanced at his own name below, which was not very prominent.

He had a good look. Although he was far away, he could see the words clearly.

Li Fan, male, 18 years old, identity, student, entrance level. Kung Fu: Unknown.

Although this information is not complete, it basically summarizes your situation. However, in the column of Kung Fu, it is really amusement. The seven chivalry fist that he used is not yet known by the world. But Li Fan believes that it won't be long before this name can take the world by storm!

Li Fan has a young man's self-confidence in his heart.

It's not just them here, there are also several Jin Yiwei passing by them.

Li Fan found that these Jin Yiwei were dressed differently. The most common Jinyiwei is Li Fan and Yan Kai. The clothes on them are mainly black and red. Basically it is a black jacket and pants with a long red vest on the outside.

They are not the lowest Jinyiwei, the lowest is Xiaoqi, and they only have a black coat. And they are general flags, with a higher level. Because of the change of dynasties for many years, Jin Yiwei's ranks are also being streamlined. Hundred households are directly above the general banner, and then thousands. Qianhu is directly above the commander, and further up is the legendary four black guards.

Bai Fan's clothes, Li Fan, have been seen before. The red vests are gilded with golden lines, making the clothes more delicate. The Qianhu and the commander made Li Fan yet to know, but the clothes and vests of the black guards were all black, and only the vests had golden hot edges.

Taking a few steps forward, Li Fan saw the Armory, which contained various cold weapons. There are everything from knives and sticks to axes and hooks. There is no hot weapon, and it is estimated that the government will not equip these martial arts personnel.

On the left, there is a system of cells that is not very large. In this cell, there is a monk, with a strong body, sitting there just like a hill.

"Wine, bring wine to Lord Buddha!"

The big monk patted the wall, his voice was like Hong Zhong, and Li Fan's ears hurt.

"You two little dolls, can't come to give Buddha a drink! Is that how you treat guests?"

The monk's eyes fell on Li Fan and Yan Kai, and he shouted at them immediately.

"What's it called!"

A Jinyiwei flag in front of the jail door took out the long knife in his hand and knocked down the railing, warning, "This is a cell, not a guest room! Shut me up!"

"Give Lord Buddha wine, Lord Buddha shut up!"

The monk still shouted, and Yan Kai whispered to Li Fan.

"Don't look at this monk a bit crazy, he is one of the seven monsters of the famous rivers and lakes, and his nickname is the cow monk."

"He's really like a strong cow."

"This guy is hard to catch. It was my meeting ceremony at Jin Yiwei."

Yan Kai was a little proud, Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"How did you catch him?"

"Well ... when I bumped into him, the people he was drinking were unconscious."

Yan Kai grinned, "I brought it here."

"Your uncle ..."

Li Fan rolled his eyes, it was cheap for him to pick it up! Really thought he was caught by a fierce fight!

Just when the two were staring at the cow monk, a hundred households walked over and called Yan Kai directly.

"Why are you still here, the commander is still waiting for you!"

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