My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 230: Two Tigers Fight

230 Two Tigers Fight

The Private Second High School continued their so-called high-pressure policy, but at the moment Li Fan didn't care about these things. He finished the test and immediately returned to the pool hall.

The result came here, but accidentally found a familiar face.

"It's closed here, no one is allowed in!"

Guan Wenbao stood at the gate of the billiard hall like the gate god, blocking outsiders from entering.

"I'm here to find Li Fan!"

A handsome white-faced man outside rolled his eyes, "Hurry up and let Dao in! Otherwise, how about hitting you?"

Many girls around school couldn't help peeking at this beautiful man, because he was so handsome, especially because of year-round martial arts, he carried that unique style of master, and the little fresh meat on TV was not Way to compare!


Guan Wenbao kept his position, "Especially you, absolutely not let!"


The beautiful man was a little surprised, "Are you jealous that I look handsome? Sorry, this is the face that God gave me, and I can't refuse."

"Engong said that a man is white and perverted if he is not narcissistic."

Guan Wenbao said solemnly, "You don't look like a narcissist."

"Wipe! Who is your benefactor! How dare you talk nonsense and pull out a fight!"

The beautiful man is wearing a white trench coat today, a pair of white pants underneath, and a pair of white leather shoes. And he made his long hair into a ponytail and looked like a romantic, which really attracted many little girls. But for Guan Wenbao, this is called ostentation, not a man.

"Engong ... he just happened to be here."

Guan Wenbao's eyes fell behind the beautiful man, who touched his belt on his belt and shouted in his mouth.

"Let him see Dao Jian's great sword ... rub, how are you?"

Yan Kai looked at Li Fan with a black line on his face.

"As a priest, full of swear words, is this okay?"

"No, no, I am doing carefree."

Yan Kai proudly said, "You are so happy, why do you disturb yourself?"

"After the injury, go back to the mountain to practice, or find a place to debut as a model, why run me?"

Li Fan waved his hand, "Old pass, drive him away."

"it is good!"

When Guan Wenbao heard it, he immediately got excited and rolled up his sleeves. And Yan Kai hurriedly said, "Well, what are you anxious about, why are you bringing anybody?"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Li Fan, I didn't take you to play like this. Because of you, I lost Jin Yiwei's job. You must be responsible for me!"

Yan Kai said aggrievedly, "For you, I was so pained and bleed so much blood, have you forgotten it?"

Guan Wenbao's eyes were a little strange.

Li Fan almost collapsed and shouted directly at Yan Kai.

"I wipe, can you speak so ambiguous! Laoguan, don't think about it, not what you guessed!"

"What are you afraid of? The two of us are quite upright. Why should we explain?"

Yan Kai said generously.

"Get off, who is upright with you! Well, I don't know you, you go!"

Li Fan couldn't bear it anymore, and the girls around him were very sorry.

"Ah, such a handsome man turned out to be gay!"

"Why do good men go gay?"

"I want to save him!"

"You save your looks first!"

The surrounding people's discussions made Li Fan very depressed, but Yan Kai continued to speak to Li Fan as if he could not hear.

"In short, you have to take responsibility for me. I'm out of work now, I have to find a way to live! I have a lot of expenses, clothes, cosmetics, these are all money!"

"I wipe, that has a Mao relationship with me!"

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears.

"After all, I'm unemployed for you."

Yan Kai said very earnestly, "Jin Yiwei still has a promising job and a salary of tens of thousands a month. You see, if I follow you, you ca n’t afford so much money, I do n’t mind, as long as you give me Just arrange a job. Otherwise, I'll post a banner at the entrance of your billiard hall every day, telling you of your unscrupulousness. "

"Good enough! Come in and say!"

With so many people outside, Li Fan didn't want to make things too big. It really made Yan Kai cry and make a noise, and what rumors came out that shouldn't be there, how could he mix in school in the future!

Li Fan "invited" Yan Kai into the billiard hall. When Yan Kai came in, he immediately covered his nose.

"It's so dirty here. It's smelly and dirty. How can it be cleaned like a pig's nest?"

"What a pig's nest, this is our business!"

Huang Lei was sitting next to his feet. Hearing this, he was unhappy immediately, and stood up and shouted, "One more thing, Lord Lei, I tore your mouth!"

As soon as Yan Kai reached out, a billiard ball on the table next to him flew up, tearing the air directly, smashing through the wall beside Huang Lei, and embedded in it.

"Actually, some suggestions may be put forward, also for the better development of our billiard hall, ha ha ..."

Huang Lei wiped a cold sweat, but was scolding in his heart, this Nima ... too dangerous ...


Guan Wenbao kicked off the box next to him, and the Yueyue Knife popped out from the inside. Guan Wenbao picked up the knife rod with one hand, and picked up the knife body with one hand to assemble it.

"On our site, people who bully us! I'm going to meet you today and see if you have a few points or two!"

Then he waved his sword, pointing his sword at Yan Kai.

Huang Lei was moved, "Laoguan, you are so interesting!"

"You're welcome."

Guan Wenbao said calmly, "Our dog is bullied, and I will be angry."

"Sun your ancestor!"

Huang Lei's gratitude is now gone!

"You two can fight, don't destroy my stuff."

Li Fan reminded, "Otherwise, I would turn my face and not recognize anyone!"

"Okay, now that Li Fan agrees, I'll play with you."

Yan Kai laughed, "Looking at the moon knife in your hand, you should practice Guan Jia's sword."

"Good eyesight. The internal skill you just used seems to be Tai Chi of Wudang."

Guan Wenbao is not inferior, but Yan Kai is somewhat surprised.

"Okay, it's a great honor for me to be able to fight the offspring of Guan family today!"

Yan Kai said, opening his hands, the power of Tai Chi in his body started.

The billiards on the four billiard cases all flew up, floating around him, as if Yan Kai was the center of the universe, and those billiards were moving planets.

"Freedom, Yan Kai."

"The offspring, Guan Wenbao!"

The two reported their names together, and at the same time their anger began to surge.

"Brother, can I stand behind you?"

Huang Lei asked Li Fan.


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