My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 216: Extraordinary Express

216 Extraordinary Express

"Extraordinary courier?"

Yin Xiaoru frowned, looking at the three teenagers sitting in front, Mei Dai clustered up.

"I'm looking for Guan Jia Biao, not an extraordinary courier! Besides, I don't send a courier, you're looking for the wrong person!"

Then, Yin Xiaoru thought of getting up and leaving. But Li Fan laughed and added a sentence.

"This friend, since you are looking for Guanjia Dart, you are not mistaken. Sitting next to me, this is the only descendant of Guanjia Dart, Guan Wenbao."


Yin Xiaoru stopped and looked back at Guan Wenbao again. His complexion was red, his eyebrows were big, and he really looked like a family member. I came here to meet him today, for darts. But things seemed to exceed her expectations, what an extraordinary express delivery is!

"If you want to use a dart, look for us to find the right person."

Li Fan highly recommends himself, "I and this kung fu are not too much apart, and the reputation of the extraordinary express is not outside. If we ask our darts, we will not alarm the people who should not be alarmed, and the wind that should not leak.

"No, I don't trust you."

Yin Xiaoru said directly.

"Miss Yin, if you have other choices, why not choose those famous big darts, but choose a Guanjia darts that have disappeared on the rivers and lakes without knowing how long?"

Li Fan made a color, and Xiao Si, who was sitting quietly next to the music, took off the headphones, then straightened her glasses and said to Yin Xiaoru.

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Yin, you can't find other darts, right? Then let me guess, what's the reason you don't find other big darts? Or, is there something you want to transport? The question, either, is that there is something wrong with your identity. But no matter which one, you have to choose us, right? "


Yin Xiaoru didn't speak for a while, this little four-eyed, so amazing!

He was worried about it all, he figured it out!

"Miss Yin, in fact, you don't have to worry too much."

Li Fan fiddled with his fingers, and the old **** said on the ground, "We should have the extraordinary express delivery about Wen Bao's presence. We will definitely do it for you. And this time we will complete it for you. We will not leak the task to any party. As for the price, the price is good, and we do n’t need a penny. If the task fails, my head, you take it. What do you think of this condition? "

"Cut, what's the use of your head!"

Yin Xiaoru pouted, "Useless chips!"

"Then what do you want?"

Yin Xiaoru glanced at the three of them, "If the mission fails, I want you all to be my men!"

"Okay, but we have more than three people, and one. Can we count together?"

Li Fan asked with a smile.

Yin Xiaoru took a closer look at them, looking at the magnificent Li Fan, the tall and mighty Guan Wenbao, and the small four eyes full of deliberate thoughts, and said that this other person is not inferior to their masters!

"Okay okay, that would be better, but where is the fourth person?"

Yin Xiaoru looked around, but Li Fan clapped his hands. "No, he's here."

Yin Xiaoru turned his head and saw a man wearing a checkered shirt, accompanied by dirty jeans, and walking on a man wearing black canvas shoes.

The man covered his own **** and said painfully as he walked.

"Fuck, brother, I knew I wouldn't eat so many hot pots in the morning ... This is awkward for me ... ** almost fried."

Yin Xiaoru shivered a lot, this, this is the fourth person?

"Don't eat so much if you can't be spicy!"

Li Fan complained, "I have no self-control!"

"In theory, diarrhea won't make your **** explode."

Xiaosi pushed her glasses and said solemnly, "But there is still a certain possibility of prolapse of the anus. If you do not control your diet, you must quit this task."

"Ah, no, a few masters, am I wrong?

Huang Lei hurriedly said, "I'll invite this meal, I'll invite ... lie down, look at this curry, it's really jb thin as I just drank!"

Yin Xiaoru has vomited.

"Get off your uncle! Will you speak! Will not say sit down quickly!"

Li Fan screamed and screamed, "You look angry to our valued customer, Miss Yin, and vomit!"

Yin Xiaoru, while retching, said to her aunt that this was disgusting!


Guan Wenbao didn't say anything, he just pulled out a box of Xie Li from his pocket and pushed it to Huang Lei.

"Oops, it still hurts me."

Huang Lei took two pills, "But why do you have this thing on your body?"

"Often in the rivers and lakes, medicine is naturally prepared."

Guan Wenbao said calmly, "I still have Yuting, would you like two?"

"Go! You're a bad guy! Disgrace you!"

"You misunderstood. I just like to prepare a little medicine."

Guan Wenbao is a mobile medicine jar, and a waist bag wrapped around his waist is filled with various pills.

"Hey, Laoguan, do you have a Viagra?"

Li Fan looked at Guan Wenbao with a smirk.

"what is that?"

"Theoretically, it is Viagra, for Zhuang-yang."

Bai Linluo explained next.

"Oh, no."

Guan Wenbao shook his head, but pulled out a dark thing from his pocket. "But there is an old dog whip, and the effect is also good. Do you want to try it?"

"Forget it ... you put it away ..."

"Yes, grace."

"you guys……"

Yin Xiaoru looked at the four people whose painting style was abrupt, with cold sweat on their faces. "I ... I'll change the dartboard ..."

"Ms. Yin, our extraordinary express delivery is really your best choice and your only choice."

Li Fan said, "If you are not assured, you can choose to dart with us."

"This can be there, but I still don't believe you much."

Yin Xiaoru's eyes rolled, "I want to try your strength first."

"Ha, joke!"

Huang Lei looked at Yin Xiaoru in disdain, "My elder brother is a man of great skill! My elder brother is usually low-key, and he is very angry."

"Oh? To what extent?"

"My elder brother takes off his pants and farts, and can hit the plane!"

"piss off!"

Li Fan kicked Huang Lei hard under the table. Can this guy have a door in his mouth?

"Enough ... I don't want to hear you talking ... It's enough ..."

Yin Xiaoru rubbed his temple, "If you want me to be your dart, pass my test first."

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