Episode 321


These dog baskets! For a woman, she looked at herself!

Li Fan almost scolded his mother, he had a feeling of vomiting blood! Although Murong Ying was crying there, her eyes clearly showed a kind of slyness and pride!

"Li Fan, they want to sit beside you, but they are not going to eat you, what are you afraid of!"

Even Bai Linluo slapped Li Fan, and Li Fan almost collapsed.

His mother, Murong loves this woman, she is definitely a terrible female monster! As soon as she appeared, she completely subverted her place in the minds of the students! Nima, more than that, even a loyal friend like Bai Linluo has provoked alienation!

this is too scary! It's really scary!

Li Fan has a feeling that he wants to kill Murong Ai immediately, this woman really shouldn't stay! She is alive, maybe a great threat to herself!

This was the cry from Li Fan's heart, and an evil voice sounded in his ear.

Fall in love with Murong, get her pure pussy, **** her up! In this way, you can be unparalleled in the world! Those who despise themselves must kneel in front of themselves!

The voice grew louder and more evil, as if a hand was seducing Li Fan! Who is Hua Dehong? That's a downright asshole! And now that he has been put together with him, this is a great insult to himself!

Li Fan, can you stand this way? Why are you so bullied by these ordinary people? As long as you wave your hand, they can turn into a cold body! Kill chickens and tamarins, others will be afraid of you, afraid of you, and then dare not provoke you! Without teaching them, they will never know how terrible you are!

This sound was like a magic curse, which kept ringing in Li Fan's ears!

Li Fan felt that he saw the whole world start to become blood red, and the appearance of those classmates also became embarrassed, and the most terrible thing was this Murong Ai near her. She turned into a serpent, with a large mouth filled with blood, wrapped around herself Then he spit out his fangs!

"Shut up!"

Li Fan shouted loudly, his voice was full of vitality, and instantly spread to the entire class.

The students suddenly hesitated, and the sound made their ears sore, their eyes darkened, and a cramp in their stomach, and they almost vomited.

They finally remembered that this is called the Little Overlord, which is a school bully!

If he is really angry, who is his opponent here ... Although the charm of beautiful women is great, but now they can no longer care about beautiful women, everyone is silent.

"So, then I'm sitting behind Li Fan ... okay ..."

Murong Ai also saw everyone's fear of Li Fan. If he tried to provoke Li Fan's dignity, I'm afraid it would be counterproductive.

Therefore, Murong Ai took a step back and moved forward.

"Yes, you can sit!"

The boys behind did not hesitate to give up their seats, and the matter seemed to come to an end.

Li Fan asked Bai Linluo to return to his position obediently, and patted his shoulder at the same time, signalling that he just lost his mind.

Bai Linluo is also a smart person. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. He had never been so obsessed with a girl. Even Teacher Liao Wushuang attracted herself because of her profound knowledge and excellent English.

And what attracted himself to this Murong Ai? Bai Linluo couldn't say it, so he felt weird!

There must be something wrong with this Murong Ai!

No wonder there is a reason why Li Fan would reject her so much?

Li Fan holding his arms and sitting in the classroom, the teacher did not dare to look at him more. And Murong Ai sat quietly behind him, afraid to disturb Li Fan, as if he was afraid of Li Fan.

"Li Fan is so scary ..."

"Even the new girl was frightened by him ..."

"It's scary ... it seems he's the new generation of Hua Dehong ..."

There was a lot of talk around and whispers. Although his voice was very low, Li Fan's listening preferences were terrible, all of which were heard by him.

Kill them!

Kill these stupid mortals!

That shout sounded again, as if to pierce Li Fan's brain! But Li Fan simply closed his eyes, complained with both hands, and entered the state of being set in class.

Li Fan did not exercise his power, because once he exercises his power, there will be five clouds of smoke above his head, which is a state of full bloom.

That would be amazing. Li Fan didn't want to be shocking.

He is just adjusting his state to keep the demons from getting into the body!

As a martial artist, you cannot submit to your own demon! Li Fan made a few deep breathing movements to relax his mind. At this time, a cloudy wind appeared, and Li Fan opened his eyes subconsciously.

A dark shadow sat on the table in front of him, and he looked exactly like himself!

However, his eyes were reddish and his entire skin was dark.

"Hahaha, have you seen that everyone around here is so stupid."

The black shadow across looked at Li Fan, with a smile on his mouth.

And the world around them became red and red, everyone's face became very stingy, and fangs were spitting in their mouths.

"These people hate you, even if you've helped them and fought for them."

Hei Ying said to Li Fan, "In this world, there are no heroes, only murderers. Even if you do as much as you can, when you cannot meet their needs, you will become a stranger in their eyes, even an enemy! They It will verbalize you and make you worthless, thus showing their strength. Is it really worth giving yourself to these people? "

"It's my choice."

Li Fan didn't say anything, he only needed an idea, and the shadow of the other side knew what he was thinking.

"Flayer, you can't control me!"

"Are you willing to be controlled by these people?"

Suddenly, the demons appeared beside Li Fan, sat there instead of Xiaobai, and smiled at Li Fan. "You can become very powerful, oh ... as long as you are willing to listen to your inner voice, no one is Your opponent! "

"I can be stronger without you!"

"No, you have to rely on me!"

"Dream ..."

Li Fan folded his hands and cleared his own spiritual platform. He remembered the way the old monk was settled, so as to clear his demon.

"Even if you suppress me, you can't change your heart!"

The demons roared, "Listen to me! I am you, and you will become stronger!"

Li Fan was meditating in the Heart Sutra, the relics are not different, empty, and empty is not different, color is empty, and empty is color ...

The demon screamed and slowly disappeared in front of Li Fan.

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