Chapter 226: Archmage

It may also be because he was too tired, Li Fan glanced at Liao Wushuang, who had fallen asleep in his arms, and didn't know whether to hold Liao Wushuang down, or just accepted her silently.

Forget it, Teacher Liao was also frightened for a long time. Now she managed to fall asleep, and it took her a lot to hold her down. Li Fan, Li Fan, you are good everywhere, but you are too kind.

Li Fan felt deep admiration for his kindness, and at the same time he came to sleepiness and slowly entered his dream.

Li Fan had a dream, in which he found himself an emperor.

He sat on the dragon chair and looked at the minister under him.

Two rows of civil and military generals stand below. Bai Linluo is a great division, while Guan Wenbao is a general. Yan Kai is the general manager, with dust in his hand, standing not far below him.

Huang Lei didn't know what official position was, holding Bai Yu in his hand, standing underneath, and keeping his eyes on the maiden next to him.

"Your Majesty, why are you still facing up? People are anxious."

Liu Yanan even appeared in her dream. She wore the clothes of a concubine, walked to her, took her own hand and sat in her arms.

"Bold! Is this where you want to be?"

And Murong Sakura also appeared, dressed as a queen, with a look of pride, "It's just a concubine, and I'm not backing down!"

"What's wrong with your concubine? Your Majesty is spoiling me. Don't show up here, your queen who is out of favor, it will be laughed at by the ministers."

Liu Yannan's words were still so hidden, piercing his heart. Li Fanxin said that if he had Murong Ying, he would definitely blow up the temple! Sure enough, where could Murong Ying's temper be tolerated, she scolded her.

"Bold, come, drag this seductive woman out and chop it up!"

"No, Queen Mother."

Lin Yuexian also wore the clothes of a concubine, and came out from behind to stop the guards. "Although the concubine has some bad mouths, her heart is still good. After all, they are all our sisters, so please spare her once."

"Can't spare!"

Murong Ai also wore concubine clothes and leaned out from behind Murong Sakura. "The concubine is especially bad! She always bullies me! Sister, you have to decide for me!"

"I won't let anyone bully our sister."

Murong Ying Duan Ran said, "Whoever bullies our sisters will pay the price!"

"Everyone calm down."

I do n’t know when it was, Liao Wushuang even stood here, persuading these non-stop women, "We are all family members, we should talk about each other right! Why quarrel!"

I go ... why is there such a woman, she is her own teacher and should not appear in her dream! And appeared in the image of a concubine!

"Ah, don't quarrel anymore, it seems that Her Majesty's favorite concubine is here."

"Oh my god, I envy her!"

A group of concubines and queens looked at the back with envy and jealousy, and Li Fan couldn't help turning his head. What was the most beautiful concubine in this group?

"Your Majesty, they want to die for you, Your Majesty!"

Tie Zhu wore a princess's clothes, twisted his thick waist, and coquettishly faced Li Fan.


Li Fan opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was lying on a comfortable sofa, and the surrounding scenes were a little strange and familiar.

He remembered that he was in Liao Wushuang's home!

"Woke up?"

Liao Wushuang stood next to him, wearing a white shirt and black trousers on his lower body, and a beautiful ponytail in his hair, which seemed to be quick and generous.

She tilted her head and looked at Li Fan, "Do you sleep well?"

"pretty good."

Li Fan's eyes rolled and he said, "I'm a bed recognizer. I usually don't sleep well when I'm not in my bed. But today I sleep very well."


Liao Wushuang became curious.

"Because, although I am a boy, I have the same problems as girls, that is, what I like to sleep on, or I feel insecure."

Li Fan said so, Liao Wushuang's face was instantly ashamed.

"Yesterday, what happened last night ... I was afraid of thunder ... you, you must forget it!"

"Oh, what I said was that I liked to sleep with my puppy when I was a kid. Where did you think of Teacher Liao?"

Li Fan smiled, Liao Wushuang was even more ashamed.

"No one has teased your teacher like this! English has failed you!"

"Mr. Liao, I will not take you so abusing his powers, the communiqué is personal!"

Li Fan was in a hurry immediately, and failed to pass the English test.

Although the score of one less is less than the last, if you fail English, you will not let Changchunxi joke die? If you live, you must not lose face!

"Hum, who made you a student so slick!"

Liao Wushuang said, "No matter how dare you talk, I will punish you like that."

"I don't make any noise, am I not telling the truth?"

"No, you must forget ..."

"Yes, Teacher Liao, I'm worried about one thing."

Suddenly Li Fan worries, Liao Wushuang tilted his head, "What's the matter?"

"Both of us slept naked last night. Will we have children?"


Liao Wushuang was speechless for a moment, as if he had been stunned enough.

"We're not like that. How could we get pregnant!"

Liao Wushuang was angry and ashamed. "You child, you don't understand a little science! Men and women have to go through that kind of thing to have a baby. And conception is not so easy. Besides, I still have a safe period in these two days what……"

Liao Wushuang felt that he had inadvertently said something extraordinary, and Li Fan also choked. How could this make him answer?

The two were embarrassed for a long time, and the atmosphere was unusually strong.

After a long time, a nasty smell poured into the noses of two people, Liao Wushuang suddenly exclaimed.

"No! I cooked the milk!"

She hurriedly went to the kitchen, Li Fan took a look at it, good guy, the kitchen has begun to smoke.

A pot was sitting on the stove and it was already on fire. The flame was called Wang Wang, Liao Wushuang panicked, grabbed the water basin next to him, and poured it towards the pot.

"Well, don't!"

Li Fan exclaimed, but it was too late, and the water had been poured on the pot.


Good guy, a huge ball of fire blasted into the sky and burned on the ceiling, the entire ceiling was blackened!

"Mr. Liao ... you are not an English teacher, you should be a master wizard! This big fireball is slippery!"

Li Fan couldn't help voicing. However, Liao Wushuang has no God, and he has no idea what to do.



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