My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 213: Escape the day of birth

213 Escape From Birth Day

"Interesting question!"

Li Fan drank with a smile, "Do you know that I am dead?"

"I see the breath of death."

Yu Xi spoke simply and concisely.

"Well, it turned out to be a secondary two disease."

Li Fan sighed, "No wonder you don't like to talk. Do you think you are cool and the first killer in the world?"

"The first killer in the world ... not me."

Yu Xi said solemnly, "I, Jin Yiwei, a heartless knife."

Speaking, Yu Xi drew another sword flower, "If there is something, go and talk to King Yan."

"Yam? I think you're a woman!"

Li Fan, dodging Yu Xie's knife while embarrassing, still did not forget to bury the other side in his mouth. "You talk about a little girl's house, killing and killing every day. You are still in the second class, can you find a boyfriend in the future? "

Although Yu Xi's knife is very fast, basically no shadow can be seen. But here Li Fan is just an exception! As long as Li Fan is up and running, all other opponents' attacks will be slowed down.

After Yu Xi attacked twice, it was found that Li Fan could not be cut, and Mei Dai clustered gently.

Obviously, this is the first time she has encountered such a situation. His sword has never been missed, but it happened to this man named Li Fan, who made successive ineffective hits. Is there any magic power for this man?

"You see, you are so fierce, and you like swords and swords, they will be hated by men!"

Li Fan was still ridiculing Yu Xi, Yu Xi frowned, suddenly retracted the long knife into the scabbard, then squatted down, holding her right hand on the knife handle, her eyes locked on Li Fan.

This trick is in the island country, called Juhe. In fact, it is just a sword-drawing technique. For a swordsman, it is a required course! Yu Xi broke the air and formed an invisible blade through the anger that erupted when pulling out the knife! And the speed of this trick, the naked eye of ordinary people can't see clearly!

Including Li Fan, at the moment Yu Yu pulled his knife, he could only see that the air in front of him seemed to be twisted.

"Brother Li, be careful!"

Yan Kai issued a warning, and Li Fan was aware of the danger, and he suddenly lay on the ground!


Li Fan felt scalp numb, and all objects were cut in half at a position about thirty centimeters from the ground! The knife edge is smooth and neat, without any slight roughness.

This method is really superb! If it wasn't for Li Fan to dodge in time, he might have cut his body in two at this moment.


Li Fan shouted, this woman is simply a ghost of death!

"Your life is huge."

Yu Xi had some emotions, "Cockroach life."

"I won't die like this before I become the number one in the world."

Li Fan said, his body slammed on the ground, and a black toad crossed the water. It was almost immediately under Yu Xi's body. Yu Xi's office was not surprised, and the black knife in his hand pierced towards the ground.

"Jin Chan throws beads!"

But Li Fan's body gave a sudden meal, and then his hands gathered the true energy in his body, and he suddenly pushed out from the palm!

A large group of infuriating burst out, condensed into a ball, hit Yu Yu's knife. And Li Fan caught the infuriating power, his body also overcome inertia, and stopped abruptly.


The unfavorable black knife was actually bombarded by Li Fan's anger!


Yu Xi was a little surprised, and Li Fan had already posted it.

In Li Fan's mind, there was only one idea at this time. To deal with Yu Xi, he used Murong Ying to teach him the trick! Other than that, there is no other way!

Yu Xi controlled the long knife and was ready to repel Li Fan. Li Fan grabbed Yu Xi's wrist with her hands in a deer lock, and locked her attack.

Although Yu Xi has rich experience in rivers and lakes, and high strength in kilometers, he obviously did not expect that Li Fan had so many strange tricks and was temporarily controlled. Although it can only be controlled for one second, it is enough for Li Fan!

Yu Xi is about to open Li Fan with genuine qi, Li Fan has sealed her mouth!

This Jin Yiwei's super master, Heiwei's passionate knife, was even kissed! The spectators around Jin Yiwei were all shocked! Then Li Fan is crazy, should he die to be a romantic ghost? Ah, I do n’t know why, suddenly I was so envious ...

There is a sentence that says, how to die under the peony flower, and to be a ghost, too ... probably, this is the feeling ...

For the first time, Yu Xi felt so shocked. In the past, she was stabbed at the Seven Swords by a master of swords. Her body was trembling gently, and herself, her dignified and unforgiving knife, had been forcibly kissed?

Li Fan felt that the girl's lips were quite soft. Don't look at her so cold appearance, in fact her body is very honest!

At the same time, a trickle also flowed out of Yu Xi's body, through the lips, into Li Fan's mouth, and then into his meridians again!

Li Fan couldn't describe this feeling!

This is the second time he has drawn the anger of others from his mouth. The first time was with Murong Ying, but that time was too fast. Before Li Fan could react, he was pushed away by Murong Ying!

This time, Li Fan really felt the effect of this pure yang body. He felt as if he was sucking some kind of nectar from Yu Xi's body, and he had an addictive feeling!

After about two kisses for two seconds, Yu Xi finally pushed Li Fan away fiercely, at the same time, she looked pale and at the same time vanished, obviously Li Fan's pure pure body just sucked a lot of real energy !!

The effect of pure yang body is better than that of dragon toad absorbing water. I don't know how much, especially without any waste and side effects.

Li Fan estimated that in just two seconds, he absorbed Yu Xi's 30% skill!

Yu Xi probably has the strength of six dragons, and Li Fan has sucked away the power of one dragon this time! She also practiced Xiao Wuxiang's magical skills. After being sucked away by Li Fan, let his strength advance rapidly! However, this power also needs to be refined by Li Fan, otherwise it will not be easy to use for a while.

"Let's run!"

This trick really works for Yu Xi, it is a dual effect of physical and psychological! And after he solved Yu Xi, he didn't care about the others, directly picked Yan Kai, and rushed out from the door that Yu Xi opened!

After rushing out of this gate, Li Fan was surprised to find that they were still in the parking lot of the previous mall! It's just that they are located on the lower level of the parking lot, and after going up, they return to the former mall.

"It's unexpected ..."

Yan Kai smiled bitterly, "Who can think of it, this is the branch."

"Don't think about it anymore, I'll take you to heal."

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