227 Tatar

"Mr. Liao, step back."

Li Fan pulled Liao Wushuang behind him, at the same time, reached out to close the gas valve, and then swiped with one hand to the iron pan.

Although the wind helps the fire, if the wind is too strong, it can be turned off smoothly like a vacuum.

Sure enough, as Li Fan slaps in the wind, the blazing flames suffocate immediately.


Liao Wushuang was a little surprised, "Is it possible to extinguish the fire by turning off the gas? It's not scientific ..."


Li Fan is also grateful that he can work internally, otherwise he may be on fire. The entire kitchen was burnt black and the ceiling had become a black curtain.

"The landlord won't find you, right?"

Li Fan was a little worried. Such a place was burned like this, and it was not cheap to decorate it. When I met another black-spotted landlord, he killed a knife, fearing that it would hurt him.

"It doesn't matter, I have already bought the house."

Liao Wushuang gave Li Fan a smile. "Thank you for caring about the teacher. The teacher is very happy."

Day, dead tyrant!

Suddenly, Li Fan didn't know how to answer the question, how the world is full of such tyrants! Murong Ying is rich, Liu Yannan is rich, even this new teacher Liao is also a little rich!

It ’s irrational, how can you continue to be silent, you must be a real rich!

"It seems that the milk can't be eaten ... but the teacher still makes sandwiches."

Liao Wushuang brought two plates from the balcony, which contained her own sandwiches.

"Ah, Teacher Liao also makes Western-style breakfast."

Looking at a piece of fried eggs and a sandwich on the plate, it looks quite decent.

"It is cheaper to cook by yourself abroad. At your age, a glass of milk is the best every morning."

Liao Wushuang was a little annoyed. "Unfortunately I messed up. Is the teacher stupid?"

"How can Mr. Liao be stupid? Mr. Liao's knowledge is very rich!"

Li Fan hurriedly said, "Many students in the class particularly admire Teacher Liao's knowledge!"

"But knowledge does not mean wisdom."

Liao Wushuang was a little tangled, "Do you want to use red wine for breakfast? Forget it, you have to take an exam soon ..."

"I'll just drink some pure water in the class."

Li Fanxin said, don't drink red wine anymore, the more you drink, the easier it will be!

After two people had breakfast, Liao Wushuang proposed driving Li Fan to school.

Li Fan did not refuse, after all, running from Liao Wushuang to the school was somewhat shocking. At a distance of more than 20 kilometers, normal people run to school at speed, and it is not surprising that they are not late.

Liao Wushuang went to the garage and brought up her red BMW z4, so that Li Fan sat on the co-pilot.

"Well, Li Fan, why don't you fasten your seat belt?"

Liao Wushuang couldn't help asking when Li Fan didn't mean to wear a seat belt.

"Oh, the first officer doesn't have to wear a seat belt, that's okay."

Li Fan waved his hands casually. He had never worn a seat belt while sitting in the co-pilot. It should be said that it is not just him, the people in city A are almost the same. Everyone does not have the habit of sitting in the co-pilot and is very casual.

"How can this work, this is a bad habit!"

Liao Wushuang pulled up the handbrake and twisted his body, almost pressing on Li Fan's body, pulling down his seat belt and buckle it seriously.

Although she had slept together for one night, Li Fan was also very sleepy at the time and didn't feel deep. And now that the two people are posted so close, the breath seems to be fused together ... Well, why use such dirty words ...

But she posted really close. The book says that when two people are too close, more than three seconds, the hormones between men and women will have a strange response and start to attract each other.

Although human beings are advanced animals, they have not separated from the essence of animals. From some primitive places, there is still no difference.

Liao Wushuang and Li Fan are obviously among them, especially Liao Wushuang's chest is pressed against Li Fan's neckline, so that Li Fan has a feeling of happiness and suffocation. It seems that it can be said that happiness is about to suffocate?

The faces of the two were close together, and they could feel each other's breathing.

At that moment, Li Fan felt that Liao Wushuang's lips were even more tempting.

The rosy lips were right in front of him, as if it were a plate of gourmet food, waiting to be tasted by himself.

And after Liao Wushuang fastened his seat belt, he seemed to feel that kind of embarrassment. She looked at Li Fan just like that, a pair of eyelids blinked, and those long eyelashes fluttered.

Every time her eyelashes trembled, she seemed to be able to move Li Fan's heartstrings. It was as if someone had put a heart-shaped stone in Li Fan's heart, making endless ripples.

A strong attraction seems to be more powerful than his dragon toad absorbing water ... Li Fan subconsciously wanted to lean towards Liao Wushuang's lips.

It's close, it's really close!

Just a little bit more, you can be there! Five centimeters, two centimeters, one centimeter ...

It seems that I can already feel the temperature on Liao Wu's lips ...

But at this moment, a whistle of a car horn pierced the two ears, and the driver behind him kept pressing the horn.

"Go home and kiss! Don't block the road, OK! You two should just be shocked!"

The people behind were scolding, Li Fan and Liao Wushuang were very embarrassed.

"Dye, tied ..."

Liao Wushuang blushed, returned to the driving position, and then started the car in a hurry.

Before she stepped on the clutch, she stuck her foot on the throttle. As a result, the car went out.

Liao Wushuang rushed to ignite, but the clutch was not found well. The car had just started, the gear shift was too early, and it was off again ...


Liao Wushuang took a deep breath and seemed to be trying to calm himself.

Li Fan reached out and placed it gently on Liao Wushuang's hand holding the gear lever.

"Mr. Liao, don't worry, take your time."

"But the people behind are so rushed ..."

In the ear of Liao Wushuang, the sound of the horn of the rear car is all around.

"Ignore him and keep your spiritual platform empty."

Li Fan's voice seemed to have magical power. He got into Liao Wushuang's ear. At this moment, the sound of the horn in his ear seemed to go away, and the world became quiet. Liao Wushuang's emotions also eased a lot.

She was silent for a few moments, then shifted skillfully, the car started smoothly, and drove out of the community.

"Thank you, Li Fan."

Liao Wu expressed his thanks to Li Fan in both directions.

"Mr. Liao, you're so kind. We've all slept. Don't be too out of sight."

"Go to you, it's like that!"

Liao Wushuang blushed, "You are not allowed to talk nonsense when you get to school!"

"What are we afraid of? We are not afraid of shadows!"

Li Fan vowed, "No matter how the world evaluates us, I won't be afraid!"

"How to make it fall in love with teachers and students."

"I haven't said that before, it's all Teacher Liao himself."

"Huh, you guys are big."

"Where am I small?"

"It's really small, I sneaked it last night."

"what did you say?"

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