My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 303: Three moves will lose

Episode 303


The tear gas burst into the smoky smoke, but Li Fan immediately closed the pores around him, then jumped out of the smoke and fell to the top of the wooden house.

But at this moment, Li Fan frowned, and he reached out and grabbed an arrow shot in front of him!

The arrow of the arrow suddenly cracked, and an electrode popped up, hitting Li Fan's shoulder.

This little electrode burst into unbearable power! Li Fan felt that his body seemed to be bitten by thousands of mosquitoes. He fell to his knees with pain, his body continued to tremble, and even drool came from the corner of his mouth.

While the tear gas was gradually dispersed, the hoodie man stood in the rain, holding a compound bow in his hand, and looked at Li Fan above his head.

"It's unexpected."

The hoodie man looked at Li Fan with surprise in his eyes. "The electrodes on this arrow can bring down an elephant. However, you are still standing, incredible."

Li Fan resisted his strong discomfort, stood on the roof, and pulled out the electrode on his shoulder. The sweater had opened its bow and arrow and aimed at Li Fan.

"Let's experiment and see how long you can hold on."

The hoodie male voice has just fallen, shooting three arrows at Li Fan continuously!

These three arrows, if they are usual, Li Fan's great saint picking stars can easily be done. But now Li Fan, very weak, he only caught two arrows, and the third shot into his calf. The arrow was so strong that it just shot through his calf!

Li Fan finally couldn't help kneeling on the roof, but supported his body with one hand.

"Really a warrior, if we are not enemies, I will really brag about you."

The hoodie man couldn't help laughing, "However, I also like to hunt for masters like you."

Then, the hoodie man drew an arrow from an iron box next to it and put it on the compound bow.

Li Fan felt that at this moment, the whole world was slowing down again. It was very quiet around him, as if he could hear the sound of his bleeding.

The weakness in his body filled his body, and the tingling sensation of electric current still remained in Li Fan's body. But I don't know why, Li Fan feels that this current seems to be an energy, which is almost the same as true energy. Li Fan has a strange idea. If he can control the Qi, can he control this current?

As the world slowed down, Li Fan began to control the current that entered the body and let them circulate in the body in their own way.

At this moment, there was also a huge thunderbolt in the sky, as if the night sky was about to be torn in half!

The thunderous thriller penetrates the bone marrow! The hoodie's arrow has been shot, this time headed straight to Li Fan's head! And the blue electric light appeared in Li Fan's eyes, he exhaled, and there was a feeling of electric light flint!

flash! Electricity! deer!

Li Fan supported one hand on the ground, turned over, kicked an electric current on his feet, and kicked the arrow!

Turning the current into his own power, while Li Fan strengthened himself, he also brought himself a terrible load! He endured the tear-like pain in his body, stood on the roof, and looked at the hoodie under him.

"Benlei feet!"

Li Fan's body leaped from the roof, and the power of the whip leg carried the electric current and fell directly to the neck of the hoodie man!


The man in the hoodie threw a bow and arrows, spreading Li Fan's calf with his hands on his side.


The strong current, coupled with Li Fan's kicking power, immediately kicked the hoodie man's body more than three meters away, and his feet made grooves on the ground, and the rain followed.


The hoodie man felt the current on his palm, and his tiger's mouth was numb.

What a terrible man, he can turn the current into his own power!

"It seems that it is impossible to deal with you seriously."

The hoodie said, kicking himself on the iron box next to him. The iron box popped open immediately, the hoodie man reached out, and two sticks popped out of it, fell into his hands, was put together by him, and his hands shook.


Both sides of the stick popped out of the blade, and a double-edged knife appeared in his hand. I don't know how many weapons are in this box, he has always provided the hoodie man with a powerful attack ability.

"The hunt has begun, remember my name, my name is Warhammer."

With that, he bent his knees, and the machinery wrapped around his knees started to operate. The man named Warhammer took a jump and immediately jumped to a height of more than five meters. Like a cannonball, the double-edged knife in his hand spun up and cut towards Li Fan's waist!

Li Fan's body was also a bullet, jumping into the air, avoiding the blade of the Warhammer. And Warhammer turned in the air, palms open to Li Fan.

A compressed hunting net popped from his hand and bloomed in the air, covering Li Fan directly. Li Fan was in midair and had nowhere to hide. But he lifted his right foot high, and then hacked down!

At first glance, it seemed that another lightning had split. This hunting net was split in half directly by Li Fan!

"strong power."

Even with the warhammer in battle, I couldn't help but be a little surprised. For just a short while, the power of the current was used to the fullest by Li Fan, letting himself suffer again and again.

This prey is a bit tricky.

Li Fan appeared again in front of the Warhammer, his body rotated, and the whirlwind leg kicked out again and again, with a blue light!

This is the lightning deer's Ben Lei's foot. Every time he kicks, he carries electric power, which greatly strengthens Li Fan's attack power!

Warhammer took apart his blade and split it into two, constantly resisting Li Fan's Ben Lei's feet. Warhammer still didn't panic, he looked backwards while looking for Li Fan's weakness.

Li Fan saw the purpose of the Warhammer. Although this guy has experienced hundreds of battles, he is a true expert in fighting! Li Fan deliberately sold a flaw, and Warhammer's eyes flickered, thinking that the right time had been captured. He immediately cut it with both hands, and two blades ran over Li Fan's neck!

"Deer Lock!"

Li Fan grabbed Warhammer's wrist with both hands and restrained his attack. At the same time, Li Fan's waist twisted, and his feet continued to pinch his chest!

"Jiulu is flying!"

For a series of nine feet, the armor of the smashed Warhammer sank!

His armor was deformed a bit now, and a sudden burst of energy broke out on the other hand of Warhammer, punching Li Fan's body away.

Li Fan's body rolled over in the air and landed on the ground steadily. He stepped on the ground with one foot, raised the other, and limped in front of him, with thunder and lightning on his feet.

"Is Warhammer, no matter who sent you, I will not show mercy."

Li Fan raised his right hand and stretched out three fingers. "Within three moves, you will lose!"

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