243 Fame

Those claws caught on Li Fan's bones deeply, and it hurt a lot when he moved.

And Qian Hu Zhai Yao stood in front of him with a smile on his face, "Even if you are a monkey monkey, you can't escape the old man's Wuzhishan. Moreover, you are not as capable as a monkey monkey."

"I was wrong ... let me go ..."

Li Fan seemed very distressed, locked there, bowed his head, motionless, as if tamed.

Yin Xiaoru couldn't help Li Fan. He had already suffered too much for himself. It ’s not easy for a dart who does n’t know him to do so much for himself. Even now that Li Fan surrenders, admits defeat, and begs for mercy, Yin Xiaoru can't get angry. Especially looking at the startling wounds on him, Yin Xiaoru couldn't even get angry.

"It looks like your bones are not too hard."

Zhai Yao couldn't stop laughing, he approached Li Fan, grabbed one hand with Li Fan's hair, put his head up, and looked at him and said, "This is the price of being against Jin Yiwei ..."

Zhai Yao frowned suddenly, because Li Fan raised his head, but the corner of his mouth was smirking.

"Bear! Ride! Soldier!"

He yelled, his body suddenly swelled in a circle, and the bones on his body made the sound of crashing and crashing, he just broke the hooks that locked him!

At the same time, Li Fan grabbed his hands directly on Zhai Yao's shoulders, like an iron hoop. The gathered force instantly pinched Zhai Yao's shoulder blades, and Zhai Yaozhuang screamed in pain!

"You want to let the little man submit, you dream!"

Li Fan grabbed Zhai Yao's body with both hands, as if holding a chick, and slammed his head on the ground.

"Papa Bear Pile Driver!"

Li Fan grabbed Zhai Yao's head for a while and bumped it to the ground seven times! Even if Zhai Yao had a true body guard, after these seven strokes, he was also blurred by the hitting flesh. Even if he didn't die, it was a serious injury!

"The bear king lifts his head!"

Li Fan raised Zhai Yao, who had passed out, over his head. In the horrified eyes of the Jin Yiwei, he tore off Zhai Yao's two arms!

In this way, Zhai Yao's whole person is equivalent to being scrapped! That distant command made the dream completely slip away from his world!

"Who else is coming!"

Li Fan threw Zhai Yao's body aside, regardless of his life and death. This kind of scum, even if it is dead, is a stinky piece of land!

The muscles on Li Fan's body were tight, squeezing the wound and stopping the bleeding. But he had been stained with blood, standing there, arrogant and arrogant.

"I'm Li Fan! I'm a bully! I'll wait for Jin Yiwei, who dares to be my enemy!"

Li Fan's voice was like Hong Zhong, none of the Jin Yiweis who stunned came forward.

Even Yin Xiaoru was shocked. Li Fan's performance exceeded her expectations! She thought that Li Fan had been beaten up, but he did not expect that he would just retreat and cheat to deceive Zhai Yao, and then decisively attack the enemy and abolish the most threatening enemy!

In this way, the remaining Jin Yiwei are afraid to come forward.

"If no one else, I'll take my client away."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he tore off the chain on Yin Xiaoru's body, and then resisted the weak monster thief flying cat on his shoulder. This feeling of shame made Yin Xiaoru feel like a sack.

He looked around for a week and said to the surrounding Jinyiwei, "Remember in the future, my Li Fan's customers, no one is allowed to move! Whoever moves, he will end with this guy!"

He pointed at Zhai Yao, whose life and death were unknown, and exclaimed.

"Stupid ... don't forget the Golden Buddha!"

Yin Xiaoru patted Li Fan's back twice and said.

Li Fan saw the golden Buddha on the table next to him and waved his hand, and the golden Buddha was sucked into his hand. The remaining Jin Yiwei did not dare to attack, and they all surrounded Li Fan as if they were near enemies.

"Li Fan, grab a Jinyiwei and come here, I want to ask questions!"

Yin Xiaoru said to Li Fan.

"Customer, you have so many demands. I want to add money."

"Hurry up!"

Yin Xiaoru was very anxious, Li Fan took a step forward, and those in front of the Jinyi Guards stepped back.

"A bunch of cowards, what are you running!"

Li Fan reached out and said to a general banner, "You, I ask you something!"

"As a great Jin Yiwei, I will never give in!"

Li Fan kicked himself on a wild goose sword that fell to the ground. The wild goose sword brought out a white light, and wiped it away from the ear of the flag in an instant.

"No, but ... it's time to troubleshoot people ..."

"Ask him where Mr. Jin was detained."

Yin Xiaoru's eyes turned and Li Fan asked.

"My client asked, where did Mr. Jin Lao be held?"

"No, he wasn't locked ... He was sent to the city to see a doctor ... He came back in a few days ..."

Yin Xiaoru was relieved. Sure enough, Zhai Yao's death metamorphosis was stinging her. Even if it is Jin Yiwei, it has no power to kill ordinary people. If you want to hit an ordinary person casually, that's not the housekeeper, but the gangster!

"Okay, let's go."

Li Fan also endured the pain on his body. He was a dart, but he didn't expect to end up in prison and became a jailer! This 50,000 yuan is too much to lose!

If it wasn't for Li Fan's arrogance and suffering from these injuries, he would have returned to the West.

"Stop! No one of you is allowed to leave!"

Now the biggest official title here is a lame household with a lame leg. He knelt there with a knife and roared at Li Fan.

"Hehe, it's funny, I'd like to see who dares stop me."

Li Fan carried Yin Xiaoru and raised his foot and went out. And those Jin Yiwei kept going backwards, afraid to touch Li Fan's mold.

Where is this little bully on the black list, clearly a fierce god!

The lame households knew that from then on, among these rivers and lakes, I was afraid that Li Fan's name would be needed.

"Li Fan, do you think you can escape?"

The hundred households said, "Even if you are a personal person in the future, I am afraid to die here today! This Feihua Town has been clothed by our Jinyiwei and defeated one Zhai, but there are more Jinyiwei waiting for you!"

"You mean those Jinyiwei outside the door?"

Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai came in from the door, and the two of them were carrying the moon-knife, and the knife was stained with blood in red. Holding another Jin Yiwei fainted in the other hand, he tossed it aside.

"It's just a little bit weaker to want to win our extraordinary courier."

Guan Wenbao held up the Yueyue knife, pointed at the hundred households, and said, "Next time, remember to send more masters!"

Li Fan's two generals have smoothed out the Jinyiwei outside. The hundred households were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

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