My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 343: I want to join

Chapter 343: I want to join

In a small room where he could not see the light, Li Fan did not know how long he had been locked up. Here, it seems that time has lost its concept. Li Fan could only run his internal skills silently, allowing him to do something. To Li Fan, he seemed to be in another world. If he is not allowed to practice, he may go crazy.

But during this time, Li Fan felt that his Buddhism had improved. In such a place, enlightenment on Buddha seems to be able to save Li Fan's heart. This place is very narrow, Li Fan can't even sit down, it feels like abuse. He could only stand there, folded his hands, and kept the status of ape-faced Buddha.

If it is normal, Li Fan has no way to maintain a super posture for too long. After all, this posture consumes a lot of internal power and mental energy. But in this place, Li Fan was able to calm down and devote himself to cultivation. Although this place is a bit boring, I have to say that it is very safe. So Li Fan can reach a state of mind and mind for the first time without worrying about others!

Li Fan entered the inner view and watched the movement of Dan Tian in his body. Soon, he entered the world of Lingtai from inside. He felt that there was a vast sea around him, and a golden Buddha was sitting in the midst of the clouds, the light was shining. Li Fan folded his hands and sat across from the giant Buddha, as if enlightening Buddhism under him.

For this repair, I don't know how long it took.

When the young policeman and a disciplinarian arrived before the little black house, he was still a little worried.

"He hasn't entered for three days, can he survive it?"

"It seems like he's in a good state of mind, he just ignores anyone."

Discipline said, "Even if you don't eat a bite, even if you hit the iron, it will definitely not work like this."

"Don't he think the hunger strike will not work ... open the door."

The young policeman ordered the police to open the door of the small black room. The young policeman thought that he would see a dying young man. Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, the teenager inside was still energetic and opened his eyes.

Those eyes seemed to have golden light, and the young policeman was stunned for a moment.

The disciplinary next to him also froze, looking at Li Fan's eyes, in the blink of an eye, there seemed to be a sense of awe.

But the young policeman woke up and whispered, "Li Fan, come out, someone wants to see you!"

"Are guests coming?"

Li Fan is also full of confidence, he can't see the appearance of water and rice for a few days, it seems more spiritual than himself!

"Then work hard, take me on a trip."

Li Fan also spoke politely, making the young policeman feel as if he was the host here, not a suspect!

"Please, please ..."

Even if the young policemen were more aggressive, at this moment, the attitude did not know why they became respectful.

This is ... Is it fascinated? The young policeman didn't quite understand.

He shook his head and sent Li Fan to a reception room with the discipline.

A man in a suit was already sitting there, looking at Li Fan, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This friend looks familiar."

After Li Fan sat down, the two policemen went out, but stood at the door.

"Of course it looks familiar. We met before at the hospital."

The opposite man said so, Li Fan immediately understood it!

"Oh, you're the doctor! But what did the doctor come to see me?"

Li Fan was slightly puzzled.

"Sorry, I also work as a lawyer."

The man said, handing over a bronzing business card.

Li Fan took a look, and sure enough, it said, "Professional lawsuits, loans, debts, and medical management services. Business manager: Ling Tian."

Li Fan felt a black line on his forehead.

"I have a lot of part-time jobs, sorry."

Ling Tian said with a smile, "Now I'll take care of the lawsuit for you, just call me Mr. Ling."

"Who invited you for me?"

Li Fanxin said that this is how to hire such an unreliable lawyer for himself, so many part-time jobs, how do you look like a social bastard!

"No one asked me. I got the news myself and came here."

Ling Tian sorted out some documents in his hand. "In this regard, I still have some news channels."

"There is no free lunch."

Li Fan had handcuffs on his wrists, and he sat there, staring coldly at the Ling Tian who was brought to the door, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"It really isn't."

Ling Tian nodded, "I'm investing! I myself, like to do some venture capital, this is a hobby, pure hobby."


Li Fan feels this Lingtian is getting more and more unreadable!

"Yes, you are the target of my investment!"

Ling Tian nodded. "When I first saw you, I thought you were not very ordinary. So I investigated you and probably knew what you were doing now. Li Fan, this time you have been Everyone got a pit and went to jail. If no one protects you, you are really hard to come out. Now Liu Yanan is hard to protect himself, and your fiancee ca n’t get involved in politics. Only I can protect you Come out everywhere! "

Ling Tian's eyes flashed with confidence.

"You seem to know me well."

Li Fan's eyes became colder.

"I said, I want to invest in you. I, as a person, will have a comprehensive understanding of the assets to be invested. Li Fan, you can decide for yourself. Now I can help you."

"Okay, then you talk about it, why do you invest in me?"

Li Fan asked.

"Of course it benefits you."

Ling Tian said without hesitation, "No matter what you're doing, I'm going to share it. Afterwards, I will pay 10%. How about it, I am not greedy?"

"How can you be sure to fish me out and make money from me?"

"I'm pretty confident in VCs."

Ling Tian has always maintained his superhuman confidence. "And you need a person like me beside me. I have a lawyer's card and is very professional. I can serve as your legal adviser."

Ling Tian's words made Li Fan tempted.

This man does seem to be multi-talented, and if he can really get himself out, it proves that he is a personal talent.

In the early days of his own business, it was natural to be thirsty for talent.

"I have to wait a few days?"

"Three days."

Ling Tian stretched out three fingers. "As long as three days, I can help you get everything done."

"Ok, then I'll give you three days."

Li Fan nodded. "After three days, I will leave this ghost place."

"Relax, leave it to me."

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