207 Commander

"Come on!"

Li Fan saw Yan Kai running out in a hurry, yelling, and ran outside.

"what happened?"

Li Fan chased up subconsciously and asked, what happened to Yan Kai's commander, causing the other party to get so angry?

"Well ... this command has something to do with that fat man."

While running, Yan Kai explained to Li Fan. The fat man in his mouth should be Li Fan who won the president Wang.

"I asked him if Wang Fat had licked jb for him, and he was furious, beating Dao.

Yan Kai was a little puzzled. "But they are so close. What is this relationship, what else?"

Li Fan collapsed, and Yan Kai's head was estimated to be all about Longyang's habit! Can't this idiot want something healthy and green? What other commander is too temperamental, just kill me with a few words?

Yu Xike is still here. If she let her go, she and Yan Kaike would have no chance to run.

"Catch Yan Kai!"

A thin, middle-aged Jin Yiwei chased up from behind and shouted. This person should be the commander of this place. Li Fan glanced back and found that he was wearing black clothes, a golden vest, and a hat symbolizing the commander on his head.

"He has betrayed Jin Yiwei! Fight in place!"

Jin Yiwei has an assassination order, so many Jin Yiwei are ruthless. For example, the Li Wenzhuo I met last time, even to kill innocent ordinary people in order to kill himself.

"Li Fan, you have no time to leave Dao now."

Yan Kai sent a message to Li Fan, "They don't know we are a group, so they won't be involved with you."

"Let's come in and leave together."

Li Fan said without hesitation, "Although I hate you, I am not a villain."

His voice had just fallen, and three Jinyiwei flags had rushed beside him, each carrying the Yan Yandao, and flung towards Yan Kai.

Yan Kai is also a master who entered the room. He was too close to Tai Chi, and he did not take these three Jinyiwei flags at all. When he saw his hands startled, the power of Tai Chi broke out, and the bodies of the three little flags were immediately shaken out.

However, after the real killing trick came to him, while Yan Kai was dealing with the three flags, the commander had thrown three black darts, drawn an arc in the air, and hit a hole in the back of Yan Kai. past!

This is really about to hit, Yan Kai is estimated to have to lie down. But fortunately, there is a Li Fan beside him.

As soon as Li Fan's body turned, he dropped the hooks hanging around his waist!

The claw trembled in the air, and flew three black darts directly!

"It turns out there are fellow parties!"

The commander gave Li Fan a cold look, "Let him take it!"

"Big disciple in Wudang, leave it to me!"

At this time, from the blackboard next to it, suddenly a hundred households wearing red gilt vests came! He looked at Yan Kai with a smile on his face.

"It's a killing knife!"

There are two small flags next to it, not shot, but watching the lively. One of them said with great excitement, "He is good at using two fast knives, and the sword is as fast as a blast! Many people in the rivers and lakes are frightened when they hear his name! Since joining Jinyiwei, they have been all the rage, and have risen within a month. I'm in the position of one hundred households! I heard that he is also following Li Fan on the black list and is going to win him for promotion to a thousand households! "

"Good guy, so amazing!"

The other flag was a little envious.

"Of course. The two general flags are dead."

Hearing these words, the killing knife had a proud smile in his mouth. He pulled his sharp knife from behind with both hands, and saw Yan Kai standing with his party, ready to harvest their heads like that!

What big disciple of Wudang has nothing but a false name! Your own fast knife, never missed!

With these two sharp knives, Li Fan was about to wipe their necks. But at this moment, the two of them moved together.

"Get away!"

"Don't block the way!"

Yan Kai's palm was pulled, and a suction force was generated. He dragged the killing knife forward, and his body lost balance. And Li Fan's tiger claw just hit his head, and threw it to the ground.


The floor was cracked, and the killing knife passed out.

The two small flags next to each other looked silly. These two general flags actually crushed a hundred households! Isn't this dreaming?

Li Fan stunned the so-called killing knife. When he turned his head, he just saw Yu Xi standing in the data room. She still looked at the information calmly inside, and seemed to be indifferent to the riots outside.

That's it!

Li Fan was relieved. It seems that Yu Xi did not take such a thing seriously. She should feel that a commander outside is enough to get this done.

"What a waste, I'll take care of you personally!"

The commander bounced his body, and the whole man jumped up in the air, then threw off a row of black darts, and Dangdang Dangdang nailed the ground in front of Li Fan, blocking the steps of Li Fan and Yan Kai.

"There is a seat here today, none of you can escape!"

The commander said, the vigor of his body began to tremble, and soon, his clothes followed with a bulge, making him look slightly bloated, without the thin feeling he had before.

"Using qi as a rigid body can exert a similar effect to a special shape."

Yan Kai explained to Li Fan, "He is a master at peaking, be careful!"

"Come here, play with you!"

Li Fan hooked his fingers at the commander.


The commander made a cold hum and waved at the wall next to him.

A large gun hanging on the wall immediately flew up, spun a few circles in the air, and finally fell into the palm of his hand.

"Let you die under my own gun.

"Give up, I'm Yan Kai, but I want to be an international supermodel, how could I die here!"

Yan Kai's ideal was really ambitious, which made Li Fan wipe his cold sweats.

"Gibberish guy!"

The commander said, waving the big gun, "This seat is a dragon gun, take your life!"

With that said, the commander's large gun stabbed forward, which was indeed clean and sharp, turned into a dark shadow, and came straight to Yan Kai's throat.

But Yan Kai was a master after all, he put one hand on the gun accurately, and then moved behind. The power of Taiji is specially used to exert force, and the commander is carried by his own strength, and he takes a step forward.

Then Li Fan followed up with a move, raised his foot, and Bailu kicked the door backwards, and pinched on the chin of the commander.

He can usually kick a person's head into the head of the commander, but only his head is lifted, and there is a green smoke on his chin.

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