My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 229: Make-up plan

229 Make-up lesson plan

Man! Just without exaggeration!

As soon as she finished boasting Lin Yuexian, she gave herself such a hard knife!

"Comrade Kobayashi! I stopped you early in the co-authorship just for me to make a paper!"

Li Fan pinched the pancake with a bite left, his face full of righteous indignation, "The cheap people do n’t eat what they eat! The ancients do n’t deceive me!"

"Go to you, what do you say!"

Lin Yuexian gave Li Fan a white look. "I haven't given you any supplementary classes for a few days. Before I take the exam, I will give you a surprise!"

"I thank you so much ..."

Li Fan is speechless, whether this girl cares for herself or tortures herself!

No wonder they all say, don't guess a woman's mind, you can't guess at all! It seems that the great physicist Hawking has said that women are the most complicated creatures in the world.

Want to understand what a woman thinks, it's hard to take an exam!

"These sets of papers are the type questions I chose."

Lin Yuexian took out several sets of papers and placed them on Li and Li's legs. The two were sitting next to each other, and they were close together, and Li Fan could even smell the fragrance of Lin Yuexian while doing the problem.

And Liao Wushuang are two different tastes, women are really strange, and the conjoined tastes will be different.

Otherwise, this animal is complicated, nothing is wrong!

Li Fan took a deep breath and Lin Yuexian was explaining the paper to Li Fan. He suddenly raised his head, stared at Li Fan, and frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"Smell you."


"Wipe, I didn't mean that, I just wondered where the scent came from you."


"Why don't you listen to people explain, am I not holding an attitude of knowledge?"


"Mr. Kobayashi, you're wrong! You told me at the beginning, people must have a deep-rooted curiosity! I'm also curious!"


"Can't you change a word, just add a word!"

"Great pervert!"


Li Fan was speechless, and he quietly acknowledged this tone.

"Okay, I'm perverted, I'm rogue, do you want to teach me?"

"This problem is so solved, you see ..."

Lin Yuexian immediately lowered her head again and began to focus on the topic. This time, Li Fan collapsed again. This woman is almost!

After speaking for a long time, Lin Yuexian suddenly uttered another sentence.

"Does it smell good on me?"

"Smell ... wipe ..."

Li Fanxin said how could this woman's thinking jump so much, are they all with schizophrenia?


Lin Yuexian took out a beautifully packed notebook from her schoolbag. "Praise me that it smells good, plus one point. Unwanted girls, psychological abnormality, deduction of ten.

"Tofu day, are you still calculating this score?"

Li Fan was very speechless. "I thought you wouldn't do it anymore."

"How do you do that, you have to start and end."

Lin Yuexian answered lightly.

"When can I get full marks?"

"Next life."


Li Fan feels that his fighting ability is a little weak today. To be a woman with a high IQ, he still needs to work hard!

There are four exams today, and they follow the college entrance examination system. Chinese language and mathematics exam in the morning and English and literature in the afternoon.

Lin Yuexian prepared Li Fan with two sets of papers in Chinese and mathematics. After a short episode, the two people no longer interrupted the papers and concentrated on finishing the papers.

"These types of questions have a high chance of being tested this time. You have to keep them in mind."

Lin Yuexian instructed Li Fan, "Don't forget to finish it."

"How can you be sure that this test is all about this?"

Li Fan was a little weird, and Lin Yuexian laughed and pointed to his head and said, "Isn't it easy, probabilistic, analytical. The teachers are also explaining this part of the matter these days, and there are some previous exams I've put all the things I have overlooked. Probability is very interesting. It is also very effective for psychological analysis. "

"Why, you also analyzed the teacher's psychological failure?"


Lin Yuexian nodded. "According to their usual emphasis on lectures, they are also included in the scope of my review."

She confessed, "Li Fan, whether you like it or not, Huaxia's education method is like this. What we learn is not knowledge, but exam skills. As long as you master the exam skills, you can be like me, Become a god. "

"You are the opposite of Teacher Liao. She likes to cultivate my interest in studying."

Li Fan couldn't help but compare them.


Lin Yuexian was so proud that she was about to shake her tail. Now listening to Li Fan saying this, he snorted immediately, "I will not be allowed to make up lessons with her in the future!"

"Why, why, she speaks very well."

"Isn't that good?"

Lin Yuexian asked immediately.

"It's fine, but the method is different."

Li Fan said very honestly, "especially English, her English is very practical and quite interesting."


Lin Yuexian was so angry that she wanted to scold a dead tree! But in the end, I didn't scold.

"Then you will only be allowed to take English lessons with her in the future. I will teach you other courses!"


Li Fan didn't mind this, anyway, he could learn English with Liao Wushuang anyway.

"It's pretty much the same, so start tonight and follow up with me!"

"Not tonight."

Li Fan immediately said, "I have something tonight. I haven't been in City A for two days. I can come back on Sunday."

"Are you going out again?"

"Yeah, after all, I'm a struggling rich second generation. I'm busy with my career."

Li Fan grinned and drew Lin Yuexian's eyes, "Go to you! Talk about it is not serious! Then I will make up for you on Monday, right, I will gather here at 12 noon, I have a paper test in the afternoon You review. "

"I see, Mr. Kobayashi, see you at noon!"

"in vain!"

Lin Yuexian seemed a little happy again, shaking her beautiful ponytail and leaving on a brisk pace, like a happy deer.

Woman, it's hard to figure out.

Li Fan shrugged and returned to his classroom.

"Li Fan, you are late."

Chang Chunxi looked at Li Fan with a complexion.

"I said today's exam, but didn't say I had to study in the morning."

Li Fan put his schoolbag on his seat and said with a grin, "Mr. Chang, the next time you let people study in the morning, you must make it clear."

"All students listen."

Li Fan is a rogue in the eyes of Chang Chunxi. So he was too lazy to quarrel with Li Fan, turned the topic, and announced an event, "From now on Friday, Saturday and Sunday make-up classes. Half a day off on Sunday afternoon, but to study at night in the evening."

"Ms. Chang, is it necessary to make up lessons?"

Li Fan asked immediately.

"Not mandatory ..."

Chang Chunxiong broke a piece of chalk.



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