217 You cheated

"Test? What test?"

Huang Lei was a little reluctant to get up, "You little lady, how can you do so much? Our extraordinary express will definitely have a bright future. It is not too much to say that it is the first dart in the world! It is yours to run a dart for you. It ’s a pleasure that you are still doing something, are n’t you taking our brothers in your eyes! Who is your elder brother, pull it out to talk! ”

"Leizi, shut up!"

Li Fan glared at him, this guy, took out the set in the society to make hair!

"Ms. Yin has a test, but it doesn't matter."

Li Fan looked indifferent, "Except for the inability to pick the stars and the moon, you said, we will continue."

Li Fan is very confident. Since he dares to play this dart, naturally he cannot be afraid of any form of challenge!

"It's simple."

Yin Xiaoru took out his wallet and put it on the table. "This is my wallet. The four of you, holding this wallet, as long as you can take it out of the mall without being stolen, even if you are qualified, how? ? "

"It's not easy yet?"

Huang Lei laughed, "I have nothing else to do with Huang Banxian in my life, just do a good job of security awareness! For so many years, I have never lost my wallet! Brother, I do n’t bother you to do this, let me take it out!"

"it is good."

Unexpectedly, Li Fan really promised to come down, then took the wallet and stuffed it into Huang Lei's pocket, "You go outside, and the three of us will protect you."

"Okay, brother, just wrap it on me!"

Huang Lei held his arms and sleeves, and was very confident. "Madam, we can look down on our extraordinary express delivery, but I will let her see it today. What is the iron pants pocket!"

Talking, Huang Lei got up and went out, while Guan Wenbao and Li Fan both stood up and went out with them.

Little Four's eyes calmly continued to sit in the restaurant and continued to drink his juice.

"Aren't you together?"

Yin Xiaoru looked at Xiaosi with some confusion.

"I'm in charge of the overall situation here."

Xiaosi's eyes squeezed into Yin Xiaoru, causing Yin Xiaoru's white eyes.

"Then I'm gone too, you drink slowly."

Yin Xiaoru got up and left the restaurant, but she didn't know that Xiao Siyan chose this place specially, because most of the mall can be seen by the window next to it. And he put on headphones and connected four people to set up the channel.

"Military, how beautiful your head is, isn't it amazing?"

Huang Lei walked down the escalator and said with the intercom headset, "How do you know this little girl will definitely test us?"

"How normal."

Xiaosi said faintly while drinking fruit juice, "I said that she or her belongings must be defective. She must have tried our ability to find such an unknown little dartboard. . I just looked at it. The woman's middle and index fingers are a little longer. Obviously, she has practiced two-finger meditation. You have to be careful, especially Lei Zi. "

"Rest assured, I don't care what door thief she is, it's not easy for me!"

Huang Lei said confidently, "When I was mixing up, I also saw some thieves. I knew what they were doing."

"So what do you do if you lose something?"

Li Fan stood beside Huang Lei and asked with a smile.

"If I lose something, I'll put my head down and play for you guys!"

Huang Lei issued a military order here.

"I'm going out soon. That little girl is really boring. Looking for such a simple task, isn't it that I look down on my brother!"

When Huang Lei was about to leave the mall, he ran into a head-on with a thin boy.

"Sorry ..."

The boy bowed his head and turned to leave. When Huang Lei touched his pants pocket, the wallet was still inside.

"Wa, I thought it was a thief, and I was shocked."

Guan Wenbao grabbed the young man's arm, "Stop! Don't run!"

"You, what are you doing?"

The teenager seemed a little scared and looked at Guan Wenbao in horror.

"Don't think I can't see it, I already smell it on you."

Guan Wenbao seems to have a dog nose. "Miss Yin, the trick is over here."

"Well, you found it."

The familiar woman's voice came out of the boy's mouth, "But it's too late."

Then, he suddenly took a bill from his pocket and threw it into the air, just like the heavenly girl scattered flowers.

"Spending money at mall activities! Hurry up!"

Yin Xiaoru yelled, and the surrounding guests saw the banknotes all over the floor, and heard that they were sent by the mall, and they came over quickly!

Spread money tactics! This trick is really great!

Regardless of the disregard of those customers, they rushed for money and quickly squeezed Li Fan into a ball. Although Guan Wenbao was close to him, he was crowded by so many people and couldn't keep calm. After he stabilized his body, he found that Yin Xiaoru didn't know when he left.


Guan Wenbao exclaimed, but Yin Xiaoru's figure no longer knew where to go.

"It's okay, the wallet is still there!"

Huang Lei squeezed out of the crowd, walked outside the mall door, and pulled out his wallet in his pants pocket.

But this is not a wallet at all, but a piece of cardboard. I don't know when it was stuffed into Huang Lei's pants pocket.

"what's the situation?"

Huang Lei was taken aback. "Did you change?"

"When I hit you just now, I changed you."

Li Fan said casually, "This Miss Yin has good skills, you are not her opponent."

"Oh my god, has this business hit me?"

Huang Lei was crying, "Brother, I blame me for all this. I was too arrogant and thought I could get it done."

"It's all right."

Li Fan comforted Huang Lei. "You are doing well."


Huang Lei was dumbfounded. Didn't he do business, did he talk strangely?

But Yin Xiaoru walked out angrily and said to Li Fan, "You won!"

"what's going on?"

Huang Lei hadn't responded yet, but Li Fan took out Yin Xiaoru's wallet from his pocket.

"Hey? Why is your wallet there, brother?"

Huang Lei blinked his eyes, and Li Fan said with a smile, "I used the method of picking stars by Da Sheng, and the moment I installed your wallet, I already adjusted the bag."

"Well, it's still big brother, you're so old-fashioned ... No, it's a good idea, and your intelligence is touching!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, what a metaphor!

"Miss Yin, did we pass this test?"

Li Fan asked.

"You cheated!"

Yin Xiaoru was not very happy, she seemed very depressed about her miss.

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