220 evidence

Liao Wushuang's family conditions should be good, otherwise a teacher's salary would not be able to afford such a high-end apartment.

Li Fan really inquired about the price of this place. After all, he had dreamed of living in an apartment like this, so as not to leave it under the fence. No matter how good the small bungalow covered by Murong Sakura is, it is also the Murong family's thing, which has nothing to do with herself.

360 high-end apartment, the monthly rent will probably be more than 5,000, if you buy even more than one million. And Liao Wushuang's salary for a month is only over 4,000.

If she lived in the apartment on her own salary, she would not only have to smash the salary into it, she would have to pay more than 1,000 a month. What about living expenses, eating, riding a car, buying clothes or something ...

Beautiful women like Teacher Liao must also like to dress up. This rough dress is money. Li Fan helped to estimate, the teacher Liao spent at least 10,000 a month.

Two thousand of them are the cost of using a car, because when Mr. Liao went to school, he drove a BMW Z4. Although it is not a particularly good sports car, but for students like Li Fan, it is also expensive!

Raising a BMW, how can you have a base of 2,000 a month? After all, Li Fan doesn't know cars very well, so he can only give a rough estimate.

When Li Fan was going upstairs, he was stopped by security guards. This kind of high-end apartment is inaccessible without an ID card.

Thinking of Liao Wushuang seems to have explained in advance, Li Fan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Liao Wushuang.

"Mr. Liao, I have come downstairs to your house."

"Wait a minute, the teacher will pick you up next."

Within five minutes, a beautiful beauty pushed open the security door and came out. It seems that Liao Wushuang wears casually because of his reasons at home. The upper body is a white t-shirt and the lower body is aqua blue jeans. She had a casual ponytail in her hair, pink slippers on her feet, and exquisite little toes, which seemed naughty.

Simple clothes are not the same when worn by a beautiful woman. This t-shirt was held high by Liao Wushuang's chest, and it felt like it was about to burst. And the jeans are also uneven, the position of the hips seems to be wrapped in jeans with two watermelons.

Liao Wushuang's legs were very tightly pinched.

I do n’t know who can enjoy this wonderful body of Teacher Liao ... Keke, what do you think, now is the time to think about these, Li Fan, Li Fan, you are here to make up lessons, not to do other things of!

Li Fan reminded himself and patted his face by the way.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Liao Wushuang sorted out his bangs and showed a guilty smile.

"Where to say! I just arrived! Teacher Liao is working hard, and he has to make up for me after school!"

"Mending lessons is one aspect. It is important to listen carefully in class."

Liao Wushuang said as he led Li Fan toward him.

The administrator looked at Li Fan with envy, and returned to Liao Wushuang's butt, staring into her into the elevator.

"You asked for leave again today, which is delaying the lesson."

Liao Wushuang counts Li Fan, "I say you like this, you may find me annoying ..."

"No, no, the teacher is right!"

Li Fan hurriedly responded, "I am a person who lacks sense of responsibility and is lazy and needs Teacher Liao to remind me more!"

"That's good, you're such a good and considerate boy."

Liao Wushuang smiled comfortably, "If you are a little motivated, it is even better, then your parents will be proud of you."

my parents? Ah all went to play in the Maldives! No, it's impossible to play in Maldives for so long, and now I don't know where to live. However, just a while ago, two people stayed in a family hotel in Byzantium and enjoyed the dusk of the whole city.

Rub it, this life is just what you dream of! Forget it ... Anyway, these two have raised their own lives, they are happy to go out, and they are not losing.

"Come in, the house is not that big, don't let it go."

After exiting the elevator, the room opposite was Liao Wushuang's home. She took out the key, opened the room, and took Li Fan in.

Imagine that the place where women live is also very cluttered, which Li Fan has seen in the book. However, Liao Wushuang's room was well organized. To be precise, it is too clean!

There is only one sofa and coffee table in the living room. There is no TV on the wall, it's hard to imagine this is an exclusive apartment!

"What are you looking at?"

Liao Wushuang couldn't help asking when Li Fan was looking around.

"Teacher ... how can you be a high-level apartment ... it shouldn't be like a family apprentice ..."

Li Fan couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it was gorgeous before, but I don't like it."

Liao Wushuang said, "So I asked them to remove all the furniture, and they were just like a home."

"But ... it's too clean ..."

Li Fan didn't know how to vomit, living in such a high-level apartment, but living in the simplest way.

Liao Wushuang ... Mr. Liao ... Is she also a wonderful girl?

"Let's go over the content of today's class first."

Liao Wushuang used the card to bang Liu Hai, then placed the book on the coffee table, and kneeled in front of Li Fan.

"Mr. Liao, do you like to sit on your knees?"

Seeing Liao Wushuang's habits, Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Well, I have spent a few years abroad. I have spent a year in the island country in addition to the United Kingdom and the United States."

Liao Wushuang explained, "I like to sit on my knees, which is good for the body. And this is not the etiquette of the island country, but passed down from our Huaxia. Unfortunately, we modern people have lost this tradition ... how to say ... We have lost too much. Only when we went abroad did we find that many valuable things of Huaxia can only be found abroad. "

"Mr. Liao always talks with various reasons."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Listening to Teacher Liao really benefited me a lot."

"Are you mocking the teacher?"

"How come, I respect your teacher in my heart!"

Li Fan quickly patted his chest and said, "I don't believe you listen to my heart!"

"How can I hear this."

Liao Wushuang chuckled his mouth and chuckled, "But, do you really respect me from the heart?"

"Of course, we can learn from the world!"

"Man's mouth, it really can't believe it."

Liao Wushuang said, pulling out a stationery from a book, "I have evidence of you slipping here."

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