My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 342: Serial meter

342 serial meter

Sun Desheng didn't say anything, he couldn't mess with it.

Sun Desheng went to bed and began to pretend to sleep. But he squinted and watched the murderous bald head.

This bald was very patient, he continued to hold his toothbrush to create his sharp weapon!

Sun Desheng murmured, who is this bald head for?

Everyone in this cell, Sun Desheng, knew a little bit, and no one seemed to provoke anyone who shouldn't. But he thought for a while that there really was one. That is the little brother who just arrived!

What did this little brother commit? He should have provoked this guy who shouldn't be provoked!

I hope he has his own sky!

As the discipline went further, the bald head finally moved. He slowly got up, hid his toothbrush in his sleeve, and walked towards Li Fan slowly.

Sun Desheng's heart was tight, and sure enough, he was heading for the new brother!

This bald head seemed to have treated Li Fan as his prey, walking silently, and thus came behind Li Fan. He raised his palm and poked hard at Li Fan's back! If this is true, Li Fan will surely die!

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly moved. Although he closed his eyes, he seemed to have opened his eyes in the back of his head, raised his hand directly, and grabbed the bald wrist.

"It seems that even after hell, some people will follow me."

Li Fan's eyes still did not open, but with a faint smile on his lips, "I don't know if I should be happy or sad."

"Boy, die!"

The other hand of the bald head grabbed Li Fan's wrist and wanted to break Li Fan's hand! But what kind of strength is Li Fan? Although he is in jail, his effort has not fallen! His arm was like an iron strike, and the bald head froze, but there was no movement!

"Unknown rat, lie down!"

Li Fan's arm shook, he just pulled the huge body of this bald head, and lifted him from his head, and threw it directly on the ground in front of him!


The bald head fell a dog to eat shit, but he supported his hands on the ground, rolled over, and got up again, glaring at Li Fan.

Damn employer, why didn't he say this kid is so good! Although he has reincarnation several times on the African battlefield, he has a lot of experience. But the opposite boy was obviously not one level with himself. He seemed to have heard that in his hometown Huaxia, there was such a group of powerful masters named Wudoujia! The top master among them is called martial arts!

I don't have any weapons in this prison. It seems a bit difficult to fight against a martial arts!

"Say, who sent you here?"

Li Fan was not shocked or confused, so he sat there and asked about the bald head kneeling there.

Bald a little unwilling, he held the toothbrush backhand, and rushed towards Li Fan again. But when he just arrived in front of Li Fan, Li Fan just raised his palm and took a picture of the bald face.

The bald felt the danger, and stopped his steps subconsciously.

A gust of wind blows the bald head crooked and squinting, and my heart is shaking!

By the palm of the hand, he scared himself ... this boy ... he was not an opponent at all!

"Your employer sent you into the fire pit. Do you want to keep a secret for him?"

Li Fan asked again.

Bald bit his silver tooth, and finally took two steps back, sitting on Sun Desheng's bed with one buttock, scaring Sun Desheng almost to jump up.

Nima, these two big brothers can't bother themselves, don't affect yourself!

"The person who hired me was Fu Fan."

The bald said, "He bought you and you must die."

"But you can't kill me."

Li Fan looked at the bald head lightly, "Why would Fu Fan let you come?"

"My nickname is the killing machine."

The bald head was very unwilling, "If you are out and give me enough equipment, I can kill you!"

"It's hard to say."

Li Fan shrugged. "But Fu Fan is indeed a mistake to find you. He has made several mistakes in a row."

"It's not my responsibility ... Anyway, I'm already a prisoner of death, and I just plan to make some money for my family before I leave. Now it seems unlikely."

The bald smirked, "I ran a few times on the battlefield to escape, but in the end I didn't expect to come back and kill the individual, but fell into the hands of the mainland police. Nothing, this is just begging for food, and that's about it for today! Brothers, wait for me, here I am. "

After that, the buddies clasped their heads with their hands, their eyes almost burst out, and they just twisted.

Click it!

This big brother even broke his head! Clean and neat, never hesitated!

Li Fan was startled, and Sun Desheng was also scared.

He hasn't seen anyone before, and it's the first time he can cut off his head!

This bald head seemed to have been ruthless and broke himself in prison.

Li Fan jumped out of bed and walked to Sun Desheng's side, reaching out his breath to feel the bald head.

"Little, little brother ... is he really dead?"

"Well, deadly."

Li Fan nodded. "This man is really fierce. If it weren't for my self-defense, it is probably me who is lying here now."

Sun Desheng rolled his eyes secretly, and said to his heart that your little self-defense effort?

"Why don't you sleep at midnight?"

Discipline happened to come over and saw someone here didn't sleep and immediately scolded.

"Discipline, he killed this man!"

A prisoner suddenly stood up and testified against Li Fan!

Li Fan suddenly understood that Nima, really a deep routine!

Discipline was taken aback, he called a few policemen, came in and saw, this man really broke his breath.

"Broken neck by someone stiff, so ruthless."

The young policeman was also among them, and he handcuffed Li Fan again. "It's not old enough, but it's poisonous! This time, everyone has gained money, and you still see how you can deny it!"

Li Fan completely served, Fu Fan, Fu Fan, I really despise you! One buckle and three rings, you're deep enough!

Li Fan clenched his fists secretly, and the young policeman scolded him.

"Be honest, do you still want to attack the police?"

"In China, there is no attack on the police, only public security is disrupted."

Li Fan glanced at the young policeman. "I said, you have watched too many TV shows."

"Less nonsense! Killing people is so arrogant!"

"With so many cameras here, he should know who killed them."

"Today ’s machine room repair, the cameras have failed!"

Discipline hurriedly report.

Li Fan muttered in his heart, this Nima is definitely not a coincidence. It seems that Fu Fan has some eyes and eyes in prison!

When you let it go, you won't die Fu Fan, you will not be named Li!

"Stop it! Lock him up first!"

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