My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 244: Time to reflect

Chapter 244: Time to Reflect

This is also the case with Yin Xiaoru. For the first time, she feels that these 50,000 yuan are worth the money!

What she said before, this team is so reliable!

"Oh, sleep! You wait for me, sleep!"

Just when Yin Xiaoru just moved, a limp figure ran in. Huang Lei was shabby and had a dagger in his butt.

"Nima, you two are not interesting enough, don't you know I'm injured? They run like donkeys, so fast!"

Huang Lei growled at Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai, "Are you still brothers?"

"Wipe, didn't you get it yourself!"

Yan Kai froze. "Dao Ye is the first person to see a person who poke a dagger on his butt! Are you stupid?"

"You know what, am I not scaring them?"

Huang Lei said earnestly, "Moreover, let's all fight out. If I don't bleed, can I be worthy of my elder brother! Look at my elder brother, it will be three swords and six holes, this is a man's medal!"

"You have a scar on your butt, called your sister's medal!"

Yan Kai rolled his eyes.

"You're called hemorrhoids!"

"Inner heart."

Guan Wenbao also made up a knife, Huang Lei couldn't bear it. "You two, are you going to push me?"


Yin Xiaoru decides to withdraw his thoughts, this team will always be a group of funny!

"The car is coming, too."

Guan Wenbao, in accordance with the rules set by Li Fan, no longer called En Gong, but instead called the dart head. Li Fan felt that it sounded more pleasing to him.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Fan carried Yin Xiaoru and walked outside the courtyard.

The remaining Jin Yiwei did not dare to shoot, after all, Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai stood like two door gods.

"Do you ... really against Jin Yiwei?"

Hundred households knelt there, looking at the two great gods standing in front of the courtyard.

"so what?"

Yan Kai laughed, "This life is full of passion!"

"Men fight!"

Guan Wenbao gazed at the Yueyue Knife, and said boldly.


The remaining Jin Yiwei did not dare to say a word, but these masters who entered the room had such strong ambitions.

It's just the demeanor, these people have the feeling of heroes.

"The car is here."

Li Fan As soon as they left the yard, a familiar van stopped in front of them.

"See you again, are you happy?"

Bai Linluo sat in the driver's seat and squinted at Yin Xiaoru.

"When did you ... get a driver's license ..."

Li Fan groaned and asked.

"I haven't taken it. I learned it with the truck driver before I came out."

Bai Lin smiled awryly, "It's simple ... it's not that difficult."

"You ... slow down ..."

Li Fan felt that life was full of crisis.

"Trust my driving skills!"

Bai Linluo said, took out a notebook from his pocket, and then studied in detail.

"What are you looking at?"

"Note, let's see how the ignition comes."


"Now Jin Yiwei dare not find us."

After Yin Xiaoru was put on the car by Li Fan, he ignored the funny team and said, "If they want to continue to intercept us, they have to find a new thousand households. But the number of thousand households in Jinyiwei is scarce and it is difficult Transfer. I want to find another one. I can't do it for three or five days. "

"That's it. Our mission is complete."

Although Li Fan said so, he did not really relax. He's not in good health right now. If he relaxes, I'm afraid he will be seriously ill and recover for a while. You must take Yin Xiaoru out of Feihua Town to complete the mission!

"Take a good rest."

Yin Xiaoru said to Li Fan, "Thank you along the way."

"Yeah, dart, take a rest."

"Here we are."

When Yan Kai was talking, he still touched his belt with one hand. Li Fan ruled out that he had taken off his pants, so he leaned on the chair and closed his eyes.

He almost sighed and got to where he is now.

Now the car has been handed over to Huang Lei, and he re-opened on the highway. He can be regarded as relieved, and his breath will be relaxed.

Li Fan's vitality automatically protects his body to prevent him from losing too much blood and dying.

And he temporarily lost consciousness, groggy, and his eyes were dark.

This sleep is a long time. When Li Fan opened his eyes again, his vitality had recovered a lot, and his physical condition was a little better. Some shallow wounds have begun to heal, and the remaining blood holes have been sutured.

"Who helped me stitch?"

Li Fan was a little surprised and couldn't help asking.

"It's Miss Yin."

Bai Linluo was sitting next to Li Fan, and beside him was a prepared medical box.

"What about her?"

"Get off the bus."

Bai Linluo said, "Take the Golden Buddha, and said that he went to find the owner of the Golden Buddha."

"Well, it's here with her fate."

Li Fan even felt a little bit reluctant. However, the rivers and lakes are too big, and it is estimated that they will not have the opportunity to meet in the future.

"Brother, you said, will she steal our fifty thousand dollars?"

Huang Lei asked with some suspicion, and Li Fan waved his hand, "No, she also stole it."

Although he had only been in contact for less than two days, Li Fan felt as if he knew Feitiao. Hey, I should talk to her more about merit, if I can learn her merit, I am afraid that my merit will also improve.

"Walking with my elder brother, can I be on that blacklist?"

Huang Lei asked with a smile.

"Stop it!"

Li Fan gave him a blank look, "What are you doing to make me laugh and the wound cracked me! What's more, you think this list is a good thing, will Jinyiwei come to you every day to know how to trouble you? Do you think that you Can you beat Jin Yiwei? "

"That's fine, I'll just be the puppies of the older brother honestly."

Huang Lei thought of those difficult Jin Yiwei, and immediately felt scalp tingling.

"To beat that thousand households today is definitely a fluke."

Li Fan was also a little afraid, "His strength is really higher than me. If I hadn't caught off guard, I'm afraid you won't see me today."

That Zhai Yao's strength is at least close to the peak! If it's not his intention, Li Fan is really not good at defeating this guy with a bad stomach.

"My kung fu is too bad. I need to exercise a bit when I go back."

Li Fan seriously reflected on herself, just as Murong Ying said, and it was on his own whim to set up this dart. But the rivers and lakes are sinister and the masters are numerous. Today, a thousand households have injured themselves like this. In the future, how do they deal with more masters?



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