My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 346: Peerless skill

Chapter 346: Peerless Skill

At night, the city A is still full moon, everything seems no different, it is a quiet night. For a city near the cold zone, the cold always comes too early. Unlike those bright southern cities, City A lacks sufficient nightlife at night. Many businesses close their doors early at ninety o'clock in the night.

At eight o'clock, Li Fan was already sitting on Su Chen's cruise ship and met Liu Yannan.

This place should be Su Chen's office, but Su Chen was kicked out. It was a large, luxurious place. There were only three people, Li Fan and Liu Yannan, and Ling Tian.

Liu Yanan sat on the boss chair, slightly tilting Erlang's legs. Her dress today is exactly the same as when Li Fan saw her for the first time, all in a denim suit, with beautiful pony boots and a cowboy hat.

This surprised Li Fan a bit, because Liu Yannan hardly wore the same clothes. Every time she appeared, she was in different clothes. Even Murong Ying often wears cheongsam repeatedly, but Liu Yannan seems to have a clothes warehouse, it is estimated that she wears one and throws one.

"I remember talking about it alone."

Liu Yanan's eyes fell on Ling Tian's body. "Why is there still a guy he doesn't know?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Liu, Tang suddenly."

Ling Tian handed a business card with both hands, "I'm Li Fan's legal adviser, please advise."

Li Fan glanced at the gold-plated business card and found that it had become the post of "Extraordinary Courier Legal Advisor". This guy ... as if everything was prepared in advance!

"Have you hired a legal adviser?"

Liu Yannan looked at Ling Tian a few more times, and seemed to want to see what flaws in him. But Ling Tian had a professional smile on his face, without any loopholes.

"Yes, and it was he who secured me out of the detention center."

Li Fan said, "It is a personal talent."

"People stay with you, they are basically insufficient."

Liu Yanan hooked his fingers at Ling Tian, ​​"It's better to come to me, I will give you ten times the salary."

"Wipe, why are you a virtuous person with Yang Ruining, and you like to use money to smash people?"

"Oh? Is it necessary to answer this question?"

Liu Yannan laughed, "Of course, because we are all rich."


Li Fan is very speechless. This answer seems to be seamless. I wipe it!

"Rich people are amazing, do no friends know about chatting like this?"

"I'm not asking you, I'm asking you legal counsel."

It is definitely not easy to get Li Fan out of Fu Fan's trap. Now Chilong will need talents for development. With talents, it is possible for them to kick Yang Ruining behind them!

"Sorry, Miss Liu, I like challenges and adventures."

However, Ling Tian refused Liu Yannan's invitation. "Miss Liu ... Although there are some challenges, it is far worse than being with Li Fan. Miss Liu is assured that this city is now three minutes away. If you want a big family It is not impossible. As long as you cooperate with us, we will be your help. "

"That's great ... begin to work for you now."

Liu Yannan's words had envy, "Li Fan, Li Fan, I really convinced you, where did you get such a treasure?"

"God gave it to me."

Li Fan felt it was luck to meet Ling Tian, ​​but he did not use this to stimulate Liu Yannan.

"Okay, then I don't want to force it. What Liu Yannan doesn't like the most is to force others to do things."

Li Fan wanted to take a sip, but he held back.

"Say, what is the purpose of your finding me?"

Li Fan decided to enter the subject, after all, he hadn't returned home to take a look after he returned. So pretty a fiancee and a little aunt waiting for herself at home. As for Tie Zhu ... Li Fan ignored it automatically.

"No one else here ... you honestly told him that you killed him?"

Liu Yanan, who he meant, she believed Li Fan understood.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Li Fan blinked and looked at Liu Yannan in wonder, "Who is this?"

"Are you hiding with me, too?"

Liu Yanan was a little bit upset, "It's too much of you!"

"You can't say that."

Li Fan smiled hesitantly, "I don't believe it, you'll be nothing to hide from me."

"You don't want to say it."

Liu Yannan rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Fu Fan's hanging this time is also a great help to me."

"It's good if you're happy. If it's just to talk about it, then I should go back."

Li Fan is also short of time. He has to go back and report to his family.

"Nothing else, just to inform you that our plan is almost implemented."

Liu Yannan told Li Fan, "We have almost cracked the map a few days ago, but recently I have a lot of things to deal with. You also know that I have sent some trouble. If I don't handle it properly, I can't start.

"Okay, then I'll prepare it soon."

"Well ... this is for you."

Liu Yingnan said and took out a picture.

Seeing this picture, Li Fan was slightly surprised.

Because this picture is a monk-like picture, he sat there with his legs crossed, his hands folded, and many clear meridians on his body. There seems to be traces of the flow of Qi in these meridians.

The layman may not understand, but the layman is knowledgeable! Li Fan saw it at a glance. This thing is a real-life map!

"Where is this thing ...?"

"This is one of the gains from cracking the Chuanyu Jade Seal. Except for the map, this is the picture. Anyway, I don't understand, I think you should understand."

Li Fan certainly understood, but he was very shocked. Because the infuriating operation above is completely anti-human!

Although Li Fan hadn't learned other internal skills, he still referred to Murong Ying's martial arts decision. Compared with his seven chivalrous spirits, Murong Ying's Valkyrie is more overbearing and more direct! But no matter what internal work, the method of operation is clockwise!

And the picture on this picture, the way of running power is counterclockwise! Applying this retrogradely, the internal force will certainly not control the collapse, and then tear the body!

Is this thing true ... Will it not be Liu Yannan who ruined himself?

Or, after this figure was researched, it was actually reversed? But Li Fan immediately overthrew this idea, because the acupuncture points above are the same as the normal human body sequence, so the picture is not reversed, but the true Qi is indeed retrograde!

"How about, can this thing be practiced? Is it a marvelous skill?"

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