My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 228: School flowers arrive

Chapter 228

Li Fan slept very much last night, but how could he think that Liao Wushuang secretly touched him ... heirloom!

"Your nose is really small, so are the Chinese. The noses of Americans are much larger. My favorite is some British hook noses, which look very temperamental."

Liao Wushuang stared at the front and said very earnestly that Li Fan almost swallowed and choked to death.

For a long time, was it originally the nose? Nima, you should go to the wall!

"Actually, the teacher thinks that if you have a hooked nose, you should be very handsome. However, it looks pretty good now, just be more confident."

"Thank Teacher Liao for commenting ... I will work hard ... Tomorrow I will go to South Korea and make my nose hooked ... I will use it to dry clothes for Teacher Liao."

"Oh, there's nothing serious about talking."

Liao Wushuang was amused and laughed, "Look at you confident, I take back what I said just now. It would be better if you were humble!"

"I'm already humble!"

Li Fan said politely, "I usually converge in the class, especially the grades, I dare not hit too high, I am afraid that those good students can't bear it, and then something unexpected happens."

"Talking and blowing."

Liao Wushuang didn't believe Li Fan's nonsense, "As your teacher, don't you know your grades?"

"Mr. Liao, how can you say that, I am your proud student! Believe it or not, this time in English, I will give you a class first!"

"If you can get the class first, I'll date you."

Liao Wushuang casually said that Li Fan knew her level of English.

"Okay, that's all!"

Li Fan also had a temper. He was afraid to say that he was in the first grade. After all, there was Lin Yuexian who had an abnormal intelligence quotient. But class first, it should still be fine. What I learned earlier is just a Deng thinking, more than that guy, let him be envious and envy!

Li Fan's three-minute heat actually means that. Although I have improved my English, I have not reached the first level in the class. There are too many people in his class who are better in English, and Bai Linluo is better than him.

After almost three minutes, Li Fan forgot about it.

The two talked about other things in the car. Li Fan asked Liao Wushuang about his life abroad. He had never been in this country, so he was still curious about things outside.

There is a particular tacky, special dog blood, but Li Fan personally verified its reliability. The happy time is indeed short. I usually have to run for a long time at a distance of 20 kilometers, but today I talked with Liao Wushuang and I felt so fast.

"Here, I'll park and you get off at the school gate."

Liao Wushuang parked the car at the gate of the school. Many boys looked around. The teacher ’s car, who did n’t know?


Suddenly, Li Fan found that his hand was still touching the hand of others Liao Wushuang. Two people haven't noticed for so long!

He let go of his hand, and Liao Wushuang noticed this, and his face turned red.

"Then I'll take the exam, see you, Teacher Liao!"

Li Fanla opened the door, walked down, and all the boys waiting to see the beauty teacher became jealous.

"Well, who is this guy, I want to beat him!"

A student said jealously.

"Don't make trouble ... this is the school's trusted bully ... Li Fan ..."

A classmate hurried to remind me next to it.

"I'm going ... it's him ..."

"Are you going to hit him?"

"I remember I have a question that I haven't memorized yet, and I'll punch him after me ..."

All these words were blown into Li Fan's ears without hesitation. He is now the strength to enter the room. Ear Cong eyesight, these words are really true. But Li Fan was also reluctant to talk to them, saying that he was a school bully, who did he bully?

"Li Fan!"

Just as Li Fan was preparing to return to class, a familiar voice stopped him.

Li Fan turned his head and found that the school's school flower was standing beside the fountain, waving his hand to himself.

The fountain has been turned off because of the cool autumn weather. But Lin Yuexian was standing there, and her beautiful figure seemed to be integrated into the painting. There was a feeling that the fountain was still spraying water and the beautiful rainbow was outlined.

Li Fan rubbed his eyes and said that even the illusions had come out, he must have not slept well.

"Our school spends adults, why don't we go to the morning for self-study?"

There is still an hour for self-study in the morning. Why doesn't Lin Yuexian return to the class? Such good students will certainly not skip classes.

"You ... come here ..."

Lin Yuexian beckoned to Li Fan with some unease.

She feels that her recent attitude is a little tougher ... If you want to take Li Fan from Murong Ying, this attitude will not work. No man likes jealous women, and Li Fan is certainly no exception. And there is a strong woman like Murong Ying beside him, and there can be no more.

Lin Yuexian considered it for several days, so she was waiting here early in the morning.

"Don't finish it ... my mother asked me to bring you a pancake ..."

Lin Yuexian's mother has returned from Xinmatai Tourism. The middle-aged woman is rejuvenated and believes in the identity of Li Fanfu's second generation.

"Your mother is so funny, how can there be rich second generation who like to eat pancakes."

Li Fan sat on the platform in the pool, Lin Yuexian hurriedly stopped.


"It's okay, I'm strong!"

Li Fan has a true body protection, these are nothing.

"You got burned!"

Lin Yuexian froze. "In addition, my mother also feels that you are used to eating mountain and sea flavors, and pancakes may be more rare."

"Your mother's thinking is too advanced!"

"Hum, don't eat and pull down, I'll feed the dog!"

"Don't, I eat. I'm just hungry!"

Li Fan's appetite is not small, he has a sandwich and eggs in the morning. But at Teacher Liao, he was embarrassed to say that he was not full. What's more, Mr. Liao's kitchen has been fried. It's not good to let Mr. Liao's family go out to buy breakfast for himself!

But you don't need to be polite with Lin Yuexian. Li Fan grabbed the pancakes and ate them.

"You eat slowly, don't hold back."

Lin Yuexian put her schoolbag under her, sat up, and handed Li Fan a bottle of pear water.

"This is my own pear water ..."

"Thank you……"

Li Fan took it over and drank heavily, so it was a pleasure to eat like this.

"Thank you, Lin Yuexian, how nice you are."

Li Fan was grateful for his fake girlfriend.

"Here are a few sets of papers. Do it before you take the exam."


Li Fan squirted a large mouthful of pear water.

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