My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 206: See her again

Chapter 206: Seeing Her Again

"The command made me angry."

The hundred households looked at Yan Kai with contempt, "Go and see him."

After speaking, he turned away and muttered.

"Che, what a talented disciple in Wudang Mountain ... but nothing like that."

"It's going to be two years ago, Dao hit him with teeth all over the place."

Yan Kai said, pointing at his back.

"what about now?"

"Now Dao's heart has an epiphany, and such small things can be tolerated."

Rub, this guy is really shameless! Li Fan rolled his lips and rolled his eyes silently.

Relying on this dress and waist tag, Li Fan was unimpeded in this branch. In Yan Kai's words, there are not a thousand or eighty Jinyiweis in the world, and there are people in each branch. The only way for them to identify each other was the waist card, and Yan Kai helped the stolen waist card from another branch Jin Yiwei, so it was quite manageable.

"You're strolling here. I'll go to the commander's office, right in front."

Speaking, Yan Kai strode towards the office, and it didn't look guilty at all.

Li Fan came to Jin Yiwei to study this organization, and he woke up in the hall. Many rooms are locked and obviously not accessible to outsiders. However, there was a door in the data room that was covered up. Li Fan opened the door and walked in, and found a pile of information on the shelf.

After all, it is a government department, and the information collected here is truly diverse. Li Fan even saw some martial arts cheats placed on a data shelf. Li Fan casually took one, a Huashan swordsmanship, or a precious manuscript.

If this thing is taken out, it can definitely sell a fortune.

However, Li Fan was not interested in swordsmanship. When he turned his head, he saw a familiar exercise on the shelf.

"Little Wuxiang Shen Gong"!

Li Fan is really too familiar with this thing. He fought with Li Wenzhuo several times and was burned by this little Wuxiang magic. As soon as he reached out, this little magical skill fell into his palm and he read it carefully.

The detailed method of operation of the exercises is recorded above, but Li Fan is just curious, and he does not really intend to learn this practice well. After all, he has absorbed Xiao Wuxiang's magical power into his body, and integrated it into the swallowing toad. Learning more doesn't mean much to yourself.

Li Fan put "Xiao Wuxiang Shen Gong" back and saw another material that made him more interested.

Undead evil Buddha's profile!

Jin Yiwei is really a bunker, even this thing? Li Fan immediately took down the information and began to quickly read it.

There is a story about the undead evil Buddha. It says that the undead evil Buddha is a person in a small village. As a result, the village suffered a fire and everyone was slaughtered. Only the 5-year-old undead evil Buddha survived. .

He was alone, almost all the way to dinner, and came to Shaolin to worship under Shaolin Gate. But at the age of thirteen, he killed his master and brother, including the then Shaolin host, stole the secrets of the Tibetan scripture hall, and plunged into the rivers and lakes.

When he was eighteen years old, he went out of the customs, known as the evil Buddha, and directly entered the martial arts convention of the year. He defeated the heroes and even took the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. However, after he became the leader of the martial arts alliance, he took out the dark smoke of the entire martial arts. Finally, several masters in martial arts jointly ousted the position of the alliance leader, and the wolf howled into the forest again and hid.

Ten years later, the 28-year-old evil buddha came out again. This time he brought Wulin a real **** storm! Revenge and killings flooded the rivers and lakes of that year.

This is fifty years. For fifty years, the evil buddha still maintained his appearance when he was young, and he did not grow old in the slightest. And many masters have been met with his poisonous hands, and have been sucked into human action.

And by doing so, he got the title of Undead Evil Buddha.

Finally, fifty years later, the people in the rivers and lakes could not stand his tyranny, and finally got up. At that time, the heads of all the martial arts were dispatched to spare their lives and killed the undead evil Buddha.

The "Day Sun Rulai Heart Sutra" cultivated by the immortal evil Buddha was also drowned in history and rivers and lakes, and disappeared. But there is a saying that it is buried with the treasures of the Ming Dynasty, and the secrets are left in the jade seal of Chuanguo.

These records are nothing different from what I know.

Li Fan was seeing himself, and suddenly a fragrance came over him.

Li Fan immediately turned his head and saw a familiar figure coming in. A beautiful one-eyed woman, just glanced at Li Fan casually, picked up a document and researched it.

Li Fan's heart was so straight, Nima, wasn't this a ruthless sword? Day, why is she in this place!

If she were to find herself, it would be a big death. Li Fan immediately pretended to be all right, first respectfully gave Yu Xi a salute, and then consulted other materials casually.

Yu Xi didn't know what to check, and didn't leave for a long time. And Li Fan's heart was getting more and more anxious, Yan Kai didn't know what was going on. If he didn't complete the task, would Jin Yiwei let him go?

Although he had promised before, but at this moment, Li Fan was still a little nervous.

Last time she was able to fight off Yu Xi because she suffered minor internal injuries. But now she seems to be cured. Was she able to fight herself in the heyday? What's more, this is the branch of Jin Yiwei. I don't know how many masters are here, and he must not fight against the snake.

Thinking of this, Li Fan decided to leave the reference room first.

Li Fan was brave, put the materials in the back on the shelf, and then strode out.

Getting closer to the exit! Yu Xi didn't seem to notice herself, great!

Be more careful, you should check the information carefully! Li Fan muttered in his heart, and came to the door of the data room.

He put his hand on the doorknob and his sleeve was pulled.

Li Fan's heart was beating fast, and his qi was flowing like a spontaneous explosion.

Li Fan turned his head and found that Yu Xi pointed at his hem. There was a little white ash on it, maybe this woman had some cleanliness?

Li Fan immediately bent over and patted away the dust. Yu Xi did not hold the investigation any more, and let Li Fan leave the data room.

After he got out of the data room, he was almost relieved. Nima, it's really terrible! Is this really going to be good? Li Fan walked subconsciously towards the commander's office, and a roar came from the office.

"Yan Kai! I can't let you go out alive today!"



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