302 storm

Li Fan's eyes widened.

The hoodie man's fingers are slowly closing! Not that he slowed down on purpose, but in the eyes of Li Fan, everything slowed down!

At that moment, Li Fan even saw Huang Lei's distorted expression because of fear! At such a moment, no one is not afraid! Even if Li Fan himself, his temple was pinned by the muzzle, I'm afraid he would be nervous.

But Li Fan won't let Lei Zi die! He suddenly raised his right hand, and the strength of the swallowing toad started! A strong infuriation erupted in the palm of his hand, and the palm wind was patted on the hoodie man!

Li Fan's applause is not what most people can bear! Ordinary people eat Li Fan's palm, they must be broken! In order to protect his brother, Li Fan can no longer care so much!

The hoodie man's body was blown out, and the wooden wall behind him was heavily broken. The body turned around in the air, but landed on the ground steadily!

At this time, a metal coat appeared on his body, and he did not know when it was put on. The hoodie man moved his arm and made a sound of mechanical movement.

"Yes ... is this Qigong?"

Li Fan stretched out his hands, stunned the two gunmen, and then dragged Huang Lei's chair to a blind spot to avoid being hit by a sniper.

These actions were completed at the same time, Li Fan raised his head and looked at the hoodie man standing outside.

An autumn rain also came, and it fell, and the rain hit the hoodie man.

"This is the single-armor armor developed by the United States."

The hoodie man stood in the rain, looked at Li Fan, and smiled proudly.

The metal armor was grayish-silver, somewhat dark, and raindrops flowed down his armor, reflecting some ice-blue lights on the armor, showing a sense of science and technology. Li Fan noticed that there was a unique logo on his shoulder, and a row of English symbols was printed below: storm

"This single-armor warframe can greatly enhance the combat capability of the individual soldier. In the face of such a powerful scientific and technological force, your qigong is worthless to mention."

The hoodie man seemed very confident in his strength. He stretched out his hand, grabbing a robot arm by a tree next to it. He only exerted a little force, and the tree was directly broken by the palm of his hand.

"See? This is technology. Have you ever heard a line saying that technology is the primary productive force of mankind?"

"Whatever you are, people who move my brother pay a price."

Li Fan adjusted his qi. He let the 36,000 pores on his body start to breathe in, exhale, accelerate the flow of qi in his body, and accelerate his metabolism!

He has never dealt with such a warframe master before, Li Fan must go all out!

His heart is like a V8 engine that is officially running, Li Fan feels a little excited!

He stared tightly at the hoodie man in front of him, not wanting to miss any details.

The sniper was still lurking nearby, and Li Fan kept his blind spot.

"Although I want to play with you, my mission is to kill you."

The hoodie man said, grabbing a tactical shotgun from behind. The tactical shotgun had no magazines in its barrel, and it was stuffed with eight red shotguns. There was a tactical flashlight on the buttstock, which gave a dazzling light in the rainy night.


The hoodie man suddenly hit the flash on Li Fan's face. At that moment, the strong light blinded Li Fan's eyes.


The hoodie man fired a shot at once, the bullet tilted, as if to swallow Li Fan!

Although Li Fan closed his eyes, his hearing was still very sensitive! He heard the sound of these bullets, tore the air, and reached Li Fan!

Li Fan slammed onto the ground, the bullet rubbed his scalp and hit.

Toad hit! Ling Chan flying!

Li Fan's body shot into the air, and the hoodie man fired a shot, hitting the ground where he had just stopped.

Li Fan spun up in the air, he was in the air, and pressed against the ground where the hoodie man was.

Devouring Heaven Toad

The palm wind was released and it was immediately pressed on the hoodie man. The hoodie man didn't seem to be able to completely block it either. He knelt down on the ground, and a huge palm print appeared under him.

This palm print is a full meter square, which is completely formed by Li Fan's true energy!

The palm wind of this palm is enough to crush a person into flesh!

But the hoodie man is only slightly deformed, but he is still intact.

He squatted on the ground and fired three shots at Li Fanlian in the air!

And Li Fan performed a trick in the air and fell to the ground instantly, thus avoiding three rounds of bullets.

But the hoodie's muzzle was already pointed at the ground and a shot was fired.


The shrapnel arrived in front of Li Fan, and his hands stretched out in front of him. The powerful qi was like a protective suit, blocking the shrapnel.

Swallowing toad is Li Fan's most powerful state. In this state, his true energy can be played 200%! At the same time, Li Fan's vitality even reached three times that of ordinary martial arts. His blood accelerated, and his brain was in a state of excitement!

"really weird……"

The hoodie man saw the shrapnel floating in front of Li Fan, as if stuck in an invisible wall, and finally had some surprises. "Can qigong be so strong?"

"There is more interesting, do you want to see?"

Li Fan said, with a bounce in his palm, all the shrapnel in front of him flew out.

The hoodie man reacted quickly, and he immediately hid behind a big tree.


The shrapnel was inlaid deep into the tree. If it hits a person, it is enough to make a person into a sieve!


The hoodie man shot a shotgun and said, "I didn't expect you to still have this kind of combat power, I have to admit it, I look down on you."

"Your dead time has come."

Li Fan took a step back, avoiding the sniper bomb that hit him. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a shrapnel flew out, shooting the sniper from a distance to the ground.

The two shots have allowed Li Fan to find the position of the sniper.

"I have to admit that fighting you is quite interesting."

The hoodie man suddenly appeared from behind the tree and shot him.

Li Fan blocked the shrapnel again, reflected back, and was evaded by the hoodie man leaning on his seat.

"It looks like I'm going to talk to my employer, just a little more."

"Useless, you are not my opponent."

Li Fan said, "Your firearm is useless to me."

Just as Li Fan's words fell, a tear gas bomb suddenly rolled under him.


I got up early today and settled down for my Mustang ~ I have to toss for a long time, I do n’t know what time I can go home, I will change it for the time being ~ I will take the fake ring to drive me out of the car. Thanks to hard work, everyone can pay attention to his new book "Reappearance of Legends". Well, I do n’t need to advertise, after all, the popularity is super high!

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