Chapter 212 Death

The dozen or so Jinyiweis have a small flag, a general flag, and a hundred households. The appearance of this Baiyi has been seen, it is the buddy who mocked Yan Kai before.

"You two are really traitors."

The hundred households leaned on their hands and looked at Li Fan and Yan Kai in disdain. "I knew that you two were not good! The command made the adults do not know what poisonous hands you were put on, but they died. But you two A small general banner, still want to go against the sky? "

He looked at Yan Kai, "Yan Kai, Yan Kai, you were really powerful a few years ago, but now you are just a bereavement dog. Do you still want to go to heaven for a bereavement dog? Look, look at your virtue now. It's ugly to lose even the intestines! "

"What else are you doing and dare to teach your Dao?"

Yan Kai looked at the arrogant hundred households and found that his legs were strong and he was obviously an expert in leg training.

"I don't even know my name, it's ignorant!"

The Baihu smiled, "But you are at this level, and tell you, I can't change my name, I can't change my last name, my last name, and a single name!"

"To pets?"

Yan Kai muttered, "Are you from Xiangjia?"

"Yes, I'm the successor to King Kong's legs!"

Xiang Chong said proudly, "King Kong's legs are now divided into three doors, and we are the best one at home! King Kong's legs have come to me, and I've been trained to become a strong King!

Then, he kicked his leg and the air was torn by this foot!

He turned around and kicked in the car next to him. This black Honda car was slid straight out, and a deep footprint was printed on the door!

"Where are you two, who can bear my leg? Yan Kai, can you? You are basically a half-dead now!"

"You take a break here."

Li Fan helped Yan Kai to a car and leaned against it. He took two steps forward and hooked his fingers towards the pet.

"Here, leave it to me."

"What the **** are you!"

He yelled at Pet, and Li Fan slowly took off his mask.

"My name is Li Fan. I'm the one who can promote you to a thousand households."

When he took off the mask, Xiang Pet was shocked, then his eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay! It's so easy to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!"

Xiang Chong laughed, "I will destroy you now and make you a stepping stone to my success!"

As he said, he jumped up sharply, his body spinning in the air, and swept towards Li Fan's face.

Li Fan kicked his leg back and kicked him on a nearby post.


Immediately, the pillar was shattered and a large piece was kicked.

Li Fan raised his palm, and his foot was blocked by Li Fan.


Xiang Chong was taken aback. The power of his foot, broken gold and jade, was actually blocked by the kid's palm?

"It's funny."

Li Fan smiled, "Just the effort of your three-legged cat, not even Li Wenzhuo, would you like to rise to a thousand households?"

"Fart! Who says Lao Tzu is not as good as Li Wenzhuo! Lao Tzu is a pet of Xiang Xiang, a successor to his family, and a master of King Kong's legs!"

Roared at pet, then twisted his body, his feet staggered towards Li Fan continuously.

On the side of Li Fan's body, he avoided the continuous kicking of Xiang pet, and at the same time, he ushered up, kicked Xiang Xiang's waist, flew him to the pet, and hit a car behind him.

"Just for you, is it worthy of a Dagger King?"

Li Fan pointed his finger to the ground. "You're called the old lady with a rounded leg!"

"You, you dare to insult me!"

He climbed up to pets, his eyes flashing with anger.

"No one has dared to insult me ​​this way! I am Xiang Chong, Xiang Bai Hu! And he is destined to be a commander!"


Li Fan hooked his fingers at Pet, "Then come back for another round!"

"I ... I may be a bit bad today."

Xiang Pet coughed twice, "When I'm fine, let's come again."

"Good condition Nima!"

Li Fan took the initiative and attacked Xiang pet.

Show petite King Kong legs to the pet, ready to block Li Fan's attack. But Li Fan nodded Bai He, faster, and hit Xiang Chong's chest directly.


Xiang Chong's body slammed on the ground and broke the ground.

"Papa Bear Pile Driver!"

Li Fan grabbed Xiang Chong's body with one hand and slammed him on the ground again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Smashed three times in a row, spit out a large amount of blood to the pet, completely passed out.

"Just like this, can also be a hundred households of Jin Yiwei?"

Li Fan ridiculed, "Go back and learn how to learn Xiao Wuxiang's magic skills first."

Looking at Xiang pets and hundreds of households lying on the ground, the surrounding Jinyiwei couldn't help but take a few steps back, fearing Li Fan's mighty style.

This Li Fan is so fierce, no wonder he will be on the black list, it really has some strength!

"If you don't, I'm leaving."

Li Fan said, turning around, a white deer kicked the door and fell on the closed iron door.


Li Fan's right leg was numb with shock, but the iron gate remained motionless.

"Sink, this door has to be twenty centimeters thick!"

Li Fan rubbed his sore calf and complained, "Would you be so cruel!"

"We may not escape."

Yan Kai smiled bitterly, "I forgot to say the thickness of this door, normal people, definitely can't penetrate this door."

"That's hard to say!"

Li Fan was about to make a move, but suddenly he felt a chill behind him, and suddenly backed away.


A knife gas cut the iron gate in half and landed on the ground.

Li Fan and Yan Kai looked serious.

Jin Yiwei also separated to both sides, and a woman came slowly. She wore black trousers, a long black vest, and a golden fringing.

The woman was picturesque, but unfortunately she blinded one eye and wore a black blindfold, hiding infinite murder.

A black knife was dragged in her hand, and the iron gate just now was cut open by this knife.

There was cold sweat on Li Fan's forehead. This woman's knife ... is a bit too powerful!

No wonder even Murong Ying reminds herself of this woman. Is there anything she keeps chopping on this knife?

"The rivers and lakes are so unforgiving, a sword is broken."

Yan Kai smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that Yan Kai would die in the hands of this ruthless sword today. It's not bad, he died well."

"Grass, say something auspicious!"

Li Fan was unwilling, "I think I'm very blessed and I can't die!"

When he said that, Yu Xi had come to him. Li Fan looked at the girl in front of him and said, "Can you talk to me, sister, are you dumb?"

"I ... never talk to the dead."

Yu Xi finally spoke, her voice was pretty good.



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