301 men's hoodie

This small island is not very large. There are several houses on it, which seem to be provided for tourism. The river in city a is very large, and there are many small islands like this above. If the other party does not tell their location, Li Fan will not find it here at about half-time.

Li Fan felt that there seemed to be a huge net invisibly, so he put himself in it.

"Please go to the island, brother."

The boatman leaned the boat to the shore, let Li Fan go ashore, and drove away.

There are rolling rivers all around. By this season, the rivers are cold. If Li Fan wants to leave, he must have a boat. If you work hard, you may fall into the lake if you don't run a hundred meters. And if it is swimming, the rivers in this season are biting, I am afraid that they will freeze to death.

There are limits to how hard you can drift on the water. Running on the water relies on the lightness of the body and the force of inertia when running on the shore, so that people can step a hundred meters above the river. But river water is river water. After all, human weight cannot completely break through the laws of physics. Even if Li Fan used swallowing toads, he could glide up to twice the distance on the river at most. And now they are obviously too far from the land, beyond a kilometer distance. If you want to return to the shore, the answer is three words, impossible.

In the darkness, as if a big hand was grabbing at Li Fan silently, he let his heart sink, no matter what the move was, he followed it all.

The island is covered with dead leaves everywhere. When Li Fan's shoes fell, they would step on a creak sound, as if the leaves were mourning.

The moon also hid quietly behind the dark clouds, giving the island a sense of black pressure, which made people feel a little subconscious. Li Fan took a deep breath and felt that the air at night was cold.

Lei Zi, don't get into trouble!

Li Fan was praying in his heart. Although Huang Lei didn't know any martial arts, sometimes he was particularly unscrupulous, but he followed his brother from the beginning. Among the brothers, there is one truth, that is, they will never give up.

No matter what the price is, Li Fan will rescue Huang Lei!

The moon nodded slightly, and the moonlight shone on the island, illuminating the small houses. These small houses are classic wooden buildings, and they have a very vicissitudes of life. And Li Fan's phone rang. He answered it, and the man in the hoodie sneered.

"It seems Mr. Li is still on time, so I should open the door to meet Mr. Li."

The phone hung up, and a small wooden house lit up a dim light, as if calling Li Fan.

Li Fan's body jumped lightly, and the two took off and landed in front of the cabin. Seems really waiting for Li Fan, the door of the cabin is open, and the lights inside are still so dim.

Li Fan stepped on the wooden steps and walked into the cabin.

Huang Lei was sitting in the cabin, but was bare-backed and tied to the chair with his backhand.

Standing next to him was a man in a hoodie with a mask. The man in a hoodie was sitting on a sofa, playing with a doll in his hand, and putting five rounds of hair on his leg. Li Fan felt that the scene was a bit discordant. A doll and a series of five bursts are not a concept at all! Is this guy a psychopath?

Next to this hoodie man, there were two gunmen also wearing masks. Both of them stood behind Huang Lei, pointing the muzzle at the back of Huang Lei.

As Li Fan walked into the room, a red dot appeared on his neck. Li Fan's heart sank. This time the treatment was good enough, and he even prepared him a sniper.

"Jiang Yang became famous, Mr. Li."

The male in the hoodie did not lift his head, and said slowly, "Although I have heard your rumors all the time, I am still surprised to see me today. Mr. Li is so young, haha."


Li Fan is neither humble nor humble, with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the hoodie man, and said lightly, "I'm here, can I let my brother down first, let's talk about it?"

"Well ... what a deep brotherhood."

The man in the hoodie seemed to sneer, "I admire it, but I can't promise you. Mr. Li's strength, but I'm a thunderclap. Su Chen's position has been thoroughly penetrated by you. It is said that even Guan Wenbao has been detained. You give Malay. And I am just a normal little person. If you want to hit me, I do n’t have much resistance. I am a person who is inherently insecure and needs to insure myself. Row."

When talking, he picked up his five-round hair in his left hand and pressed it on Huang Lei's temple. "Although this person is a personal scum, it is still a bit useful."

"Don't say these nonsense nonsense."

Li Fan's eyes were like a torch, staring at the hoodie man in front of him, "What is the purpose of you calling me?"

"Mr. Li, as a martial arts master, is it not good to get involved in the road?"

The man in the hoodie laughed, "It's not that I want to trouble you. People on the road are not satisfied with you. Someone is paying for it now and calling for your life. I have to make money too. I have to support my family. Mr. Li, Do you understand? "

"Then I can ask, who wants my life?"

"That's not okay. Don't look at me like that, but I'm a trustworthy person."

The man in the hoodie laughed, "Complying with credit, this is my basic professional code. So, it is impossible to leak the news of the employer."

"That's really a shame."

Li Fan sighed, "If you explain, I can spare your life."

The hoodie stared, but at the same time, the sniper rifle had opened.

Li Fan's body moved like lightning, so it disappeared in front of the hoodie man. The hoodie man didn't hesitate, raised five bursts and fired a shot!

"Bang! Bang!"

The first shot came from a sniper rifle, and the bullet hit the ground before Li Fan stopped. In front of Li Fan at this time, there was a dense row of bullets!

The hoodie man was terrible. His judgment was very correct. When Li Fan got out of the way with a spirit monkey, he had already fired!

Although he couldn't keep up with Li Fan, the bullet was fast enough. Li Fan's heartbeat accelerated at that moment. If one is not careful, he will be shot into a hole!

Da Sheng picks the stars!

The time around Li Fan seemed to come to a halt. He reached out with lightning in his hands and grabbed the bullets in front of him!

"how exciting!"

The five consecutive hairs of the hoodie man arrived at Huang Lei's temple again. "But your brother is about to see the king."

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