My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 345: Election Boss

345 Election Boss

Fu Fan is now a little bit proud of the spring breeze. He will soon force the palace to succeed, and he will become the helper of the Red Dragon Society.

Although Yu Wei, the former old gang leader Liu Shanlong, is still there, too many people are dissatisfied with Liu Yannan. Once this woman came up, she has been changing the pattern of Chilong Society, and has moved the interests of many elderly people! She wants to reform the Red Dragon Club, and wants to get rid of the cooperation with the Vanguard and the Huangyi regiment, then more elderly people will be dissatisfied!

Liu Yanan was kicked off the stage, which is already a matter of course.

At this time, Fu Fan and a group of elders of the Red Dragon Society were sitting in their meeting hall. Although Liu Yanan was sitting in the top position, her face was not very good-looking.

She hadn't expected that Fu Fan would do it so soon.

"Miss Liu, you have also seen that the Presbyterian Church almost completely disapproves of your continued reelection."

Fu Fan drew a cigar and looked at Liu Yannan with a smile. "You have made Chilong more and more weakened. If you continue to do this, I am afraid we will leave the stage in city A!"

"Fu Fan, some industries of Chilong Club are a little tight now, but they are only temporary. As long as we survive this time, no one in city A can compare with us."

"Offended both the Vanguard and the Huangyi regiment. Is this your way?"

"If you want to develop, you must sever all relationships with them!"

Liu Yanan has the guts of a true king, "The Red Dragon will not need to rely on anyone. Otherwise, we will always be restrained by them!"

"Come on, this is just your wishful thinking. Chilong will not be yours alone, nor your Liu family. This is the fruit of all our hard work!"

Fu Fan patted the table. "You have to step down today. No one is supporting you, Liu Yanan!"

He exclaimed, "Elders, you are all watching this gang grow up! If you believe me, Fu Fan, vote for me! I will definitely lead the Red Dragon Club to the top position!"

"Fu Fan, you are really ambitious."

Liu Yannan frowned, looking at Fu Fan in front of him, this person almost watched him grow up. He took himself to amusement parks, to go boating, to fly kites.

But now, he can't stop his expanding ambitions, he wants to usurp power.

Power can change a person's heart or make him forget all feelings.

"Not my ambition is small, but you forget our ambition."

Fu Fan sighed, "Liu Yannan, anyway, you are also my niece who grew up looking at me. Although we have no blood relationship, sometimes I feel like you are my child. But as a veteran, I also want to care for the whole The dragon will be responsible. I can't spoil you and let you gamble with all of us. "

"You can't be a helper."

Liu Yanan glanced at Fu Fan a bit indifferently, "I won't allow it."

"What's the use of it, you don't have a voice right now.

Fu Fan's voice rose eight degrees again. "This is the Presbyterian Church. I dare to ask your respected elders. Is there anyone other than Liu Yannan who opposes me as the Lord?

No one said anything, all this seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Liu Yannan felt as if he had lost all his strength. Every elder here was his uncle, uncle, and they all watched him grow up. But now they have betrayed themselves.

Strength was losing, and Liu Yannan felt a little dark before his eyes. This feeling of being out of control really made her uncomfortable. Almost instantly, it seemed like everything had changed.

Have you given up ... Looking at Fu Fan's smiling face, Liu Yannan was really uncomfortable.

"See? Now, I'm the best person to help the owner."

Fu Fan said with a smile, "No one can stop me ..."

Before he finished speaking, the glass on the sixth floor was suddenly broken! A black figure rolled in from outside, with broken glass, tumbling around a long conference table, and then squatted there, looking at Fu Fan with a smile.

Everyone froze. I didn't expect anyone to jump in through the window on the sixth floor.

This is the sixth floor!

Fu Fan hadn't responded yet, the figure had moved, and he took off the tie directly from the neck of an elder beside him, and wrapped it around Fu Fan's neck.

He took Fu Fan's neck, jumped upstairs again, and tied his tie to the top of the window.

Fu Fan was hung directly from the window, and the figure jumped from the sixth floor, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Fu Fan, he had been strangled, and his tongue was hanging from the window.

The man who has just become the dragon will help the master, and now he has become a hanged ghost. And the people at the scene did not even respond!

Even Liu Yannan was there, and for a long time he didn't think about what was going on.

It was not others who killed Fu Fan, but Li Fan in disguise. He jumped down from the sixth floor, landed lightly on the roof of that Swift, and then jumped in from the window.

Xiao Yuyan gave out a dull engine roar, and then ran like a hurry on the road. It was a small steel cannon under the sun!

The car veered fiercely and ran on the road because the car was small and was very flexible.

After about two hours, Li Fancai and Ling Tian walked out of the previous bar. Li Fan shook his head and seemed to drink a bit.

Li Fan got into the car and called Liu Yannan.

Liu Yanan was surprised when he received the phone call, "Li Fan, are you out?"

"Well, a friend took me out."

Li Fan scolded very uncomfortably, "Fu Fan, this dog thing, actually framed me. Liu Yannan, find an opportunity, and teach him!"


Liu Min Nan paused, "He is dead."

"Grass, why did you die?"


Liu Yingnan seemed hesitant, then said, "See you in the evening, come to Su Chen's place."

"Give me the wind and dust, OK."

"Eight at eight in the evening."

Liu Yanan should have something to deal with, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Is Miss Liu asking you to meet tonight?"

Ling Tian asked while driving.

"You guessed it?"

"She guessed it."

Ling Tian shrugged. "This woman can't be a helper of the Chilong Society. She should have guessed that you did it."

"Aren't we seamless?"

"A woman's intuition. As soon as you come out, Fu Fan is dead. The government department tells evidence, but she doesn't need any evidence."

Ling Tian reminded Li Fan, "But starting today, you should be officially on the government's blacklist. In the future, there will be countless pairs of eyes staring at you. Be careful about everything."

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