My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 320: Transfer student

320 transfer students

Hastily! This is not the same as saying good!

Didn't Murong Ying say that her sister only stayed at home for two days? Then why did she appear in this place! What must be wrong?

"So pretty ..."

"So cute ... I want to be her boyfriend ..."

The boys' eyes couldn't help being straight, and Murong Ai seemed to be a little shy, bowed his head, and kept messing with his own corners. Your uncle, what's shy to pretend, do you think I don't know what your character is? Now run here again to deceive the ignorant masses!

"Xiao, Xiaoai saw you for the first time ... a little nervous ..."

Murong Ai said timidly, "I hope everyone will not abandon Xiaoai ..."

"No no! We will take good care of Xiao Ai!"

"I can help you learn, I'm the best person in the class!"

As soon as Deng thought something, he booed.

After the collapse of the former principal and the departure of Chang Chunxi, the existence of Deng Siwei has always been awkward. He didn't talk much at all, and only used his grades to express his internal disdain for others. But this time, he could not resist the beauty of Murong Ai, and once again exposed his nature!

Li Fan felt that some inexplicable pressure began to appear in his life.

The life I want is not like this!

Students, don't be fooled by this female demon! Her conscience is really bad!

"Classmate Ai, you look like Director Murong ... the same last name ..."

A girl couldn't help asking.

"I, I didn't want to hide ..."

Murong Ai seemed a little panicked. "Sister said, don't let me tell my identity ..."

Her panic and cute appearance made the boys deeply fascinated, and even the girls felt it hurt.

This girl must have had such a severe sister.

"Really sisters!"

"It really looks like it, but it seems that the chest is a lot worse ..."

"Is it still developing?"

Everyone talked and heard that they were talking about their own small breasts. Murong loved a cold heart, but on the surface they said aggrieved.

"I know ... I'm not as good as my sister ... but don't look down on me ... I will work hard ..."

"No, no, why would everyone look down on you!"

"Little love is also very cute!"

The students around said that even Bai Linluo was a little excited.

"Classmate Ai, how is your English? Would you like me to help you with your English?"

"I wipe!"

Li Fan dragged him, "Isn't your goddess Liao Wushuang?"


Bai Linluo admitted without hesitation.

"Then what do you do to Murong Ai so well?"

"I think Murong Ai is like a little sister. I don't know why. I can't help but want to hurt her more."

Bai Linluo scratched his head. "Maybe it's the unique charm of Murong Ai."

Li Fan scolded in his heart, lying down, this Murong Ai was clearly a nymph! Nothing bad with her! In this way, her classmates should be almost poisoned by her! What to do now, how to save the fallen classmates?

"Student Xiaoai is new here, we all really should take care of you."

Even the teacher was trapped in the forged charm of Murong Ai. She looked at Murong Ai, with a little affection, and said, "Where do you want to sit, choose one yourself."

Oops! Li Fan had a bad feeling in his heart. What's going on with a cold on my back? I feel scared? Suddenly, when I played against those masters, I never felt like this kind of fried hair!

"Thank you, teacher."

Murong Ai couldn't help laughing, and then, her gaze swept left and right in the class, and then fell on Li Fan. At this moment, Li Fan hoped that Murong Ai was blind! But Murong Ai approached him straight, then stopped beside Xiaosi's eyes, and said to Bai Lin Luojiao drippingly.

"This little brother ... can you give me this seat ..."

Li Fan prayed, Bai Linluo, Bai Linluo, you must hold on! You are a man, a man, but you can't just give in!

"Ah, yes!"

Bai Linluo betrayed Li Fan's hope, and he nodded happily. "The position here is really good, the blackboard is very convenient, the teacher is very clear, and the Feng Shui is good. You like it, you sit down."

Fuck you, you sell graves! Li Fan almost wanted to scold Bai Linluo!

"Thank you little brother!"

Murong Ai agreed with joy, and bowed to Bai Linluo like a decent figure.

Li Fan's nose was almost flat and crooked. Nima, where's the man's temper?

"This classmate will take care of each other in the future."

Murong Ai sat next to Li Fan so logically, Li Fan almost hated his teeth!

"Teacher! I request a seat change!"

Li Fan stood up and said loudly.

"What's wrong, Li Fan?"

Ban Ren was stunned. I don't know what kind of demon Li Fan was. Although he has resigned as the chairman of the school's academic committee, he still has the name of a bully in the school. Even the teacher saw him as far as possible to avoid it!

Li Fan, it's like two middle schools and one bully! Fortunately, although Li Fan is not easy to mess with, he never proactively provoked others.

"I don't want to sit with her!"

Li Fan said very directly, "I am used to the same table with Bai Linluo, so I asked to sit with Bai Linluo."

People around looked at Li Fan in surprise. Some people rumored that Li Fan was a homosexual, so he got hemorrhoids. Is it true?

Such a beautiful Murong Ai asked to sit beside Li Fan on his own initiative. I don't know how many people are envious! And Li Fan refused! He turned it down! God, is he a man!

"Woohoo, does classmate Li hate me?"

Murong Ai burst into tears and wiped her tears as if she were sad. Li Fan almost collapsed, this woman, she played this set again! Damn, going on like this is a little bad for yourself!

In the past, Li Fan was a hero in the eyes of the students, but now, because of the appearance of a Murong Ai, he feels that he will almost become a public enemy!

The eyes of everyone around him fell on him, with that kind of hostility and anger!

"If I hate me, I'll go ..."

Murong Ai seems to be standing up, and the surroundings have begun to scold Li Fan!

"Li Fan, you are too much!"

"How can you bully a little girl like this?"

"Li Fan, I misunderstood you. Actually, you are no different from Hua Dehong!"

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