My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 219: Don't forget to make up lessons after the task

219 Don't forget to make up lessons after the task

Golden Buddha?

Li Fan frowned slightly, then Yin Xiaoru handed a photo, he was even more certain.

Flying cat, flying cat, originally thought that I would never meet you again, I never thought you would come to your door!

Li Fan murmured in his heart, now it's no use catching the flying cat.

"Where is Miss Yin going?"

Li Fan did not mention this matter, but asked about the darts.

"Not too far, in Feihua Town next door."

"Feihua Town?"

Li Fan knows this small town. In city B, which is not far from city A, it takes about three hours by car.

"Can you go by yourself so close?"


Yin Xiaoru shook his head, "I ca n’t see the light. It is an antique in itself, and you ca n’t get through security. If you drive yourself, someone will stop me on the road. To tell you the truth, although I have a good job, my martial arts is worse . Especially if I run continuously, my physical strength will not keep up. So I need someone to help me **** this dart. "

"You thing, isn't it valuable?"

Li Fan estimated, "An antique golden Buddha, you make a lot of money, Miss Yin."

"This is not for selling money."

Yin Xiaoru said coldly, "How about, can you deliver it?"

"A day away, no problem."

Li Fan made a rough calculation, "But how to calculate the salary?"

"I am very poor."

Yin Xiaoru laughed, and Li Fan also laughed. "Ms. Yin was very generous when she gave money in the mall just now."

"Hee hee, all I throw is fake money."

Yin Xiaoru couldn't help laughing, "The potion above only has the effect of ten minutes. After ten minutes, it becomes ordinary paper."


Li Fan wanted to yell at a chicken thief, but considering that this was his own cooperative client, he could not bear it.

There is a sentence how to say, customers abuse me thousands of times, I treat customers as first love!

"Miss Yin then make an offer."

Li Fan decided to explore the bottom of this Miss Yin first.

Yin Xiaoru stretched out five fingers, Huang Lei asked, "50 thousand?"

"five hundred."

"I wipe, are you teasing me?"

Li Fan couldn't stand his good temper. "Five hundred, isn't it enough to pay for the circuit fee? I'm such a family member to feed, do they not eat without money?"

"Then I'll add a little more ..."

Yin Xiaoru held out six fingers, "Six hundred is enough?"

"It seems that our business cannot be negotiated. Everyone goes back to their own houses and finds their own mothers."

Li Fan sighed and shrugged his shoulders to indicate that he was slacking off.

"I'm very sincere!"

Yin Xiaoru said quickly, "You people, don't be too greedy!"

"Are we greedy? Sister, have you made a mistake!"

Li Fan was very speechless. "Even if we are young, we have to spare our lives to help you dart? And you, for 600 yuan, want to buy our brother's life? Sorry, our lives are not so cheap Let's find another house! "

"Don't get excited ..."

Yin Xiaoru saw that Li Fan was indeed angry, and hurriedly said, "Then I will add more money ..."

"Black goods, the transportation distance is 80 kilometers, expert, two million."

Guan Wenbao saw Li Fan's eyes and knew what he meant, and immediately broke an official price.

"I ... I don't have that much money ..."

"New opening, I'll give you a discount."

Li Fan held out a finger, "It can't be less, less than 200,000. We can't make this dart."

"Too much, too ..."

Yin Xiaoru heard the price and looked slightly unsightly, "I don't really have that much money ..."

"Then how much can you produce?"

Li Fan didn't say death, and asked tentatively.

"All my savings ... a little more than 50,000 ..."

Yin Xiaoru's face was slightly red. Although Li Fan is a little bit unbelievable, after all, such a famous robber has only this savings, which is really unbelievable. But this time he was also trying to open a big deal and make a big discount, and it was not impossible.

"Then fifty thousand, not a penny."

The 50,000 were also distributed to his brothers, and Li Fan did not intend to stay by himself.

"You let me think about it ..."

Yin Xiaoru was distressed. After all, this 50,000 yuan was all his savings, and he planned to buy delicious food.

"Okay, I'll give you five seconds to think about time. Now countdown, five, four ..."

"Okay, I promise, I promise ..."

Yin Xiaoru was bleeding with heartache, but he agreed to this dart.

"Ok! That's it, I'll help you dart on Friday night."

"Why Friday?"

Yin Xiaoru asked strangely, "Is it impossible tomorrow?"

"Of course not."

Li Fan laughed.

"Why not? Is there anything more important than the task?"

"Of course, I still have to take an exam after all."

At the weekly exam, Li Fan looked down at the time.

"Just right, it's almost time, and I should go to make up lessons."

Li Fan and Liao Wushuang set the time for make-up lessons. One of his weaker subjects is English, and if he strengthens it, he should have no problem with the exam.

"I'm dizzy ... are you still a student?"

"If it is a fake replacement, the second high school student."

Li Fan sighed, "I still took the leave today, and I lost a lot of lessons. Miss Yin, you see how much we value you."

"Okay ... then I won't delay your time, when will we meet on Friday?"

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon, right in the billiard hall, and I finished the exam at that time."

Li Fan clapped his hands. "We will also set up an **** plan in the past two days. Miss Yin will leave in advance and wait for us in Feihua Town."

"That won't work, I have to go with you."

Yin Xiaoru said, "Otherwise I'm not assured."

"Okay, then we can only take care of things. Your life is not within our escorting range."

"I know that I will protect myself and not worry about you."

Yin Xiaoru gave Li Fan a stingy look. Li Fan didn't mind. After all, this kind of thing is clearly marked. Everyone will explain it first, so as not to cause disputes later.

"Miss Yin, let me talk to you in detail about the rest."

Bai Linluo secretly hated that this Nima did not allow himself to make up lessons, but he went to make up for lessons! His grades have fallen, and he must be endless! However, the task is still important at the moment, and Bai Linluo had to let Li Fan go.

Promised to assist Li Fan, naturally everything is his priority.

Li Fan said goodbye to a few people, went out for a trot, and quickly came downstairs to Liao Wushuang's house.

I have to say that although he is an ordinary teacher, Liao Wushuang lives in a very good place, in a prosperous place in city A, 360 Building, a nice single apartment.

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